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the cyborgs are coming
Sep 15, 2006 02:17
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RE: the cyborgs are coming
Sep 15, 2006 03:39
...cybernetics rule... ...ever read any William Gibson?...
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RE: the cyborgs are coming
Sep 15, 2006 07:29
Cool , but I' d tell them that it' s either Rocket launcher/chaingun combo or nothing - fuck those hands, everyone has them :)
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RE: the cyborgs are coming
Sep 16, 2006 02:34
 yeah. One of the first images that popped into my head when i watched the video was how cool a Predator-style turret would look mounted on his shoulder. Never read any Gibson, but I' ve heard of him. A guy I know keeps recommending Neuromancer. But that guy' s a jackass...only recommends books while I' m already reading something else, so I' ve pretty much just ignored him thus far. Side note...when you see someone reading, the single most annoying thing you can do is walk up and ask" So, what you reading?" So now, I gotta stop reading the book I was really into to to give you a synopsis, when you' re not actually interested anyway I swear the next time somebody does that to me at work I' m going to kick them in the balls.
Terry Bogard
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RE: the cyborgs are coming
Sep 16, 2006 04:41
My only question is, will all that technology cost them 6 million dollars? *Terry gets BOOed the hell out of Kikizo*
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: the cyborgs are coming
Sep 16, 2006 05:53
*Terry gets BOOed the hell out of Kikizo* Thats happening quite alot in your posts lately..
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RE: the cyborgs are coming
Sep 16, 2006 08:21
I swear the next time somebody does that to me at work I' m going to kick them in the balls. What if it' s a very attractive someone who' s interested in the book and you? My only question is, will all that technology cost them 6 million dollars? *Terry gets BOOed the hell out of Kikizo* Actually, I hear it' s retailing for " Five-Hundred Ninety-Nine dollars" A real value, with lot' s of potential.
Chee Saw
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RE: the cyborgs are coming
Sep 16, 2006 09:32
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Actually, I hear it' s retailing for " Five-Hundred Ninety-Nine dollars" A real value, with lot' s of potential. If it' s got Blu-ray, it' s f-ing worth it, dude!