Project sylphed the Square-enix game was crap!

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Project sylphed the Square-enix game was crap! - Sep 23, 2006 00:25
Dead Rising scored a 9, 8, 9, 9 from Famitsu, which seems adequate. It was the female reviewer who gave it the 8, if you must know. The reviews can basically be summed up as " Killing zombies is fun" and " The first great game for the Xbox 360" .

Project Sylpheed scored 6, 8, 7, 8, which is a tiny bit low for a game released by Square-Enix. Normally, Famitsu reviews don' t include a single negative comment unless the score is beneath an 8. In the case of Sylpheed, only the 6 features a negative comment: that you spend more time customizing your ship than you do fighting, sometimes, and you don' t get to really fall into a groove of flying and shooting. Sounds almost like an RPG.

Okay mayby " crap is the wrong word since it got 7.5/10.

But i knew S-E wouldn' t be serious,damn them.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 22 Sep 06 16:25:56 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Chee Saw
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RE: Project sylphed the Square-enix game was crap! - Sep 23, 2006 08:19
I thought the trailer looked pretty sweet, and when was the last time we had a space combat game on a console that was well done?

I' m interested (fukk Famitsu!)

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RE: Project sylphed the Square-enix game was crap! - Sep 23, 2006 18:10
Fukk square-enix yeah thats righ!!!

fukking sony fanboys biatches,fukk them all

oh,Sakaguchi ftw!!!
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Project sylphed the Square-enix game was crap! - Sep 28, 2006 00:54
The game will be in my greedy little paws in just a few days (possibly Friday), I can' t wait .. I didn' t like the PS2 game very much, hopefully this is way better..
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Project sylphed the Square-enix game was crap! - Sep 28, 2006 01:24
Silpheed rocked hardcore on the Sega CD. It had cussing so it was great. I hear it sucked ass (or " sukked ass" for Queasy Colon) on the PS2. Now they have another Silpheed coming?

That Dead Rising review is perfectly accurate. Not everyone will think it is great so I can understand why it got an 8, which is still a good score.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 27 Sep 06 17:25:07 >