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Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 14, 2006 01:30
really?, what was the whole point of it? ..And I never saw one game that took advantage of it.. Maybe by the end of Zelda:TP after you beat the final boss, the game tells you to take the cube by the handle and toss it out the window, as you will never play it again. especially since the Wii can play GC games. And another question, why is the on switch on the back of the ps2/ps3/ praticaly everything electronic?, is this too keep you from switching it off so it can stay in standby forever? ...stupid designs.
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 14, 2006 02:36
Nintendo thought that portability would be important in the previous generation of consoles. They thought that you might want to take your Gamecube to a friends house. Someone (I think it was Iwata) said in an interview that they regreted the decision to put a handle on it since no one cared about portable home consoles. At first I tought it was supposed to keep space around the console clear so it didn' t overheat but when I realised the fans where on the sides I got confused. I think the PS2 power button was placed on the back because the stand-by button could easily be pressed by mistake since it was a very sensetive button. Not sure about that one though.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 13 Aug 06 18:38:30 >
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 14, 2006 05:11
the stand-by button could easily be pressed by mistake since it was a very sensetive button ah, that dosent account for the thousands of other products that also use the ' on swicth on the back' is it me, or is that just plain stupid if you have it set up in a such a way, you cannot reach behind the unit and have to resort to unplugging to power just to turn it off? Ps3 also has it. There has to be a reason.
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 14, 2006 06:47
The newer slim ps2 model doesnt have it.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 13 Aug 06 22:47:54 >
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 14, 2006 07:10
The title of this thread actually made me laugh out loud. I mean that in the best possible way. Thank you SB. I' m looking around my room right now and none of my electronics have a power switch in the back. I know what you' re talking about though. I think the original idea was to make it less accident prone... Maybe they put it back there so it' s closer to the power supply, less internal wiring. I dunno.
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 14, 2006 13:08
no all of u are wrong its an anti burglary protection, because its light and easy to swing, see nintendo didnt go completely wrong with the cube
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 14, 2006 14:44
If it' s light, I doubt it' ll hurt the burglar much... Besides, if it' s light and portable, the Gamecube would be the thing stolen right  ? Not that I think any burglar would consider the GC something that has black market value but still...
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 14, 2006 18:53
..And I never saw one game that took advantage of it.. Maybe by the end of Zelda:TP after you beat the final boss, the game tells you to take the cube by the handle and toss it out the window, as you will never play it again. especially since the Wii can play GC games. :) great post hehehhe
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 15, 2006 00:37
No No, they were meant for the original Gamecube distribution plan. See, Nintendo couldn' t deal with conventional distribution, so what they did, is load up gigantic hoverships with gamecubes, all of them slid on to shish-kabob type poles by the plastic handle, so when the time was right, the bay doors opened, and the gamecubes slid off the pole and parachuted into living rooms all over the civilised world.
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 15, 2006 00:44
Makes me wonder how they' ll distribute the Wii... It' s kinda small so maybe they' ll slide it in your mailbox?
Terry Bogard
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 15, 2006 01:14
Maybe by the end of Zelda:TP after you beat the final boss, the game tells you to take the cube by the handle and toss it out the window, as you will never play it again. especially since the Wii can play GC games. LOLOL!! That' s the best explanation for the GameCube handle I' ve seen yet
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 15, 2006 02:37
...i thought the gamecube had the handle, because girls like to walk around their bedrooms & apartments pretending their gaming machine is a $1,000 Prada handbag....  ..
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 15, 2006 02:42
This is what i mean,sure GC is very small and you can move it with your hand,but who really gives a f- I could care less how big ps3 is,its gonna stay under the tv anyway.
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 15, 2006 02:58
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL This is what i mean,sure GC is very small and you can move it with your hand,but who really gives a f- I could care less how big ps3 is,its gonna stay under the tv anyway. So you' re buying one?
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 15, 2006 06:30
its gonna stay under the tv anyway. And if your a cheapskate, it will support it too.
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 28, 2006 07:39
...i thought the gamecube had the handle, because girls like to walk around their bedrooms & apartments pretending their gaming machine is a $1,000 Prada handbag.... .. ...hey... this also why the original gamecube was pink?.... ...or was it magenta?...
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Aug 29, 2006 06:01
it was puce, Milton-Bradley puce thank you very much. And how very manly and adult oriented it was... (sniff) (sob) I just can' t keep living this lie!
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Sep 03, 2006 11:41
...i never heard of a colour like that before...  .. ...that' s not a ' privileged' name for lilac or something is it?..  ...
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RE: Why did the Gamecube have a Handle?
Sep 03, 2006 21:38
It looked more like a plum purple colour? Well, mine was black so that' s fine.. Anyone ever buy the kick arse Panasonic cube that played DVD' s? It looked like a miniature juke-box..
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