Just had a quick skim read.... All the games showcases are like 15 mins away
from me!!!!
In actual fact, I could attend ALL events, switching between each one!
Could this become the new E3??!
Why on EARTH does it have a tick box for " Playing films and watching games" ?
Oh, I gedditt, they' re are trying to be zaney and quirky.
I hope there aren' t weird women there that talk to us like we are 5..
What happend tiz?
Not interested in this crap.

I suppose if you were, you' d pay money to fly ALLL the way to London
wouldn' t you?
Don' t worry, no-ones forcing you to be interested.. But the fact that you took the
time to post that must show you' re a little bit interested... Not even a tiny bit?
C' mon, you musta read the WHOLE article to arrive at that verdict... unless you..
didn' t..
Hey.... isn' t it like 6 in the morning there? So dedicated to wake up and that' s the
first thing you want do is post your distaste about something...
You don' t sleep do you?
< Message edited by Tiz -- 20 Aug 06 12:22:30 >