I have a 512 MB G6 flash card and 10 games on it (most games are 32-64MB).
It fits perfectly into my DS Lite and is invisible.Battery life is just like with the retail games (19h on lowest brightness setting that I actually use all the time).
It also plays GBA games and supports SAVE anytime you want for GBA games.
Here' s a nice review :
Above - it' s the menu where my games are displayed.
You need to perform a FLASHME procedure for your DS LITE to run DS games (gba games work out of the box).Flashme is easy - you have to open the battery cover and do one (Extremely easy) thing with your screwdriver or something else.
(there are movies on how to do it - I did it myself for my and my girlfriends DS Lite)
It also supports SCUMMVX and other emulators.
RESISTANCE - back on topic here - Check new HD movies on IGN - this game looks nice and that' s it - those screenshots are better than the game in motion.
I hate it when those stupid editors call every PS2/3 shooter a HALO killer.1st of all they are making Halo even bigger than it is this way and secondly , the HALO 1,2 killer was actually available for Xbox - Half life 2.
I' m pretty sure that H3 will look much better than resistance , since resistance looks worse than Prey.
Oh and hunter is right - HALO was a great game , but if it wasn' t for a system that needed to elevate some games to religious proportions it would' ve been just a great shooter.And I' m a console gamer who played Perfect Dark and Goldeneye - these games were actually way ahead of any FPS PC game at their time.
H2 is worse than H1 in single player - the online part is awesome (especially when you add all the XBL features connected to
I wil never consider H1 or 2 a masterpiece - both are no more than 9/10 shooters.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 17 Sep 06 11:48:57 >