ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx
Mikay, are you paid by Sony, fucking retarded, or sarcastic. Please, just choose one.
I agree completely with all three - which do I choose!?
- Xp launched in 2001 by the way. 13 years ago we still had windows 3.11. If you had done much work with OS you' d know that XP is actually pretty decent for what it is. Prior to my current job as a lecturer I' d been a network manager, so we can talk OS politics all you want.
If I a new fileserver product came out and a few early models had a couple of issues with red lights or similar - I' d accept it and if the product was good I' d move on and sell it on it' s strengths.
Every time you open your mouth you bring up year old hype / spin or garbage. I bet you' d even consider breaking your console deliberately just to show people how crap MS are!
Try for a whole week not to slate MS, and not to big up PS3.. bet you cant do it!
Be neutral for a week?
The 360 wont sell in Japan, not because it is American - but because it is not home grown.
The Japanese are not interested in much other content either on the whole, The west likes content from worldwide developers and hardware vendors. They just like their own.
Narrow minded or not they make fantastic titles, but they shouldnt be so blinkered to innovation from elsewhere.
Short of MS sewing up some unprecidented exclusivity deals I cant see it happning for any foreign manufacturer ever...
Actually I think the 360 being a niche console over there must be pretty kewl...
< Message edited by musashi -- 22 Aug 06 0:21:45 >