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If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 14, 2004 13:20
Mine would be 1. Halo 2 2. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3. Grand Turismo 4 4. GTA: San Andreas 5. WWE Smackdown vs Raw My fifth choice was between Doom 3, Half-Life 2, and WWE Smackdown vs Raw, but WWE Smackdown vs Raw was just chosen.
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 14, 2004 13:41
Halo 2 DOA Ultimate SNK vs Capcom: Chaos Fable Killzone Out of the five I have a pretty good feeling about the top three, but Fable and Killzone I feel will let me down in some way or another.
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 14, 2004 14:03
1. halo 2 2. fable 3. doa ultimate 4. metal gear solid 3 5. half-life 2 I would have put shenmue 3 and moto gp 3, but they are to far off.
Mass X
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 14, 2004 14:15
1. Halo 2 (seems to be a popular pick) 2. Far Cry:Instincts 3. Battlefield:Modern Combat 4. Fable 5. Def Jam: Fight for NY Unless GTA:SA isnt just PS2 exclusive by the end of the year. Cuz I dont have a PS2[:' (]
< Message edited by Mass X -- 6/14/2004 2:15:52 PM >
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 14, 2004 15:07
Star Ocean 3 Gran Turismo 4 Halo 2 Suikoden IV Devil May Cry 3 Fable Yeah, so that' s 6. Sue me.
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 14, 2004 15:17
Halo 2 Fable Doom III GTA: SA GT4 And I really hate to be the realist here, but don' t count on Half Life 2 this year all you guys that listed it.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 14, 2004 16:57
Gran Turismo 4 GTA: San Andreas Halo 2 Devil May Cry 2 Viewtiful Joe or Viewtiful Joe 2 (PS2 versions)
Terry Bogard
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 14, 2004 17:09
1. Outrun 2 2. Virtua Fighter Cyber Generations (Virtua Quest) 3. Viewtiful Joe 2 4. Sega SuperStars 5. Blood Will Tell OR Time Crisis: Crisis Zone
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 14, 2004 18:29
Metal Gear Solid 3 Killzone GTA:SA Battlefield: Modern Combat Halo 2(if I had an xbox)
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 14, 2004 18:32
metroid prime 2 ( if it does come out this year) halo 2 mgs 3 killzone viewtiful joe 2
A fate brings its will back to the original place and awakens the first conscience engraved on the deep valley of memory. This is what drives Ikaruga...
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 14, 2004 21:01
Halo 2 World Of Warcraft Doom 3 Matrix Online Final Fantasy 12
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 14, 2004 21:49
Lanair: FF XII has a tentative release date of 12/31/05. So tentative or not, it certainly isn' t coming this fall.
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 14, 2004 22:27
Halo 2 Fable Sudeki Star Wars republic commando(comthign liek that) GT4(for psp)
Russian Mobster
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 15, 2004 15:24
HALO 2 Far Cry Instincs Splinter Cell 3(XBOX) BC(hopefully it will come out this year) Conker Live and Reloaded
XBL Gamertag:RUSSIAN mobster XBL Games:Splinter Cell:PT,PGR2,Mech Assault, Crimson Skies, MM3, DDR, Rainbow Six 3, Unreal Championship, NFL2k3, Moto GP, Tetris,RalliSport Challenge 2,HALO 2.
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 17, 2004 17:55
1. Fable 2. Halo2 3. BC 4. The Third Age (man, I hope this rpg doesn' t disappoint). 5. GTA:SA
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 17, 2004 18:10
1. Halo 2 2. Fable 3. Battlefield: Modern Combat 4. Jade Empire 5. StarWars Battlefront
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 23, 2004 13:38
Halo 2 Half-Life 2 F.E.A.R. Fable Metal Gear Solid 3
Joe Redifer
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 23, 2004 18:01
I' ll be surprised if I even get 5 games at all this fall.
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 23, 2004 22:55
Suikoden IV Paper Mario 2 Outrun 2 Pro Evolution Soccer 4 Football Manager 2005
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 25, 2004 20:57
Baten Kaitos Final Fantasy 12 Star Ocean 3 Devil May Cry 3 Half-Life 2
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 28, 2004 02:03
Oooohhhh... what a toughie. 1. Super Mario Sunshine. 2. Star Fox Adventures. 3. Sega Smash Pack. (GBA) 4. Sonic Adventure 2: Battle. (Gamecube) 5. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga.
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jun 30, 2004 01:06
1. Halo 2 2. Metroid Prime 2: Echoes 3. Mortal Kombat Deception 4. WWE Day of Reckoning 5. Devil May Cry 3
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jul 01, 2004 00:03
In no particular order: 1. Outrun 2 2. Viewtiful Joe 2 3. Virtua Fighter Cyber Generations (Virtua Quest) 4. Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat 5. Boktai 2. If I could have a couple more they would be Halo2 & Sega Superstars
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jul 06, 2004 03:34
[  Halo 2 (seems like alot of u like Xbox  Fable  Sudeki  Mech Assault 2 ??  Brute Force
Games I want: Starcraft: Ghost (went to gamestop and saw it on the shelf labeled " coming soon, reserve your copy today" Halo 2
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jul 06, 2004 08:40
In this order: 1. Half Life 2 2. Doom 3. 3. Halo 2. 4. The Sims 2. 5. Ninja Gaiden.
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jul 06, 2004 16:34
Brute Force...ewwww, lol... Anyways here' s my list: Halo 2 Half Life 2 Doom 3 Madden 2005 Fable
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Jul 06, 2004 18:16
Brute Force...ewwww, lol... why? what' s bad about it? u dont think i should buy it?
Games I want: Starcraft: Ghost (went to gamestop and saw it on the shelf labeled " coming soon, reserve your copy today" Halo 2
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Aug 06, 2004 06:41
Mine would have to be... 1.Killzone 2.MGS3 3.Shellshock:Nam' 67 4.Resident Evil 4 5.Dont know
Joe Redifer
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Aug 06, 2004 07:30
Outrun 2 Gradius 5 One of them Sega Classics games for the PS2 maybe... preferably Phantasy Star Halo 2 (maybe) Resident Evil 4 (please provide a " push where you want to go" method of control as an option! PLEASE! I' ll buy it anyway, but that option would increase the game' s enjoyability factor.)
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Aug 06, 2004 11:24
Theres more than 5 games I' m after this fall, but if I can afford them or not is a different matter :S Fable GTA: San Andreas Halo 2 WWE Smackdown vs. Raw Metal Gear Solid 3
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Aug 06, 2004 14:27
Hmm tough one, Outrun 2 Halo 2 Gradius 5 Star Wars Battlefront Burnout 3 Just the tip of the Iceberg
The flat shaded polygons are much more rounded here...
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Aug 08, 2004 16:17
1) Half life 2 2) Battle for middle earth 3) Doom3 4) Halo 3 5) killzone ( because its hyped beyond reason, and im an idiot )
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RE: If you could only get five games this fall, what would they be?
Aug 09, 2004 19:23
> outrun 2 > fable > outrun (sega ages ps2 version, if it gets a pal release) > gran turismo 4 > halo 2 oh, the list is in no order, but as soon as outrun 2 hits the street' s, ill be there !