Terry Bogard
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Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 13, 2004 21:38
Do you enjoy video game soundtracks? If so, which are some of your favorites and which game companies and/or composers are your favorites in that department?? 99% of the music I listen to are from game music CDs or video games themselves. Consider me mainly a Sega, Konami, and Falcom music fan. I love SOOO many soundtracks from those companies that it would be a long ass list to post right away. Namco is slowly but surely getting added to that list, their Dragon Spirit and Dragon Saber game themes rocked hard and I' ve liked some of their Ridge Racer V, Klonoa 2, Mr. Driller, Mr. Driller Land, and Breakdown music!! Even though I only liked Knightmare' s theme from Soul Calibur, it was good enough to mention. I like Taito' s Zuntata but have always had mixed feelings about their music as each of their games and CDs tend to have 1 REALLY good track with the rest being quite average. The only exception I' ve encountered was Darius Gaiden which had TWO good tracks! Also, if you love you some game music, are there any sites you go to to satisfy that game music craving? If so, which ones?? I like VGmusic.com, VGmix.com, and Overclocked Remix among others. For buying CDs I' m always hanging out at Gamemusiconline.com, Gexpress.com, cart-mart.com, and Japanvideogames.com...
Russian Mobster
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 13, 2004 22:00
I listen To HALO and GTA Vice City soundtrack.But i also injoy music from Metal Gear Solid,Zelda,Soul Calibur and alot of other games. +I dont waste my $ on Game Music i just go and download it.ITs fast,easy and FREE.
< Message edited by russian mobster -- 6/13/2004 10:01:09 PM >
XBL Gamertag:RUSSIAN mobster XBL Games:Splinter Cell:PT,PGR2,Mech Assault, Crimson Skies, MM3, DDR, Rainbow Six 3, Unreal Championship, NFL2k3, Moto GP, Tetris,RalliSport Challenge 2,HALO 2.
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 13, 2004 22:16
both martin o' donnel' s halo score and harry gregson williams' s mgs score are great, and i also like panzer dragoon orta' s, soul calibur' s, xenosaga' s, and ikaruga' s.
< Message edited by panzer_baiken -- 6/13/2004 10:17:45 PM >
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 13, 2004 22:49
Halo is definatly the best, other than that, um, panzeer sragoon is good.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 14, 2004 00:07
There' s definitely much better music out there than Halo, unless you' re only looking for something that is similar to a score. The only tune I liked in Ridge Racer V was Samaurai Rocket. That game needs an OST as there are many MANY glitches in that sound within the game. I like tons of other stuff from any game company, just as long as it' s good. I have a huge collection of the stuff, and I like game music enough to the point where wimpy ALT-PRESET-STANDARD LAME encoded MP3' s aren' t good enough. MP3' s are good enough for the music of Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears (and I know you guys like those two if you don' t like more game music), but not for real music. :)
Terry Bogard
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 14, 2004 01:19
The only tune I liked in Ridge Racer V was Samaurai Rocket. I loved Samurai Rocket, but one of my other favorites is Dare Devil!
Joe Redifer
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 14, 2004 04:15
So is there an OST, or am I limited to the glitchy audio streaming from the game?
Terry Bogard
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 14, 2004 05:04
There IS an OST!
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 14, 2004 05:13
I remember I had the Lunar: SSSC soundtrack in my car for several months. I also really liked some of the music from the FF and GT series, and to be perfectly honest, I think that the award for best soundtrack of all time EASILY goes to Castlevania: SotN.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 14, 2004 06:49
Symphony of the Night was a great soundtrack (full of synthesized fake instruments, but still great). It was done by the same composer who gave us, ummm, Rocket Knight Adventures! F-Zero X Guitar Arrange is freakin' awesome. Dracula Battle 1 and 2 just floor me. Konami Shooting Battle (with hard rock tunes from Grab My err.. Gradius, Salamander AND Lifeforce! This is the first disc with Salamander and Life Force music on the same CD! Snatcher Battle is a rare find, but the music is once again tremendously good.
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 14, 2004 07:13
I' m a fan of Guilty Gear X' s music myself, as well as anything pretty much all music coming out of Square-Enix. I also enjoy listening to old-school Capcom music, and have gotten much enjoyment out of my copy of the Street Fighter Tribute Album. I mentioned this in another topic, but I find myself listening to GamingFM quite a bit. Good stuff.
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Joe Redifer
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 14, 2004 09:33
Awesome. Streaming game music, complete with song and game information updated IMMEDIATELY as the song changes. Just added to my iTunes. Thanks for the link!
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 14, 2004 12:54
Metal Gear Solid, Halo, Guilty Gear X2, just about anything for real
Mass X
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 14, 2004 14:18
I love Hitman:Contract' s soundtrack. Its probably the only game music CD I' d buy.
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 14, 2004 16:39
I' ve been getting video game soundtracks lately. Most recent is the 4 CD FFVII OST I am also trying to get all the soundtracks for the games that I own. Nobuo Umatsue is one guy I like. He did the FF music and also has a band called the Black Mages where they take FF tunes and put a rock twist onto it.
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 14, 2004 18:30
i like Guilty Gear Music too but i also like any and (almost all) fighting game music like King of Fighters, Rage of the Dragons , and pretty much many thing SNK. they make good game music. FF is the best of all but Crono Cross music is nothing to sleep on, that is great music. as for what i own is king of fighters music and street fighter music. i have Guilty Gear music but the first game music. i have the other GG games why buy the music if the have a jukebox type of thing in the game.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 14, 2004 21:59
I don' t think Nobuo has anything to do with the Black Mages. If I' m wrong (which is a possibility), could you posst a link to the information? :)
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 14, 2004 22:23
i listen to the music for all games while acctually playing the game, i liked the music from Freedom Fighters alot, i mostly play CS and SC( counter-strike and starcraft) and as many of you may know cs has no music, so i will put in som Mudvayne, Killswitch engage or other metal bands....i have never bought and never plan on buyign a soundtrack, i did download Deus Ex: Invisable War' s sound track from Fileplanet though...it was free i could not say no
< Message edited by SoulOfXion -- 6/14/2004 10:24:21 PM >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 15, 2004 01:44
I recently discovered Sega Rock volume 1 and 2. Pretty cool! They have some rock renditions of Phantasy Star 1-4, Rambo: First Blood Part II (old Sega Master Systm game like Ikari Warriors), and a few other games which I have no clue what they are! Mostly good stuff, though.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 15, 2004 01:55
And WHERE did you discover this Sega Rock Volume 1 & 2 from??;)
Joe Redifer
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 15, 2004 05:33
The Sega Rock album also has Fantasy Zone, Gain Ground, Virtual On, Sonic Boom (???the game, not the US Sega CD song???), and something called Aa Harimadana. Terry Bogard: I have no idea what you are talking about.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 15, 2004 05:36
***double post that showed up and hour later for some reason***
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 6/15/2004 12:34:54 PM >
Russian Mobster
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 15, 2004 14:51
Idekii Thanks for the link to the Video Game Music.
XBL Gamertag:RUSSIAN mobster XBL Games:Splinter Cell:PT,PGR2,Mech Assault, Crimson Skies, MM3, DDR, Rainbow Six 3, Unreal Championship, NFL2k3, Moto GP, Tetris,RalliSport Challenge 2,HALO 2.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 17, 2004 02:14
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 18, 2004 00:16
I don' t listen to video game music with the exception of Terra from Final Fantasy VI (if you aren' t aware it' s the world map music and it' s track 14 on that music CD that came with FF Anthology). Easily my favourite tune from any game. I also really liked the soundtracks from Castlevania: SoTN and Jet Set Radio (Euro version (I' ll be having none of that Rob Zombie nonsense)). I should really try and get hold of them.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 23, 2004 06:30
I think that the award for best soundtrack of all time EASILY goes to Castlevania: SotN. Do NOT force me to harm you A very nice soundtrack it is yes. " I am the wind, I am the sun, and one day we' ll all be one, I am the wind, I am the sun....." But no where near the best 
Terry Bogard
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 24, 2004 03:46
Joe Redifer
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 24, 2004 03:57
The " I Am The Wind" song is pure crap. It' s the " My Heart Must Go On" of videogame music.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 24, 2004 03:58
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RE: Do you listen to Video Game music?
Jun 28, 2004 01:41
Do you listen to Video Game music? Yep. In fact, I' m listening to the BGM to " Mission Street" from Sonic Adventure 2: Battle right now! I really like video game music, especially Sonic, but I even like a few tunes from Mario, Ecco, and Keen!