Mass X
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Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 03, 2004 18:58
What do you think is the dumbest or crapiest or peice of junk thing to come out of the game industry? (Games,Game System,a Periphreal...?)
< Message edited by Mass X -- 6/3/2004 6:59:10 PM >
Joe Redifer
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 03, 2004 19:04
3DO (system AND company), Atari Jaguar, the 32X pretty much qualifies, N-Gage, Sega Activator, Mario Party.
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 03, 2004 19:23
Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry Message Boards.
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 03, 2004 20:17
The poor Jaguar...loved Alien vs. Predator, though. There were so many trashy games over the past 25 years; I' ll just list those from this generation: Mike Tyson' s Boxing Top Angler Gods and Generals Pulse Racer Big Rigs Paris-Dakar Rally Johnny Moseley' s Mad Trixx Kabuki Warriors Legend of Alon D' ar
Joe Redifer
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 03, 2004 23:19
Wow. I' ve never heard of any of those games, though Kabuki Warriors was an old game for the Japanese Sega Mega Drive. I rented it once, and it was, ummm... how to describe it in internet forum terms.... oh yeah... " teh ghey" .
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 6/3/2004 5:22:59 PM >
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 03, 2004 23:34
N gage (MAn I hate that thing)
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 03, 2004 23:38
Censorship. I also hate people who think arguing about what is clearly someone' s opinion of a video game is. Pure junk, but sadly enough a very abundant by-product of the video game industry thanks to dictionaries, illiteracy, and bad eye-sight. Hi fathoms!
Look at something for what it is, not what it appears to be. Facing what consumes you is the only way to be free. Doubt me, hate me, you' re the inspiration I need.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 04, 2004 05:57
1- PAPER BOY 2 (SNES) 2- Super Scope 6 3- Time Killers (Genesis)
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 04, 2004 13:10
Extreme: Learn the English language. Facts do exist, contrary to popular liberal opinion that the sun is only hot if it is " to us." Subjectivity rules this country, but only because we' re afraid of hurting people' s feelings. Better accept this. Joe: Heh......few have. Here- Mike Tyson' s Boxing I' m surprised you haven' t heard of it. Crap, crap, CRAP boxing game (obviously) that just gets crushed by Victorious Boxers and the recent Fight Night 2004. Just check out the reviews. LOL Top Angler A downright atrocioius fishing game for the PS2. Nobody really understands what this title was even supposed to BE. Gods and Generals A really tragic PC game that took an bad epic movie and somehow made it worse. Pulse Racer On Xbox, it' s perhaps the worst racer I' ve ever seen. Well, at least since the 8-bit days. Just pathetic...actually, let me add Driven to the list, because that was JUST as bad. Big Rigs Unbelievable. Just the ultimate in trash on the bad, it' s funny. Really funny (you race 18-wheelers, if you couldn' t guess). Paris-Dakar Rally A PS2 racer that just SUCKED; most critics agreed that it was a disaster in execution. Johnny Moseley' s Mad Trixx The Olympic champion should' ve actually played this mess before it was released. Skiing is rarely any fun in a video game anyway, but somehow, they made it even LESS fun. Kabuki Warriors An early fighting game for the Xbox, it' s one of the lowest-reviewed games in history. Not surprising, seeing as how it was a pitiful excuse for a game. Legend of Alon D' ar An awful RPG for the PS2...high expectations, but all were gone after the first 10 minutes. Nobody knows what happened. I think it' s averaging like a 3 in reviews scores. Oh, and I' d also like to add (besides Driven): Army Men: Green Rogue. Good riddance to THAT franchise. [:' (]
Terry Bogard
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 04, 2004 13:57
Army Men: Green Rogue.
Good god man, why' d you have to go and remind me of THAT piece of trash!!!!
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 04, 2004 13:58
Extreme: Learn the English language. Facts do exist, contrary to popular liberal opinion that the sun is only hot if it is " to us." Subjectivity rules this country, but only because we' re afraid of hurting people' s feelings. Better accept this. If I' m using a different language than English, it' s news to me. Everyone else seems to understand me fine. Anyways, there is more to " the sun being hot" than how you stated it. Point blank, flat out, yes the sun is hot. You are a genius. The same sun that shines in the desert shines on the peak of Mt Everest. Mt Everest certainly isn' t hot, now is it? Perhaps the country is ruled by subjectivity because we have the ability to think freely and form our own opinions of each and every little thing we experience. That itself is almost the pure meaning of subjectivity. Murder cases are decided by objectivity because there is hard evidence and no room for prejudice or unchecked emotion. What someone thinks of a video game is entirely subjective because different people have different preferences when it comes to entertainment. Not everyone likes to play ultra-realistic racing games that are clearly not meant for every gamer or long and drawn out RPG' s with fairly bland characters who engage in endless random battles with no way of avoiding them... and it is no fault of their own. The game just doesn' t do it for them. There are too many variables in the formula for a video to be " GREAT" and everyone agree. It' s purely and absolutely subjective.
Look at something for what it is, not what it appears to be. Facing what consumes you is the only way to be free. Doubt me, hate me, you' re the inspiration I need.
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 04, 2004 14:54
Extreme: I' m not getting into this again. What you like and enjoy is indeed 100% subjective. What is quality and what isn' t can, and must, be defined by objective, quantifiable values. The production values of Kabuki Warriors, in terms of technical achievement, is inferior to Dead or Alive 3 or Virtua Fighter 4. Fact. Do you like KW more than the other two? Okey-doke...opinion. The finest chef in the world just made you a meal. I hand you a McDonalds Happy Meal. The meal from the chef is of a higher quality, as evidenced by the ingredients and preparation. Fact. Do you like the Happy Meal more? Wonderful...opinion. End of story. Terry: I had to review that garbage back at GW. I believe I referred to the gameplay as " the place where good control goes to die."
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 04, 2004 18:09
Easy one I' ll have to go with Drake for the xbox. I only played the demo and that was more than enough, i don' t love cellshading nor hate it, but the cellshading on this game was poor, making the graphics look terrible. Also, the animations were sloppy and .....and .......  not only that but the controls were a mess, i couldn' t believe a simple taks like jumping from one place to another was going to be soooooo difficult. Finally, the game had nothing, absolutely nothing right about it. so...... WORST.GAME.EVER Don' t get close to that.......please
< Message edited by LEBATOTE -- 6/4/2004 6:36:18 PM >
Russian Mobster
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 04, 2004 23:47
Ill Go with GTA Vice City for XBOX. The Graphics are improved they added custom soundtracks but it looks like they didnt even test this game it has so many bugs.
XBL Gamertag:RUSSIAN mobster XBL Games:Splinter Cell:PT,PGR2,Mech Assault, Crimson Skies, MM3, DDR, Rainbow Six 3, Unreal Championship, NFL2k3, Moto GP, Tetris,RalliSport Challenge 2,HALO 2.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 04, 2004 23:58
Terry: I had to review that garbage back at GW. I believe I referred to the gameplay as " the place where good control goes to die." OH that was your review? Very nice, LOL... Sometimes the amount of joy one can have by writing a scathing review and ripping on a game that deserves it is almost criminal.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 6/5/2004 12:00:19 AM >
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 06, 2004 18:45
i would say wind waker and mario sunshine were both BIG mistakes. nintendo really needs to grow up now.
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 06, 2004 19:11
nintendo really needs to grow up now. I was watching TV the other day when I saw a commercial for Custom Robo. One of the mechs took off flying and then the camera went to a close-up of the face and this robot face looked as if Nintendo was trying to make it as " cute" as possible. Seriously, the mech looked like an 8 year old or was disturbing. Anyways, I' m sure the game is fun. I haven' t played it yet. I stopped playing my GameCube a long while ago because though some of the games are fun, the artistic stylings and obvious marketing angle that Nintendo are now employing fully just don' t suit me. I want to kill something, not " knock it out" if you get what I mean.
Look at something for what it is, not what it appears to be. Facing what consumes you is the only way to be free. Doubt me, hate me, you' re the inspiration I need.
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 07, 2004 22:00
Any army men game, and mario sunshine, nothing new, rather chessy. The water starp on was kinda cool, but got dull and uninteresting. Army men games were just dull, zzzzz
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 07, 2004 23:43
I' d have to say fanboys. That, and fanboys who don' t know much about the english language. Oh yeah, fanboys who use big words to try to sound intelligent, when everybody else knows that fanboy isn' t. Remind you of someone? I agree with ExtremeDream too. Also, for the most part, most cartoon-based games are pretty stupid IMO. When development studios make games based on Sponge-Bob or whatever, they just try to sell the game on name alone, not really putting any effort into it. These types of games sicken me, because I believe that if a game is going to be made, then it should be made good, not made by name recognition.
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 08, 2004 08:24
Druuna Morbis Gravis - PC....I saw this game running at E3 a few years back, but when I got it, it sucked big time, you play the roles of some nude women, well that' s all I figured out, and it was on 7 CD' s yes you had to install them all, why not DVD ROm, dunno, but I still can' t figure out how they fit all the cd' s in a standard DVD case, and the manual to....
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 09, 2004 06:01
The N64 controller. Yeah, it introduced us to the concept of analog control, but the style was way too goofy and the analog stick needed to be constructed differently (seems like half the time I tried to play an N64 game in stores, the stick was really loose and wouldn' t work - you know what I speak of).
" The greatest griefs are those we cause ourselves." -from Oedipus Rex
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 09, 2004 06:36
The worst thing to come from the games industry? Easy the Apple Pip-pin, yep, that Apple. Back in the early 90' s Apple made their own console, it only sold 4,000 units and cost over $1000, but I think that was apart of it' s charm or crap.
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 12, 2004 10:25
All that comes to mind right now is my new PS2 HDD. I am no longer paying for FFXI(a fantastic game, though) so my HDD is doing nothing but making my PS2 heavy.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 12, 2004 23:27
You can get the PS@ Loader and copy your games onto the HDD and that will shorten their load time. I have no idea where to get the Loader disc, though.
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 13, 2004 00:58
ORIGINAL: Joe Redifer You can get the PS@ Loader and copy your games onto the HDD and that will shorten their load time. I have no idea where to get the Loader disc, though. I' ve been reading up about the HDloader actually, and know where to find links for where to buy it. I just want to know that it works before I do. Has anyone used this with their ps2 HDD yet? If it works my ass is heading to blockbuster to get a gamer' s pass
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 14, 2004 22:52
the ps2  naw just kidding, it has pissed off liek all my friends by breakign down on them though(never know someone whos gc/xbox has broken on em...wait nm my gc had a defective lens...thank god for the waranty)..............peice of shit let me see here mad catz controllers blow......
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 14, 2004 23:50
^ haha, ya actually I could understand someone saying PS2. I was lucky to have bought a warranty with my first PS2 b/c I have gone thru 2 as it is. But then again, I play it quite a bit
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 14, 2004 23:55
SoulofXion: My Xbox has had numerous disc-read problems and even system crashes. A friend of mine finally gave up on the Xbox after his third system broke down on him within a month. I just had to replace my PS2, and it was a launch system. It lasted a good 2.5 years, and it could' ve lasted longer, if I had kept better care of it. I can' t see my Xbox lasting that long.
Mass X
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 15, 2004 00:05
Heheh my release date X-box is still going strong, despite the bumps,falls,and camping adventures. However, loadtimes with some games is a bit longer then with my g/fs x-box. As for the PS2' s, all my friend' s can no longer play DVD' s on them. Thats the biggest problem I' ve heard is the DVD drive.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 15, 2004 02:01
My GameCube died after I left Viewtiful Joe on pause for 3 days, LOL.. I think my PS2 took more abuse than any of your consoles will EVER see in their lifetime and it survived a good long while! My import Dreamcast controller port blew out supposedly after using a third-party control pad (Astro Pad). It was dirt cheap to fix. The Xbox is WAYYYYYYY too big and heavy to pick up or drop.
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 29, 2004 05:56
if anyone is having trouble with there PS2 DVD drive just tell me theres no need to pay SONY a bunch of money. I tried it on my PS2 and it works beutifuly.
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 30, 2004 00:56
X-BOX' s remote. My hands grew bigger from playing with it.
I' m still drunk from drinking water. :b
Joe Redifer
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RE: Crappiest peice of junk to come out of the game industry
Jun 30, 2004 01:34
X-BOX' s remote. My hands grew bigger from playing with it. Hmmm... that would explain why my hands shrunk after playing with my... well nevermind.