Ill admit that I enjoyed Shrek 2

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Ill admit that I enjoyed Shrek 2 - Jun 01, 2004 22:37
My g/f really wanted to go see it. And I really wanted to know what the big deal was about the $200 million+ movie. Turns out it was a very good movie, and clearly not just aimed at kids. Had a good mix of humor, action (comedic of course), and story. And the amount of detail with the CGI is quite incredible.

What are every1 elses thoughts on the film? (seen or not seen)

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RE: Ill admit that I enjoyed Shrek 2 - Jun 02, 2004 00:32
wasn' t there already a thread about this?

Anyway, i ahve seen it twice already. I wil go as far as to say that i enjoyed it MORE than the previous installment. I found it to be witty and cute, never a dull moment. The characters were just as endearing as the last time, and the nw characters were great. I well done movie if i may say so.