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New FF13 in-game picture!
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RE: New FF13 in-game picture!
Sep 22, 2006 20:46
' ATB Cost' ? I' m assuming they' ve gelled the ATB with the ' MP' so to speak. I think I can see how this goes. The bar constantly refills, commands have different costs, biggest ones naturally you need to wait for the bar to refill... Trivia: From the screen - Attack uses 30, V Strike 50, level 1 elemental spells use 40 each, and she' s got another ' Aerial move' at the top of the chain for 80. And her ATB maxes out at 830, and there' s a chain of commands for 5 slots, 2 unfilled and the others with V Strike (highlighted orange, guess that' s the move in the screenie) and two attacks onwards. Funny thing...I THINK I can see how this whole thing works...for a single player. Think it' ll be AI/Gambit controlled party members? Looks like it' s complicated as it is to control one character, and it looks like a manic battle system; can' t imagine how to manage more than 3 =/
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RE: New FF13 in-game picture!
Sep 22, 2006 20:51
ORIGINAL: Byakko Think it' ll be AI/Gambit controlled party members? Looks like it' s complicated as it is to control one character, and it looks like a manic battle system; can' t imagine how to manage more than 3 =/ Let me sum that up for you - Mess **Goes home**
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RE: New FF13 in-game picture!
Sep 22, 2006 20:55
Byakko - nice ideas , seems cool (ATB thing)
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: New FF13 in-game picture!
Sep 22, 2006 20:55
After watching my friend play Dirge of Cerebus...I wonder if this is what we' ll get from paying FFXIII: ' GODDAMN CINEMATIC CAMERA GET THAT FUCK HAIR OUT OF MY FACE!' Right, cheapo kills from offscreen enemies...I scare myself... Honestly, cinematic battle is great, it' s engaging, it can be fun! LO' s looked great (if on the horribly slow side, hopefully speeds up a little in the final build), and FFXIII LOOKS awesome, but is it playable =/? Somehow, I doubt it... As in, this is what they' re showing now. Flashy flash flashy. Then we get something totally different in the game and Squenix would say: " You must have misunderstood the screenie." Or some crap like that... Edit: I' m disillusioned with FF, but I have to admit. I really, REALLY like the battle system (in my head), but like, when I watched the first FFXIII trailer, I kept thinking, how is this possible from a practical point? Cinematic cameras do NOT work in real-time, they just DON' T.
< Message edited by Byakko -- 22 Sep 06 12:57:49 >
Gaius IV
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- Joined: Dec 06, 2005
RE: New FF13 in-game picture!
Sep 22, 2006 21:05
quote: ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ IGN: quote: the game still uses menu-driven combat, and it' s possible that while making decisions on what to do, the game will go into slow motion a la The Matrix while it waits for your commands. Well, that' s certainly not impressive... SUDEKI!!!!!!! oh yeah sudeki used that system! But I think FF will make it a lot better. The screenshot is fu*king sweet! But I get the feeling it' ll change when the game is close to release...as usual.
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RE: New FF13 in-game picture!
Sep 22, 2006 21:43
No this FF13, is basically the same old system,its nothing new,she might run straight ahead but look at the commands. Its a FF system and nothing new,just more commands. About the ATB. It might be so that commands cost " ATB" and sometimes you gonna need to wait a turn to get it back,like in Enchanted arms,but there they call it something i forgoten. Active Time Battle basically means that computer and you have a timelimit to react to. And the faster you make your move,the more advantage you will have over the A.I for ex a faster player might manage to get in more attacks on a boss then a slower player who might think what hee need to do,ofc strategy also plays in its part... Its still a very traditional system and was invented in FF4 if i remember right. It' s not a bad thing at all,its just what we seen in LO,but the " gauge meter is shown" .
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 22 Sep 06 13:50:48 >
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RE: New FF13 in-game picture!
Sep 23, 2006 00:29
We' ll keep hearing those LO comments for a long time now...
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2006
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RE: New FF13 in-game picture!
Sep 23, 2006 02:18
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ We' ll keep hearing those LO comments for a long time now... Somehow , no X360 game seems to impress u much ...
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: New FF13 in-game picture!
Sep 23, 2006 02:59
That GBA FFIV was great, even if the battle had horrible lag  But after I completed the entire danger, including using/hiding Edward, that was it. It took a good solid two months and nearly 3 though of casual play. Still, that was truly awesome... Btw, slightly off-topic, but isn' t it weird that the PS3 has ZILCH RPGs of ANY kind that' s slated for launch? o_0 How does that win points with the Jap crowd?
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RE: New FF13 in-game picture!
Sep 23, 2006 03:13
Anything with a great whopping big P with the shadow of an ' S' will sell..
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RE: New FF13 in-game picture!
Sep 23, 2006 03:38
...just in case you all forgot, there are two Final Fantasy games simultaneously in development for the PS3... ...check out these latest screens of FFXIII' s mysterious sister title, FFXIII: Verses ...Square really like drip-feeding fans, huh?.....
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: New FF13 in-game picture!
Sep 23, 2006 03:40
Not really,all three SS are " cgi" and you may wonder how they have time to work on all these 4-5 FF games when last time they had their FF12 delayed with 2-3 years. Mayby they should put their manpower and dedication at their FF13 first... Im worried about S-E.
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RE: New FF13 in-game picture!
Sep 23, 2006 03:42
Somehow , no X360 game seems to impress u much ... There are some impressive games - you must' ve mised a few comments of mine - check Bioshock section (and the movie - you owe it to yourself)
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