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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 07:57
I think we are all part of team Kikizo. If you post here and are respected, your in.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 08:15
I would still like a run down of team sony... I have been listed in it by gaiden or mikayd2 once before, but i assure you i have no such affiliation with any team at this current point in time... that I know of at least.
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 08:18
I think we are all part of team Kikizo. If you post here and are respected, your in. That' s partially my point. The others are the people talking about " Team Sony" .
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 08:25
I hate team sony,fucking fanboys.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 08:26
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL I hate team sony,fucking fanboys. But quez, your a fanboy, too, right? Or did you just mean Sony fanboys, because then that makes sense
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 08:28
No,im in teamxbox. We have a normal/good taste ,and dont wave around with our hands like a retarded gangsta on crack when playing a simulator game.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 08:37
lol. well... ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost " I don' t wanna comment it,until im sure its for 360 and not ps3." Was that a joke? Quez you' re the biggest fanboy I' ve ever seen. in the Jesusfuckinchrist - now that' s nextfuckinggen right here boys OMG!! /360/ thread ORIGINAL: Quezcatol Damn japanese rpg,they all suck. Except upcoming Lost odyssey,blue dragon and Enchanted arms which comes in a month or so.
Ahem, so only 360 ones you haven' t played are good then? I see no proof of fanboy, i guess i was wrong
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 08:41
:P But,Why do people buy a ps3? Well there is many many reasons,but one that is often named is because of kojimas MGS4,why should i not be intrested in 360' s lost odyssey and blue dragon. With people who done games like Final Fantasy serie,chron trigger,anime like dragonballz,and worked on movies like fifth-elemnt and matrix. Yepp,its a AAA team working on LO/BD,and since FF creator-producer-director-storywriter,graphic designer,programmer Sakaguchi-san joined xbox360,im going for 360. I cant see the problem in it.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 08:58
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL :P But,Why do people buy a ps3? Well there is many many reasons,but one that is often named is because of kojimas MGS4,why should i not be intrested in 360' s lost odyssey and blue dragon. With people who done games like Final Fantasy serie,chron trigger,anime like dragonballz,and worked on movies like fifth-elemnt and matrix. Yepp,its a AAA team working on LO/BD,and since FF creator-producer-director-storywriter,graphic designer,programmer Sakaguchi-san joined xbox360,im going for 360. I cant see the problem in it. I understand you buying a 360, it' s great but to say you wont comment on something until you know what platform its on, come on.... " why should i not be intrested in 360' s lost odyssey and blue dragon." I didn' t suggest that, it' s good you are excited for them, the promise they hold, still the games are not proven yet, so to say they are the only good jrpgs and all else suck is a bit... lame
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 09:02
Well Quez is right. Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and Cry On hold more promise than the recycled Final Fantasy shit we' ve been getting for the past couple of years.
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 09:04
Enchanted arm is meant to be really bad, I read a view previews. While it still has time to get good, its sure unlikely.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 26 Aug 06 1:04:59 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 09:06
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber Enchanted arm is meant to be really bad, I read a view previews. While it still has time to get good, its sure unlikely. The only RPG' s 360 needs are the 3 Mistwalker games and Mass Effect. At least for the moment. I won' t be picking Enchanted Arms up upon it' s release here.
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 09:08
promise, as i said, is good. But doesn' t make the games better matter of factually. Not yet at least. I can compare it i guess to saying heavenly sword is better than anything in the same genre.
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 09:11
ORIGINAL: uumai promise, as i said, is good. But doesn' t make the games better matter of factually. Not yet at least. I can compare it i guess to saying heavenly sword is better than anything in the same genre. I know what you mean but Quez is Swedish and so is not to be fucked with. He' ll cut you head off and use your arms to beat small children to death!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 26 Aug 06 1:12:11 >
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 09:11
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber Enchanted arm is meant to be really bad, I read a view previews. While it still has time to get good, its sure unlikely. Adding to the point originally quez said even enchanted arm was one of the only good jrpgs. " Damn japanese rpg,they all suck. Except upcoming Lost odyssey,blue dragon and Enchanted arms which comes in a month or so." So to quote kevin spacey as lex luthor. " WRONG!" - Or at least partially, for now, maybe forever. I know what you mean but Quez is Sweedish and so is not to be fucked with. He' ll cut you head off and use your arms to beat small children to death! Ok point taken, i' ll leave it here, Quez can be whatever he wants to be... i' ll just go on idly by...
< Message edited by uumai -- 26 Aug 06 1:13:25 >
Tim Strickland
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 09:27
Did I miss a post or did someone fail to mention that it' s a good thing the 360 can' t run DirectX 10 perfectly? If the 360 could run DirectX 10, it would be a huge mistake and would more than likely bring back the old insult on the original XBox being just like a PC. I would prefer to at least TRY and get a unique experience on my 360, wouldn' t you?
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 09:35
But it is just like a pc. With all the inter-connectivity, media center, 360 peripherials to be used on pc, direct x9/some of 10, pc ports being so EASY. It is basically the gaming extention of your pc. It means, however the 360 gets/can get a lot of ports of pc games, many seem to be FPS too, which people can' t seem to get enough of these days, so great for them. So it only serves to fill out the list of titles available on the machine.
Tim Strickland
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 09:43
I see your point. I' m mainly just trying to avoid potention fanboy arguments. 360: " My system can run DirectX 10! It' s better!" PS3: " It' s a fucking computer son, get over it." 360: " Doesn' t yours run Linux and advertise itself as a computer?" PS3: " ......" 360: " ......" Brought to you by Bill Gates and Ken Kutaragi.
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 10:29
I wouldn' t worry about that Tim. Even if the 360 was natively DX10, no matter what people say or how much they hope, consoles will never ever replace or be just like PC' s anytime soon. It' s a fact. Being mainly a PC gamer, I see the PC " doomsday" argument come around every generation, and each time it' s been proven to be highly incorrect. Personally, I think it' d be rather cool to have DX10 native support on the 360. I' d like to think of it as " DX9.5 capable" or something. Microsoft has brought DX10 features to the 360 development tools. Whether or not these are possible depends on what the hardware is capable of. From what I' ve read (solid info on Xenos is lacking) Xenos has features and capabilities that are clearly beyond the current Shader Model 3.0 DirectX9 specification (PS3' s RSX, current PC GPU' s) while it lacks features that are expected to be a requirement for DX10. The 360 will never be able to run DX10 features that require hardware support, unless MS upgrades Xenos (which will be never). Programmers may be able to put together something that looks very similar to DX10 effects but it won' t be the real deal. The PS3 dev tools (as far as I know) will not have access to DX10 features. Someone correct me if I' m wrong. This isn' t a bad thing though. Pretty much everything we' ve seen from Crysis has been in DX9 so there' s still heaps of life left there. Crysis is very possible on the 360 and I' m assuming the PS3. So until Vista becomes the standardized OS, you won' t be hearing/seeing too much of true DX10 games.
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 11:07 The Crysis engine is actually possible on both the PS3 and the 360. About 9:40 into the video you will see them talking about it. Infact they already have the engine running on the 360 and I believe the PS3. While they say it' s a PC only title I' ve heard it' s coming to at least the 360. No comment on where I heard it.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 12:07
If the 360 could run DirectX 10, it would be a huge mistake and would more than likely bring back the old insult on the original XBox being just like a PC. I would prefer to at least TRY and get a unique experience on my 360, wouldn' t you? The line is blurring between consoles and PCs. What 6 or 7 years ago was a battle between one person playing mario in ther bedroom V.S. 16 people playing a game over the net, while listening to music, and surfing the web. Web browsing, personal music, photo' s, online gaming. Very few of these were included in the last generation, and the ones that were, were either scaled down compared to their pc counterparts, or on a console that didn' t have much hold in the market. This generation is going to be a real bridge between the two. No I' m not saying Linux is ever going to take off on the PS3, but we' re getting there.
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 13:04
Didn' t see that coming, are you for real? Team Sony is a an extremist team, a Sony can do anything team.... really? no were not we are an groups of cHampions I would still like a run down of team sony... I have been listed in it by gaiden or mikayd2 once before, but i assure you i have no such affiliation with any team at this current point in time... that I know of at least. Please no need to hide it you are amoung friends I hate team sony,fucking fanboys. you 2 Can join but we will have to talk this over with gaiden Well Quez is right. Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and Cry On hold more promise than the recycled Final Fantasy shit we' ve been getting for the past couple of years. To some but not to me man Sake is my man all the titiles you listed dont mean much to me . I am the type of guy that loves armored core and hates chrome hounds lol ( it sucked to me that is) but... Mikayd2 is the leader of team sony Me and Gaiden collectively are the leaders of team Sony I will give you guys an list of my armys personel ( i said army my bad I ment to say Team yeah thats it ) later in November lol .... lol
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 13:12
ORIGINAL: mikayd2 I am the type of guy that loves armored core and hates chrome hounds lol ( it sucked to me that is) Armored Core is coming out for the 360.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 17:59
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber I need confimation from your leader, Gaiden. And I will only join if I can be Vice-President, no wait, JUNIOR Vice-President! yeah. welcome to the TEAM silent bomber.............YOU do know BOTH me and mikayd are the BOSS so we accept you. Please BE sure to purchase a PS3 on launch OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS is such a WONDERFUL DAY someone with silentbombers skills could really be AN IMPORTANT asset to the team.
< Message edited by Gaiden Black -- 26 Aug 06 10:01:03 >
Rest in PEACE Cetra and GANGSTA you guys will be missed..........
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 18:00
ORIGINAL: mikayd2 Didn' t see that coming, are you for real? Team Sony is a an extremist team, a Sony can do anything team.... really? no were not we are an groups of cHampions I would still like a run down of team sony... I have been listed in it by gaiden or mikayd2 once before, but i assure you i have no such affiliation with any team at this current point in time... that I know of at least. Please no need to hide it you are amoung friends I hate team sony,fucking fanboys. you 2 Can join but we will have to talk this over with gaiden Well Quez is right. Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey and Cry On hold more promise than the recycled Final Fantasy shit we' ve been getting for the past couple of years. To some but not to me man Sake is my man all the titiles you listed dont mean much to me . I am the type of guy that loves armored core and hates chrome hounds lol ( it sucked to me that is) but... Mikayd2 is the leader of team sony Me and Gaiden collectively are the leaders of team Sony I will give you guys an list of my armys personel ( i said army my bad I ment to say Team yeah thats it ) later in November lol .... lol LOL @rampage comment. Too bad for 360 and ps3 fans huh, i dont expect the game to be a whole lot better than it' s predecessors, expect in gfx.
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 18:05
Okay i must have been drunk. Good Jrpg are... FF serie Chrono serie Tales of serie ... and even pokemon red... Enchanted arms looks great. Its probably gonna be a 7 or a 8,but clearly not more,however famitsu gaved it 8,7,8,9. A very good score indeed. When i said Jrpg sucks i didn' t mean it,but 9/10 of them are trash tbh. But a lot of these are also awesome.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 18:34
quez U NEED MEDICAL attention
Rest in PEACE Cetra and GANGSTA you guys will be missed..........
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 18:44
I think you need it.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 18:47
Rest in PEACE Cetra and GANGSTA you guys will be missed..........
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 19:50
The X-Box brand came from the idea that you could have a gaming ' box' that was direct X powered. With DX10 so close to the 360' s relative launch, and with (as far as I recall) it being called the ' xbox' 360 - I think the compliance with DX10 is not just about graphics hardware. I think the idea was that the 360 can draw on certain elements where required, but as it is a console and it is dedicated in nature that it does not have the same issue with bottlenecks as a PC does. The 360 fills the game between arcade / games / pc hardware very well. Actually Gaiden, I think it is me that needs medical attention. ugh... hungover.
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 20:42
At least half of DX10' s feature set would be completely useless with regard to 360. Microsoft and ATi have made 360 compliant with only the things that the console needs. Once this generation is in full swing and 360' s DX10 features are being fully taken advantage of we' ll see some truly awesome things from Xenos as not only is the thing a generation ahead of RSX anyway but it supports more advanced DX features and anybody who has already seen performance increases from DX9.0 through to DX9.0c will know what i mean. DX10 will support Shader Model 4.0 and even though 360' s isn' t FULLY DX10 compliant, XNA will allow developers to use Shader Model 4.0 for their 360 titles.
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 20:47
I don' t give a fukking shit,look at... GEARS OF WAR AND METAL GEAR SOLID4 Its just two titles with two diffrent graphic engines. Let dev have time and dev their own stuff with our with dx10 and you will se nice stuff.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 26, 2006 23:24
welcome to the TEAM silent bomber.............YOU do know BOTH me and mikayd are the BOSS so we accept you. Please BE sure to purchase a PS3 on launch OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS is such a WONDERFUL DAY someone with silentbombers skills could really be AN IMPORTANT asset to the team. Such an nice day it is indeed Armored Core is coming out for the 360. I know but it will be hard to play with that 360 pad the i need both analog stick in the same spot for armored core im astick with the ps2 version or ps3
< Message edited by mikayd2 -- 26 Aug 06 16:00:58 >
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 27, 2006 00:49
Please BE sure to purchase a PS3 on launch OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!! Me try BIG effort, but Silentbomber makes no promise. ugh... hungover. teachers dont get Hungover, they sip Cherry in their tweed jumpers commenting on the state of Exam results and the weather. Mmyes...
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 26 Aug 06 16:54:30 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 27, 2006 01:08
lol, i think im about 30 years too young to even know what tweed is! and no i dont have elbow pads either! im the youngest lecturer in the uni to my knowledge, in fact im frequently mistaken for a student and told to get out of areas lol. I' m enjoying these last two weeks while they last....
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 27, 2006 01:10
I' m enjoying these last two weeks while they last.... Yeah, they are going to find out your a Ninja sooner or later.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 26 Aug 06 17:10:30 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: 360 Cant run Driect X 10
Aug 27, 2006 03:48
Okay i must have been drunk. ugh... hungover. So that' s what truly makes team Kikizo so special. The alcohol! I' ve been trying to figure out that last ingredient for ages, and there it is. I' m enjoying these last two weeks while they last.... Yeah, they are going to find out your a Ninja sooner or later.
What? No ninjas on campus? What kind of University is that? You should transfer to the University of Eddie Pirates & Ninjas Campus . That place rocks.
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