RE: Unknown Realms (formerly Monster Kingdom) - PS3
Sep 08, 2006 21:19
not only in graphics, but in pretty much evrything , i' m not the only one who noticed this, major JAP developers messing up their most successful franchise.
Sega don' t release anymore AAA title, not a fucking single one, just look at their recent game Yakuza.
Konami suck , oh my god i wish you guys played suikoden V, there are some misatkes that are amateurish , i can' t believe a so prestigious developer made those. and suikoden 4 is just horible. Silent HIll 4? it' s mediocre .
Namco, (except tekken) no more AAA titles and their graphics are not impressive at all.
Capcom and squareenix, which don' t deliver often great titles, sometimes they make horrible games, and i mean horrible ....
+ all other smaller developer that are just good for nothing.
in the otehr hand we got Ubisoft which is very very impressive, bioware, activision, silicon knight, rockstar...
i don' t know what' s happening in japan but thay are not that impressive to me anymore.