Mass Effect - official release date

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Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 15:41

I have a Centrino laptop - not suitable for games, but I play quality games on consoles and the only time I wanted to have a Gaming PC was when HL2, WC3 and Doom3 were out (I played all of them actually and I loved D3 and HL2 only).

You see Gangta, right there you invalidated everything and anything you have to say about PC gaming! The selection of PC titles you' ve played is too slim to even discuss it!

Say after me Gangsta:

I' m a console gamer and thus im biased and i' ll favor console games any day! Because i for no apparent reason think most PC games suck

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 17:29
There' s lots of really bad and unpolished console games, especially from Japan, but they never get outside the country. I mean, why would they?
And western games that are bad never get much attention.
When Gangsta thinks " console game" he only sees MGS, RE4, Zelda, Halo and so on. But those are the absolute elite of console games.
I' m pretty sure a list of crappy unpolished console games would be pretty long.
But I personally prefer console games because I' m not a big fan of FPS or simulation which LATELY has been the only true big genre on PC' s.
The RTS genre on PC is really amazing though. Total War series, Age of Empires series, Civilisation and all of those kind of games are amazing on PC and they are very polished.
Anyway, console games rule because I like them more!

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 19:24

I' m a console gamer and thus im biased and i' ll favor console games any day! Because i for no apparent reason think most PC games suck

I' ve been a PC and console gamer long time ago , when PSX ruled the industry.That' s when I finaly realised PCs don' t offer enough quality entertainment for me.

Playing games on PC is like watching divX movies on your PC.I don' t like doing both.That' s why I wanted to play doom 3 on Xbox with my controller no time wasted on installations and hardware problems (if some would occur).

I won' t touch anything below rare PC AAA titles - they are the only ones up to my standards.

Oh and ginjirou is right - Strategy games are a different matter - they exist only on PC so I kinda didn' t even mention them.I played a lot of Civ4 on my laptop (it runs great) and I really liked it.But wouldn' t chose it over a great cinematic aaa console experience - not becasue it' s worse , but because I' m into that style of games more.

I' d love to play Rome Total War on a console one day...if that' s impossible then I' m going to play it on my PC when I get a good mouse :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 9 Sep 06 11:27:35 >

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 19:28
Yes,i fully agree with VC,i think Gangsta has a lot of virus and shit from his gayporn sites.

That can really fuck up your pc i heard.
Gangsta you need to get a firewall and stop using these gay links.
Also you need to update your drivers and defrag your hd files each month.

Being a male nurse can be stressful but still,you need to stay out from those gay sites.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 19:33

Quez: However its very cheap not to add component output.

James_N: Component output? Why would a TV/Monitor need an output?

Quez: Component socket.


Evil Man: input

ginjirou and ]GaNgStA[: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 19:34
Bottom line:

Consoles do have more AAA and classic titles than pc does.

there are MANY great (AAA) titles on PC that are as polished as it should be.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 19:36


I' m a console gamer and thus im biased and i' ll favor console games any day! Because i for no apparent reason think most PC games suck

I' ve been a PC and console gamer long time ago , when PSX ruled the industry.That' s when I finaly realised PCs don' t offer enough quality entertainment for me.

Playing games on PC is like watching divX movies on your PC.I don' t like doing both.That' s why I wanted to play doom 3 on Xbox with my controller no time wasted on installations and hardware problems (if some would occur).

I won' t touch anything below rare PC AAA titles - they are the only ones up to my standards.

I see that there is no way of getting through to you. Your argument has been clearly defeated yet you refuse to admit it.

You are a fanboy - and a severe case too.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 19:37
I just heard the english word for it," socket" very weird english word.

But my thread don' t need any more bump seeing how i already fixed my HD on my HDTV.
And some people claimed i bought wrong stuff,or been lured or won' t get HD since i didn' t have " input" " socket" but that really didn' t make sense if a TV is in fact HD-ready and HD-Compitble.

And they was wrong.
However my TV is made so it should be so that i use my DVI " SOCKET" to the decoder for component input/socket.

Really sucked if you owned a 360 ,since i couldn' t even use the VGA hd 360 cable,but now i can thanks to the adapter.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 20:00
Ginjirou - that sums it up perfectly.

Unlucky - I have a different opinion and I can prove it with gamerankings.I don' t need to prove it though , since it' s just my opinion.

You can call me a console fanboy (and DVD fanboy cause I hate watching movies on PC) if you like - I don' t care , I' ve made my choice some time ago and I haven' t seen any reasons to own a gaming PC since then (any reasons that would make me get one , cause I wouldn' t mind having one for free).

That can really fuck up your pc i heard.
you need to get a firewall and stop using these gay links.
Also you need to update your drivers and defrag your hd files each month.

that' s some serious knowledge on safe gay-porn sites browsing LowIQuez.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 9 Sep 06 12:13:50 >

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 20:04
Yes now i know where Ginjirou stands,i mix one word up and he has to take that into other threads.
Very mature person.

Fukk him.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 20:12
I have to say I' m not like that bastard ginjirou - I laughed cause I know that you are a total idiot trying to prove us wrong every day and fail miserably everytime


I' m sorry I know it wasn' t nice :)

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 20:16
Prove you guys wrong?
What are you talking about?
Do i have HD on my HDTV?

Did i fix it then?


What is the problem?

I didn' t have component socket nor a VGA,so i asked if these adapters worked,and umaii/dahser told me they did to 360.

So i went to a shop and got one,and now i play in HD.

It was you and evil man who thought i wouldn' t get HD so you guys was the owned.

Gangsta tell me this,if a TV is HD-READY and HD-Compitable what does it mean then?

You think Philips sells a TV that can do that but has no socket for making it happend?

Are you so dumb?

Because apparently you' re who said i was fucked,and evil man who said it was then a 480p tv.

But nvm,case closed i got HD and i wanna thank umaii and dasher for saying the adapter did works and mine should work.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 20:20

Prove you guys wrong?
What are you talking about?
Do i have HD on my HDTV?

Yet again LowIQuez didn' t understand what I was saying.

I' m not talking about you HD TV anymore man - I' m talking about your overall " forum performance" lately.

I said it was stupid not to check before getting your TV and that' s it.Nothing more.

I' ll guess I' ll give you a break with those insults now.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 9 Sep 06 12:21:28 >

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 20:25
Gangsta you idiot tell me this,why a HD-ready and HD-compitable tv won' t work to your 360?


It even said DVI-socket,thus with a HDMI>DVI adapter,i could use it for ps3 also.

People like you need to stfu.
You' re clueless when it comes to this.

I' ve HD you doesn' t.

I needed a new TV fast.
So i got a HDTV for a cheap price.
however it was still " expensive" to ytour guys standard,but cheap compared swdish price-tags.

Nvm,back to topic.

This was about Mass effect but changed to you being a console bias fag,who hate pc games.

It need to go back to the game " Mass effect" .
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 9 Sep 06 12:29:27 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 20:33

I' ve HD you doesn' t.

That sentence is a great example of your inteligence.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 20:36
I really don' t care what you say about my english Gangsta.

Me and Aba is both more secure in other languages me?
Swedish and finnish.

Finnish is btw one of the hardest languages to learn.

Also Einstein had dyslexi,you gonna use his writings as a sign on " intelligence" ?
Yes it' s not spelled " inteligence" so stfu.

Now go back to topic you dumbshit.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 20:51
It' s not your english , it' s your IQ I' m worried about.

And the topic is closed for quite some time.All you did was throw some stupid posts here and there so why do you care?
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 9 Sep 06 12:54:14 >

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 20:53
Yes,you' re the one worried.
Nvm back to topic.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 10, 2006 02:02

Yes now i know where Ginjirou stands,i mix one word up and he has to take that into other threads.
Very mature person.

Fukk him.

You' re a sensitive guy aren' t you? You always sound like a tough guy so I thought I could mess a little with you. But I guess I shouldn' t do that again. My sincere apologies.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 10, 2006 02:03
I wrote " fukk" .
Not " fuck" .
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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