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No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 03:41
Sony has made an issue of pointing out that 1080p, which the Xbox 360 is incapable of, is the Holy Grail of " full HD" . As it stands now, the only game that is running in 1080p, said Fargher, is Gran Turismo HD - a tech demo crafted by Polyphony to showcase what the system is capable of. This is in line with our earlier report, where a development source told Kikizo that, " even with [final hardware] in mind, reaching good frame rates at 1080p with next-gen graphics is almost impossible. Instead many developers, ourselves included, are reworking so they run at 720p. " Oooh, it' s from HERE!!! Unlucky for those that were expecting to be able to play their games in 1080p, just got screwed. AGAIN! Some of us have been saying this for ages, while others amongst us have been adamant that it would be managable and that there would be 1080p games available at launch. Well you were wrong and we were right.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 6 Sep 06 19:42:29 >
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 04:15
Nobody really cares about this, only the Companys use it to boast about their respective consoles.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 6 Sep 06 20:15:35 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Vx Chemical
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 04:34
I think the Sony Fanbois do care about the 1080 P, for bragging rights, and to say that the 360 isnt true highdef
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 04:57
Sony never said that, it was the dumb ass Kikizo guy [Adam Doree replied:] And you know this how? Sony did say it. On the phone. To us. That is why we reported it. And it is also how we knew it would be the case seven months ago when we said this is what would happen. Sony does not have time or energy to misrepresent the truth right now which is why facts like these are going to get reportedly with Sony' s blessing. --- Edit: my sincere apologies but I clicked " edit" instead of " reply" and I have no way to get your original post back, even in browser history... seriously I' m sorry about that. -- Adam
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 7 Sep 06 2:43:44 >
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 05:03
ORIGINAL: fernandino It looks to me thet Kikizo its sucking up to Microsoft delivering false propaganda to the PlayStation 3 Hmmmm yeah... because sony would never make statements which would later result in the company looking as though any thread of creadibility is questionable. Oh yea I forgot to say damn those kikizo bastards putting stuff in people' s mouths you propaganda stirring gits.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 6 Sep 06 21:04:44 >
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 05:07
Yes let' s talk about False propaganda. Today we got announcment about only 500.k units instead of 2 millions,today we heard sony gonna skip europe and ship sometimes in march 2007. Their asses was only saved under e3 because of a 2million worldwide launch. Apprently they knew it was false and just lied. And now before someone says,well they couldn' t know they had problems that came up now. Do anyone here actually buy that? Here that fucking " liiiiiiiiiidddeee laaaaceeellllll" guy goes out in evry media and tells the world how they are right on track with 2 million at launch and then 2 extra in this year. And ofc its getting a worldwide launch,then suddenly they drop this fucking f-bomb.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 05:23
WTF¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ im i talking about the release date or numbers, do u have the sligthest idea of how hard its to deliver so much tec on a single box??? its hard people, pretty hard, so take it easy, it will come to Europe and it will be on solid numbers. Tell me now, its not true that the component cables can support 1080p just fine??? didnt insomniac stated in a very new interview that they where aiming for 1080p whit resistance??? GTHD its an actual game or its not??? Didnt IGN stated that Lair will support 1080p??? then what the hell its going on??? why did Alex said that no 1080p games/movies out of the box for PS3???, Why the fuck did he stated that no PS3 games will support 1080p yet, well to me thats false propaganda.
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 05:27
We probably gonna hear a lot of dev working for sony claiming 1080p is on its way,but i doubt it. And there has been some analys and ofc MS employs who says no 1080p in a year.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 05:42
fernandino , STFU you idiot , nobody said that ps3 won' t support 1080p out of the box, they said that CURRENTLY no game support that... as for insomniac, they say that they are aiming , aiming read it well, it means they are not there yet, oh and fuck GTHD !
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 05:46
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane fernandino , STFU you idiot , nobody said that ps3 won' t support 1080p out of the box, they said that CURRENTLY no game support that... as for insomniac, they say that they are aiming , aiming read it well, it means they are not there yet, oh and fuck GTHD ! Lol...abasou sometimes you do speakth the truth with a funny
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 05:50
well i always speak the truth  and when i don' t it' s because i thought it was the truth ...
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 05:54
ORIGINAL: fernandino WTF¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ im i talking about the release date or numbers, do u have the sligthest idea of how hard its to deliver so much tec on a single box??? its hard people, pretty hard, so take it easy, it will come to Europe and it will be on solid numbers. Tell me now, its not true that the component cables can support 1080p just fine??? didnt insomniac stated in a very new interview that they where aiming for 1080p whit resistance??? GTHD its an actual game or its not??? Didnt IGN stated that Lair will support 1080p??? then what the hell its going on??? why did Alex said that no 1080p games/movies out of the box for PS3???, Why the fuck did he stated that no PS3 games will support 1080p yet, well to me thats false propaganda. First off, Lair won' t hit until summer next year and so can hardly be counted in the " yet" . Having said that Factor 5 have never once said the game would support 1080p, right now that' s just idle speculation. Resistance Fall of Man is Sony' s flagship launch title and it' s exclusive to PS3. The team said they were " aiming" to support 1080p but looking at the game and their ambitions of a solid 60fps, 1080p is highly unlikely as the additional workload as you jump from 720p to 1080p is huge. Since there are few 1080p TV' s on the market there' d be little point scaling the game back i other areas just to get it running at 1080p. Insomniac are saying it because that' s what Sony wants them to say. GTHD is not an actual game yet. Polophony Digital are expected to make their announcements some time between now and TGS. take it easy, it will come to Europe and it will be on solid numbers. What like the US and Japan unit allocations?! I wouldn' t exactly call that " solid numbers" would you?! do u have the sligthest idea of how hard its to deliver so much tec on a single box?? The only reason the machine has been delayed TWICE now is because of Blu-Ray. It doesn' t have anyhting do so with any of the other components, just the blue diodes used in the lasers for Blu-Ray drives. It' s debatable whether the decision to include Blu-Ray was a wise one or not and it has it' s pro' s and con' s but Sony are the ones responsible and they deserve every bit of critism they are getting. I suggest you calm down. fernandino , STFU you idiot , nobody said that ps3 won' t support 1080p out of the box, they said that CURRENTLY no game support that... as for insomniac, they say that they are aiming , aiming read it well, it means they are not there yet, oh and fuck GTHD ! Why didn' t i just say THAT?! Nicely put dude!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 6 Sep 06 21:55:07 >
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 06:00
Kotoku have picked up the Kikizo story and had this to say... In other words, movies will play at 1080p. Games won' t, and maybe never will. Not that this is really new, but it' s always distressing to have the obvious reiterated officially LINKY
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 06:06
Wait,so sony wont have out these 4 million blu-rays all over the world as they said would make blu-ray win?
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 06:50
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane well i always speak the truth and when i don' t it' s because i thought it was the truth ... Lol I should use that one.
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 07:09
We knew that after E3 , but it will upscan games to 1080p if you have a 1080p TV and that' s nice.It will also allow you to watch BD movies without downgrades.Some games will be in 1080p (Lair is suppoused to be) and many won' t. It' s an old lie , but just having that option is nice.
Joe Redifer
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 07:45
What I like about the PS3 s that it has 2 HDMI outputs and can run 2 1080p screens simultaneously. I don' t believe Sony is lying like this because Sony would NEVER lie or overstate themselves. They are purely honest. They have the utmost respect for the consumer and would NEVER mislead them with bad information. I am going out tomorrow and buying 2 1080p TVs for my PS3. Yay Sony!
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 6 Sep 06 23:45:51 >
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 08:02
from the day i' ve seen your suzuki face and i' ll you talk is .... do you speak sarcasme?
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 08:59, he speaks Sarcamnese... ancient off-shoot form of linguistics, apparently invented by grumbling under-paid Japanese labours..  ...
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Adam Doree
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 10:45
Sony never said that, it was the dumb ass Kikizo guy And you know this how? Sony did say it. On the phone. To us. That is why we reported it. And it is also how we knew it would be the case seven months ago when we said this is what would happen. Sony does not have time or energy to misrepresent the truth right now which is why facts like these are going to get reportedly with Sony' s blessing. --- Pasting: I accidentally edited the post I reply to here and deleted some of the message, but this basically all I wanted to say as a reply.
Me Myself and I
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 13:00
The un-named developer in that report just owned himself. He comments that reaching smooth framerates are just about impossible on the PS3 in 1080P, right? Well then look at the only 1080P game shown so far mentioned in the report: Grand Turismo HD. I went to E3 and Grand Turismo HD is 60fps! Now that' s just with 1st gen games. How in the world can he state something that' s already been refuted? Maybe he and his outfit can' t do it, but obviously others can. No wonder he didn' t name himself because he' d be clowned out of the industry.
Evil Man
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 14:11
It doesnt matter if its 1st gen game or not, what it comes down to is everyone is saying 1080p takes a huge toll on game performance and that will never change, its the same concept in PC games, if you use an insane resolution on a demanding game it will not perform as well.
Me Myself and I
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 14:55
...except a 1st gen title is already doing 1080P at 60fps. It may be early and it may be recycled textures, but it completely refutes the " impossible" statement. And he didn' t even say 60fps, which is the goal for most games... he said " smooth frame rate" . A smooth frame rate is accepted to be 30 fps+, which makes his point even more ridiculous considering early GT:HD is 60 fps at 1080P. Can anyone truly deny that 1080P games at 30 fps won' t be a major issue when the PS3 matures in 3-4 years? C' mon... if we see a rough draft working right now, why try to argue against it?
< Message edited by Me Myself and I -- 7 Sep 06 6:55:56 >
Evil Man
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 15:07
It' s not about wether it can be done or not. Higher resolutions sacrifice other areas of graphics and this will never change. It' s not worth sacrificing graphics for an unnecesary resolution. That' s what its about.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 7 Sep 06 7:10:25 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 15:35
It' s not about wether it can be done or not. Higher resolutions sacrifice other areas of graphics and this will never change. It' s not worth sacrificing graphics for an unnecesary resolution. That' s what its about. That fanboys will never get this!
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 16:25
ORIGINAL: Me Myself and I The un-named developer in that report just owned himself. He comments that reaching smooth framerates are just about impossible on the PS3 in 1080P, right? Well then look at the only 1080P game shown so far mentioned in the report: Grand Turismo HD. I went to E3 and Grand Turismo HD is 60fps! Now that' s just with 1st gen games. How in the world can he state something that' s already been refuted? Maybe he and his outfit can' t do it, but obviously others can. No wonder he didn' t name himself because he' d be clowned out of the industry. GTHD isn' t a 1st generation Playstation 3 game, it' s a 1080p tech demo built around a Playstation 2 game.
Me Myself and I
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 16:39
But it is still a playable game that is in 1080P at a " smooth frame rate" of 60fps. I' m not really arguing about the criticisms of GT:HD or the PS3 itself - that' s all subjective and we' ll see how it plays out. I' m only pointing out one simple fact - that " unknown developer" was 100% wrong in what he said... that' s all. He used the word " impossible" and I personally played the " possible" at E3 in the 1080P 60fps GT:HD. What YOU guys are saying may or may not be true, but he is DEFINITELY wrong. He did not say the things you guys are saying, so it can' t be used in his defense. I am only commenting on his PoV.
< Message edited by Me Myself and I -- 7 Sep 06 8:41:36 >
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 17:03
Ok, technically you are right, when he said that achieving 60fps @ 1080p was " impossible" he was wrong. The thing is, both you and i know that you' re dis-regarding the context used. Since the entire article concerns PS3 games (as in " next-gen" titles) and not pumped up PS2 games, then obviously he was referring to " real" 1st generation Playstation 3 games. The previous article that Alex linked to where said discussion with " un-named developer" is detailed also pre-dates E306 where GTHD was first seen. Yes GTHD runs at 60fps @ 1080p but it' s still just GT4 in 1080p and so hardly matters. Wake me up when Resistance, Lair, Heavenly Sword or other such " real" 1st generation title is confirmed running at 60fps in 1080p.   Oh, and welcome!
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 22:27
Wake me up when Resistance, Lair, Heavenly Sword or other such " real" 1st generation title is confirmed running at 60fps in 1080p. mean to tell me that the embarrassment about being so amazingly wrong about ' PS3' s power brick' , didn' t wake you?....  ..
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 23:00
absolutly right magic, i wonder how this guy thinks, doesn' t he know that he can run a PS1 game on a ps3 with 1080p at 500 fps ? the developer obviously talked about real games that are truly next gen not some GTHD which its root is a ps2 game.
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 23:36
My tv can only reach 1080i anyway...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 07, 2006 23:50
ORIGINAL: Bishonen Wake me up when Resistance, Lair, Heavenly Sword or other such " real" 1st generation title is confirmed running at 60fps in 1080p. mean to tell me that the embarrassment about being so amazingly wrong about ' PS3' s power brick' , didn' t wake you?.... .. We it WAS Ken that said it could " ..almost be sold separately." But yeah, i hadn' t expected it to have and internal PSU and was surprised to see the AC socket.
Adam Doree
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 08, 2006 01:15
GTHD is not a next-gen game. To get a next-gen game running at 1080p with anything resembling 30fps WHEN next-gen effects, HDR lighting, Havok, etc is used, is the point. So stop trying to be a smartass. Next.
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 08, 2006 01:23
ORIGINAL: Adam Doree GTHD is not a next-gen game. To get a next-gen game running at 1080p with anything resembling 30fps WHEN next-gen effects, HDR lighting, Havok, etc is used, is the point. So stop trying to be a smartass. Next. Thought so. Anyway just wanted to say you guys I got black today and i' m enjoying it (it' s no shenmue) but so far it seems good. By the way i' m not sure i' ll be able to finish this before tgs like i first thought...I mean I still have saints to finish and en arm to start.
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 08, 2006 01:50
I got black today and i' m enjoying it hmm I thought ytou were black before too...
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 08, 2006 01:52
I got black today and i' m enjoying it hmm I thought you were black all the time...
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 08, 2006 01:52
Yea and I was a ninja too...
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 08, 2006 01:58
hmm I thought you were black all the time... Zing! GTHD is not a next-gen game. To get a next-gen game running at 1080p with anything resembling 30fps WHEN next-gen effects, HDR lighting, Havok, etc is used, is the point. So stop trying to be a smartass. Next. I think Adam is pissed off over all of the ps3 being delayed stuff.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 08, 2006 02:00
ROBO-Ninja maybe?
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RE: No 1080p Games Yet Say Sony
Sep 08, 2006 02:07
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ ROBO-Ninja maybe? This obsession of yours with me being a robot...what a perv you are.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 7 Sep 06 18:08:01 >