N64 Zelda sucks too?
The new one is Meh as well?
Come on...most people judge Zelda with Wind Waker in mind.Not fair.
oth MEtroid and Zelda have a bit similiar gameplay mechanics actually, so if you really, really hate one of them , chances are, you won' t like the other (but if you hate Metroid for control scheme - you suck).
Still Zelda is Zelda and should at least be given a chance by anyone who really enjoys gaming.
Who are they?
You never know who' s Majik' s bitch , untill it is too late...
...and Thought Halo was nothing special?
Silent , you' re not the only one :) - Halo was a very good game , but nothing really that great (if it were a GCN or PS2 game, it wouldn' t have been that huge).It was much better than Halo 2 though :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 14 Aug 06 11:20:30 >