Mass Effect - official release date

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 18:46

" I looked up the 50 worst games on that site and saw only 8 PC games in the worst 50. The other 42 are for consoles. Therefore, PC games must have a better quality average."

It' s a good use of my " mentality" only with some mistakes.

Consoles - that' s where gaming is (90% of it) so there are more games , and both more bad and good games.And Unlucky , I said that there are more bad games on consoles - yep I did say that myself before (check my posts) so that doesn' t prove anything - all you guys do to defend PC games is changing subject.And I think that' s the only choice to defend it so I don' t blame you.

The only PC games high in rankings are HalfLife games and Blizzard titles.And I agree with that.

You can fool yourself as much as you want - stats tell the objective truth you deny to accept.

< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 8 Sep 06 11:01:35 >

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 18:51


" I looked up the 50 worst games on that site and saw only 8 PC games in the worst 50. The other 42 are for consoles. Therefore, PC games must have a better quality average."

It' s a good use of my " mentality" only with some mistakes.

Consoles - that' s where gaming is (90% of it so there are more games , and both more bad and good games.

The only PC games high in rankings are HalfLife games and Blizzard titles.And I agree with that.

You can fool yourself as much as you want - stats tell the objective truth you deny to accept.

If PC games are so crap then why are there an increasing amount of PC ports on consoles?!

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 18:57
The developers wants to make more money. EVERY good PC game gets ported. Every single one of them. And yet they are quite few.
PC games only show quality in the FPS and RTS genres. If you don' t like those genres, fuck PC games.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 19:04

ORIGINAL: ginjirou

The developers wants to make more money. EVERY good PC game gets ported. Every single one of them. And yet they are quite few.
PC games only show quality in the FPS and RTS genres. If you don' t like those genres, fuck PC games.

It' s funny that Gangsta LOVES IGN and trusts their opinions and reviews, ...and yet in IGN' s ' 100 Greatest Games' feature, there are more PC games than anything else, covering a wide variety of genres.

100 Greatest Games

Saying that, ...why are we talking abou PC games vs cosole games in a thread about Mass Effect?!

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 19:05

Saying that, ...why are we talking abou PC games vs cosole games in a thread about Mass Effect?!

I dunno! Why do I cry myself to sleep?

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 19:07

If PC games are so crap then why are there an increasing amount of PC ports on consoles?!

Don' t you know? These ports were for Xbox mostly , cause Xbox and PC audience are really close to each other (Ex PC gamers buy Xbox mostly).

Now 360 offers what PC offers in terms of performance and it' s possible for PC devs to exist in this new world where their games actually earn them money.MS saw to that, that PC devs would come to their platform , and it even got some bioware exclusives.Bungie - those guys are PC devs too (but Halo is a quality game).

Blizard,Id Software,Valve - those 3 are delivering AAA quality (with some exceptions ofcourse).

Xbox = PC ports and then some.Which isn' t bad mind you.

Thankfully PS3 is getting some PC ports too and therefore quality of PC games should start improving (like Jade Empire > Kotor in terms of polish)

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 19:09

It' s funny that Gangsta LOVES IGN and trusts their opinions and reviews, ...and yet in IGN' s ' 100 Greatest Games' feature, there are more PC games than anything else, covering a wide variety of genres.

Bitch all you want - I' ve got one word for all of you - gamerankings.

I love IGN' s news - some reviews are insane (jade empire 9.9)

We' re talking about PC games cause bioware is a typical PC developer that recently started to learn wht making games for consoles means.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 19:09
Considering the fact that the PC has been the same format since the beginning of time it' s not that weird that it has lots of good games and a great variety of genres.
I mean, you can' t compare the best PC games with the best PS2 games since the PC library expands over ten years of history.
Maybe PC' s over the time has had better games and a greater variety in genre but today I think consoles have the upper hand when it comes to good titles.
But I guess it' s about what kind of games you like. My favourite genre is fighting games and it' s not like PC' s have an abundance of them.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 8 Sep 06 11:10:30 >

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 19:10

Thankfully PS3 is getting some PC ports too and therefore quality of PC games should start improving (like Jade Empire > Kotor in terms of polish)

Because of PS3?!

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 19:12

Bungie - those guys are PC devs too (but Halo is a quality game).

Strangely enough, Halo was being developed for Mac' s

Ohhh wait sorry

Talk to the hand gangsta. talk to the hand! We aint listening to it anymore" its rubbish!

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 19:27

Because of PS3?!

Because of PS3 audience that is less forgiving than EX PC gamers owning 360.

But it' s becasue of both 360 and PS3 to be exact - both demand more than PC market and 360 is much closer to consoles than Xbox.

Strangely enough, Halo was being developed for Mac' s

And it looked like a shitty RTS back then and even when they said it' s going to be for PS2 it still looked shitty - you honestly can' t prove anything here.

And cheers to all you blind people who think MS is so perfect :)

< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 8 Sep 06 11:31:35 >

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 19:35

And it looked like a shitty RTS back then and even when they said it' s going to be for PS2 it still looked shitty - you honestly can' t prove anything here.

Wrong it was never supposed to go PS2, only Mac, and maybe PC, but MS bought them, and they had to rewrite the entire game for Xbox!

Also it never looked RTS, it was a 3rd person action game!

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 20:01


" I looked up the 50 worst games on that site and saw only 8 PC games in the worst 50. The other 42 are for consoles. Therefore, PC games must have a better quality average."

It' s a good use of my " mentality" only with some mistakes.

Consoles - that' s where gaming is (90% of it) so there are more games , and both more bad and good games.And Unlucky , I said that there are more bad games on consoles - yep I did say that myself before (check my posts) so that doesn' t prove anything - all you guys do to defend PC games is changing subject.And I think that' s the only choice to defend it so I don' t blame you.

The only PC games high in rankings are HalfLife games and Blizzard titles.And I agree with that.

You can fool yourself as much as you want - stats tell the objective truth you deny to accept.

Ok, so lets go by your " stats" . What happens if we view the top 50 games? 11 out of the 50 are PC games. And going by what you say, 90% of games are on consoles. That means the 10% (minority) market of PC games dominate 22% of the list (nearly 1 in 4 games). Hence we can come to the conclusion that PC games have a higher level of quality than that of console games.

This is still a stupid way of judging the quality of a game. You keep speaking on behalf of PC games when clearly your experience with them is severely lacking. You come across as a bigot and pretty much everyone here thinks the same thing.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 20:11
Gangsta got owned!
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 21:19
Ohhh look, its my one yearths birthday!

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 22:20

This is still a stupid way of judging the quality of a game. You keep speaking on behalf of PC games when clearly your experience with them is severely lacking. You come across as a bigot and pretty much everyone here thinks the same thing.

the thing you are forgeting is that we' re talking about extreme level of polish and perfection - TOP 50 is not something that I would consider for this subject - you can easily point that many PC games are on the list in top 1000.The thing is how many PC games are in top ten or top 20 - that' s were the best of the best are.

I' m flattered that you went to do all these calculations for me :) - and they really prove your point.The only problem is, that the top quality games are console titles.

And let me tell you that Half Life 2 deserves to be in TOP 10 - it' s a great production with extremely high quality - but it' s a rare thing on PCs.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 22:23
Your making yourself look like an imbecile Gangsta! Do you even play PC games? Do you even have a PC capable of games? Have you ever had it? Or are you just making stuff up? Your so clearly biased that its not even worth listening to what you say!

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 22:26
i TOTALY agree with Gangsta, PC has some really really good games, but in comparaison to how many GREAT games on consoles, of course and it' s pretty obvious that console win by far.

it is only recently that we see many console game get ported to PC (devil may cry 3, onmimusha , silent hill) but the experience is somewhat not the same.

count how many AAA titles on PC since let' s say 1990 , and do the same with consoles , i' m pretty sure that the difference would be huge. ports should not be counted (doom 3 = PC , Silent HIll = console)... well that' s my point and i think Gangsta' s point as well.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 22:33
Since 90? The PC will win for sure!!

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 22:42
are u serious VX chemical !!! the snes and genesis era , do you know how many classics? may be you still don' t understand , we are talking about AAA titles, classic games... dude what you said is unbelievable to me. you said you' ve been a pc gamer before , i always was a console gamer, but i did play a lot of pc games and i like many of them. even today i played and beated all the aaa titles that were relased on PC (aka half life 2, fear ...)

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 22:46
hey VX, look at one simple fact :

console : main support from JAP and WEst developers , both of them with almost the same ratio.

PC: Mainly WEST cevlopers with extremly few support from JAP devleop (which are extremly important and released most of the AAA titles in the history of video games)

Logicaly VX , this show that console should have more AAA titltes than PC , just logic man .

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 22:52
I just think its bullshit saying that console developers are better than PC developers! that console games are better than PC games, because that is what you are saying! It' s over generalisation! There are so many more crappy titles released for consoles than for the PC.

Most of the greatest games ever to me, have been created on the PC, and they have been polished, and polished titles are releeased all the time!

Guess what Gangsta might be mistaking for polish is the easier development tools a console developer has, he has one setup to make a game for, where as a PC developer has several.

I think your biased as hell and not worth listening to!

Ahhh fuck it!

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 22:55

Mainly WEST cevlopers with extremly few support from JAP devleop (which are extremly important and released most of the AAA titles in the history of video games)

Come on, thats the most bullshit anyone has said today! You see thats what clearly sets you as a console gamer! You think all that japaneese crap is so brilliant, and you know what, i dont like the japaneese style, except for the good and polished titles like say, RE4, which have been made with a western mindset at hand!

Japaneese dont make great games for me! Cutesy figures and gay bishonen characters arent my type!

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 22:59
because great games have never been just about: " Cutesy figures and gay bishonen characters arent my type! "

that' s the bullshit. in this industry , it' s console that are most important its consoles that have the most pouplar titles not pc , i' m not saying pc don' t have them, i' m not saying that PC developers (which are west developer) suck

i' ll i' m saying: classics in consoles are much much more than PC since ever .

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 23:01

ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical

Mainly WEST cevlopers with extremly few support from JAP devleop (which are extremly important and released most of the AAA titles in the history of video games)

Come on, thats the most bullshit anyone has said today! You see thats what clearly sets you as a console gamer! You think all that japaneese crap is so brilliant, and you know what, i dont like the japaneese style, except for the good and polished titles like say, RE4, which have been made with a western mindset at hand!

Japaneese dont make great games for me! Cutesy figures and gay bishonen characters arent my type!

In all honesty I personally think the japanese are a bit overrated when it comes to games however that may be largely down to what I prefer. And all this crap about ' ' polished' ' games lets be real what sets a ' ' polished' ' game apart from one thats fun and non-polished that and why is it possible on every other console except one microsoft makes (@gangsta)?.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 23:04
More games are made for consoles, which give a broader range, more AAA titles, and more crap crap crappy titles!

But what Gangsta is saying is that PC developers dont polish their games!

What im saying is that the top games of each platform is just as polished. I dont think a console game is more likely to be polished than a PC game! But Gangsta do, and apparently you do too

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 23:06

ORIGINAL: dasher232

And all this crap about ' ' polished' ' games lets be real what sets a ' ' polished' ' game apart from one thats fun and non-polished that and why is it possible on every other console except one microsoft makes (@gangsta)?.

I think because M$ are the only americans...

Apparently they can' t do anything right..
There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 23:06

ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical

More games are made for consoles, which give a broader range, more AAA titles, and more crap crap crappy titles!

But what Gangsta is saying is that PC developers dont polish their games!

What im saying is that the top games of each platform is just as polished. I dont think a console game is more likely to be polished than a PC game! But Gangsta do, and apparently you do too

I really don' t think the argument is about games being polished for some reason.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 23:07
oh that i don' t , half life series are polished , that' s one exemple of many others.

and VX nobody give a fuck about CRAP games , be it a billlion , i don' t care because i have the choice .

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 23:19


This is still a stupid way of judging the quality of a game. You keep speaking on behalf of PC games when clearly your experience with them is severely lacking. You come across as a bigot and pretty much everyone here thinks the same thing.

the thing you are forgeting is that we' re talking about extreme level of polish and perfection - TOP 50 is not something that I would consider for this subject - you can easily point that many PC games are on the list in top 1000.The thing is how many PC games are in top ten or top 20 - that' s were the best of the best are.

I' m flattered that you went to do all these calculations for me :) - and they really prove your point.The only problem is, that the top quality games are console titles.

And let me tell you that Half Life 2 deserves to be in TOP 10 - it' s a great production with extremely high quality - but it' s a rare thing on PCs.

Top 50 is a much healthier population to go by, and even that isn' t sufficient at times. Top 100+ is better and I' ll tell you why.

Going by the statistics on, the difference between 1st place and 50th place is 4.9%. Apart from the 1st position, the differences between placings (going by Avg score percentage) is usually 00.3% or less! Quite often the difference between places is 0% and they are only ordered that way because of alphabetics or some other statistical anomaly! When you' re playing games, can you tell which game is better than another by 00.1%? Hell no! Most people would struggle to tell the difference at 10% and anything more or less than that is subject to individual preferences.

My point is, that gamerankings is an extremely poor way of judging game quality if that' s all you go by. Games made on PC and console and just as good as each other, one is not superior to the other like you say it is. Not giving PC games a chance based on that list is one of the most foolish things you can ever do.
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 8 Sep 06 15:25:30 >

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 23:22

Japaneese dont make great games for me! Cutesy figures and gay bishonen characters arent my type!

...excuse me?...
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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 23:25
Gangsta has a 486!!!
< Message edited by MAJIKDRA6ON -- 8 Sep 06 15:25:28 >

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 23:26

ORIGINAL: Bishonen

Japaneese dont make great games for me! Cutesy figures and gay bishonen characters arent my type!

...excuse me?...

I told you months ago that " bishonen" means " feminine male"

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 08, 2006 23:49

< Message edited by Bishonen -- 8 Sep 06 15:50:10 >
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Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 04:43

My point is, that gamerankings is an extremely poor way of judging game quality if that' s all you go by. Games made on PC and console and just as good as each other, one is not superior to the other like you say it is. Not giving PC games a chance based on that list is one of the most foolish things you can ever do.

Gangsta only believes that japaneese console game makers, make the perfect games! he is beyond reason! I sometimes think he thinks that they are infailable, though i think he forgets to remember their mishaps!

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 04:44
Yes,fukk gangsta!
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 05:25

Yes,fukk gangsta!

Preferably not! But if he has a hot sister :P

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 06:13

My point is, that gamerankings is an extremely poor way of judging game quality if that' s all you go by.

It' s the best way to judge a game - it' s the avarage rating based on all scores given by all reviews - you can' t do better than that.(and 0,03% means quite a lot when judging this way)

I have a Centrino laptop - not suitable for games, but I play quality games on consoles and the only time I wanted to have a Gaming PC was when HL2, WC3 and Doom3 were out (I played all of them actually and I loved D3 and HL2 only).

Vx I remember more bad japanese games than you do - I haven' t started playing on consoles when Xbox came out so I saw a couple more.

he thinks that they are infailable, though i think he forgets to remember their mishaps!

I' ve flamed more japanese games on this forum than you ever heard of.

I don' t have a sister - but LowIQuez would fuck anything that moves and can' t say " NO" .
My opinion is that PC games are far from console games in terms of perfection and quality in overall.You won' t notice that playing PC ports on 360 or Xbox.You' d have to play all those great games that console gamers played when you had pentium 166Mhz MMX.

There are ofcourse exceptions - like mentioned Half life 2 for example.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 8 Sep 06 22:15:45 >

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 06:20
I think dumb gangsta doesn' t take care of his PC,thus getting problems when playing with it.


I can bet my ass on that you' ve a lot of virus and shit,and every game that worked before laggs like hell now.

Be gone noob!!

oh btw.

Fukk gangsta!!!
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Mass Effect - official release date - Sep 09, 2006 08:52


My point is, that gamerankings is an extremely poor way of judging game quality if that' s all you go by.

It' s the best way to judge a game - it' s the avarage rating based on all scores given by all reviews - you can' t do better than that.(and 0,03% means quite a lot when judging this way)

Best way? What the hell are you smoking? How about actually playing the damn game? That' s the best way to judge a game, not simply going by some list that is so subject to variables that a game position can change 30 places overnight! You must seriously have some issues if you think 0.03% means a lot in that list. If you look at the reviewer list, quite often it' s some oddball review giving 97.4% to a game that makes up the <0.03%. Only sane reviewers deal with whole numbers, not decimal places.

Another aspect you seem unable to grasp is the number of reviews vs average score percentage. Some games with 30 reviews or less have achieved better scores (by 00.x%) than those with triple the amount of reviews. If you know anything about statistics, it' s much harder to maintain a average high score the more reviews you have. So technically HL2, Halo, Re4, Metroid Prime, etc are all superior to Zelda, Mario 64 and pretty much every other game on the top 10 list even though they occupy lesser placings.

My opinion is that PC games are far from console games in terms of perfection and quality in overall.You won' t notice that playing PC ports on 360 or Xbox.You' d have to play all those great games that console gamers played when you had pentium 166Mhz MMX.

Been playing PC games and console games for fifteen years. I was playing games on my 486 and consoles unlike you. Your opinion is so bigoted and wrong that it really is sad. Even when I show you that your perfect " statistics" are flawed and unsuited to what you use them for, you still plough ahead like foolish child.

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