4000!!!! I
think i am the first user to reach 4000 posts and that, by default make me ' King of Kikizo Forums'

I want to thank Adam (and the invisible staff members that we don' t see but are still there) for creating and continuing to evolve Kikizo. For working his ass off to bring us exclusive interviews and game video' s of unmatched quality, for free. For keeping the forums tidy and free of the idiots who plague other boards and for choosing me as a winner and sending me a free game. Thankyou.
Can i get a round of applause for Adam Doree!

I also want to thank all other forum users for putting up with me. Especially Ginjirou for showing me the error of my ways. And i' d like to appologise to anybody and everybody who i have offended or have been abusive to during my time here.
I' ve met so many cool people from posting here that i possibly coundn' t list everybody as i have a terrible memory and would be afraid of missing somebody. And while we may not have the busiest forum it' s ours and our smaller community means we get to know more about one another.
Yes, i realise this should technically be in ' Everything Else' but i plan on changing the threads topic as soon as i find something newsworthy.

Oh, and do me a favour and try and click on the ads every so often. They are one of the reasons the site is completely free.
Oh, and Silentbomber and i would like Kikizo t-shirts!!!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 30 Aug 06 23:56:29 >