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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 08:04
And to be honest I was hoping double agent would be the last game in the franchise. Anyway apprently ubi is treating this leak as a ' ' theft' ' maybe someone internal put it on public server on purpose...but why.
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 08:07
And more importantly, what is more important about this leak than the last one with oodles of information?
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 08:10
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated And more importantly, what is more important about this leak than the last one with oodles of information? Thats what I was thinking maybe they didn' t want us to officially know about prince of persia or the next splinter cell yet but c' mon who didn' t see those happening?. Although I hope double agent would be last, really don' t want the series to drag on.
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 08:10
It was obviously done on purpose. There was no mention of or images of the Firestorm game which they' re obviously keeping back. TGS just started so this is a great way to get some publicity. Anyway, my sharing is done and only 2 of us here have the afore mentioned clip.
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 08:20
So I guess trilogy' s these days are more than 3 a la P.O.P.
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 08:24
Like the Aliens Trilogy?!
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 08:29
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on Like the Aliens Trilogy?! Yea ... I' m not sure if ms ever stated halo as a trilogy but I hope 3 is it.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 22 Sep 06 0:31:18 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 15:38
Vx Chemical
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 15:46
Just watched it!! DRRRROOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLl And not just because of the cute lady talking. Even in the low res, the game looks so amazing. And ofcourse there are the hints that it might not be just medival. Me se want se game! When is it due out again?
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 16:37
My reletives was knights,i won' t buy a retarded game like this. Killing knights/templar knights? Wtf ,fukk this assassin. No im not getting AC. Templar profiting on the war? They was basically bodyguards for pilgrims or nobles and even common folk,wtf is she talking about,she need to read a history book,and yes they was the first real " bank" organisation,but the jews even had similiar system they also invented the " intrest" but nvm. fukk this game.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 22 Sep 06 8:40:24 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 16:40
I dont care, its a conspiracy so who knows what it leads to! As long is the game is cool, i dont mind killing a few templars, hell those guys are a bit to the side as well, you played Broken Sword didnt you?
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 16:42
Yes... But,i always loved " templar knights" i just don' t like the idea of running around and kill them. It may sound ridicolus since itäs only a game,but i can' t see myself have any joy with doing that. And about that time line as majik pointed out. If there is indeed a conspiracy etc it might be under an era of the crusade.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 16:49
Well really, both the templars and the muslims deserve a bit of slaugther because they kill stuff in the name of religion! Killing stuff for fun is okay, but killing for religion, thats bad!
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 16:56
hmmm...well that' s strange i give you that. Many of the muslims never care what some of their population do ,saying,well its just some few " muslims" . But when just a " danish" person make fun of muhammed. The whole arabic world suddenly have a problem with scandinavia. wtf? Thats fucked up. They burned down some of our ambassads for that,and killed nuns. But lets not get into that again. ABout Templar knights,sure they was trained for war,and in histroy account 1 templar knight was worth 3 arabic soldiers. But,even if there is ex like against Saladin with king richard when they charaged the muslim army and won the first war after the fall of " jerusalem" there also been a lo of " calm good hearted" TK who didnä' t really kill for religion but fight for protecting their " christain comraeds" . I don' t see the TK as evil,they helped the cause of what europe told them to do. And when they came back they got killed. In fact there is even theories about TK wanting to create a religion for everyone.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 17:11
there are a lot of cool thereos of the templars, no they werent evil, but the notion of a holy war wasnt that good, especillay since they didnt finish the job! 9/11 wouldnt have happened if they had finished it back then ;)
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 22, 2006 17:16
One of the coolest theory is that,we all know 130 templar ships dissapread on that day when philipe tried to get them. At the same time " switzerland" get a new templar looking flag,and start using " banks" yes Swiss is famous for their banks,but that even started in the medival time when templar knights " dissapeared" . And Templar knights was world famous for their own first " banks" .
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Prince of Persia REMAKE, Assassin' s Creed HUD/Pause Screen, Splinter Cell: Convictio
Sep 23, 2006 02:58
Templar Theories are the sweetness, but there' s no convincing evidence linking them to really really good, or really really bad things. So I won' t have problems playing the game. I can understand if Quez doesn' t want to, I can respect that. I won' t play GTA because it' s stupid, (oh yeah, and because it' s racially steriotypical and violent to the point of stupidity.  ) Anyway' s, back on topic... More information about the penguin game. Turn' s out, it' s a movie game, and the minute i read that, my expectations tumbled through the floor.  I was so looking forward to something new and innovative.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 22 Sep 06 19:00:44 >