" New contract with Sony making the game a PS3 exclusive."
I really couldn' t care less about AC4, but the fact that Sony is
gaining an exclusive is news. I figured they' d be losing them all up untill launch.
i was gonna renew it but somehow it still has me down as gold still(even though to be honest I don' t really play much on live).
Cool, just roll with it untill they drop you back to silver.
i say this because i dident want them to jcak it up on the 360 like chrome hounds and ruin the game its would be hard to play armoured core with an 360 controller
lets see here, PS3 controller has...
-4 face buttons
-2 analog sticks,
-1 D-pad
-2 top buttons
-2 top triggers
-1 L3
-1 R3
-1 Home button
And the 360 has...
-4 face buttons
-2 analog sticks,
-1 D-pad
-2 top buttons
-2 top triggers
-1 L3
-1 R3
-1 Home button
Yeah, I can see how that' d shatter your gaming experience.
The 360 works a lot better for shooters.
Meh, it depends on what Sony does with their triggers. 360' s got an all-around better feel for their controller, but I like the pressure sensitive face buttons on Sony' s pad. (just one more reason MGS Twin Snakes didn' t work on a different pad

< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 4 Sep 06 22:40:56 >