Terry Bogard
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I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
May 28, 2004 05:35
Someone, anyone, sell me on this game. Even though the Gamecube version comes out a month later after the PS2 version, I only want the GameCube version since I hate/loathe/despise the Dual Shock controllers and adore my Wavebird!! So what are the game' s selling points? What exciting stuff can I look forward to?
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
May 28, 2004 05:59
To be honest with you, the best parts of Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow, for me were online. I never really got into the single player campaign, and online it was a nice breath of fresh air offering some new things. I' ve heard the single player is good but a touch on the tough side, but like I said I really never made it past the great online mode.
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
May 28, 2004 16:14
First of all, the best version is on the Xbox. Second of all, I' ve hated any and all Nintendo controllers since the SNES (IMO, whoever designed the GC controller is some kind of sadist), and the Sony controllers are the best EVER. But, outside this, the XBox (or PC) versions of SC: PT are the best. I can' t sell you on this game unless you' re a patient person who enjoys getting a thrill out of perfectly planned and executed operation. If you' re the kind of person who will hide in the shadows and watch a guard' s rotation for several minutes, and then deduce a plan as to how to get rid of both of them without A. killing them, B. getting noticed, and C. keeping their unconscious bodies in the dark...then this game is PERFECT. If you don' t have the patience, and you want to play it like Unreal, forget it. You won' t get past the first stage. Ingenuity is the name of the game, and you spend a lot of time analyzing a situation and scoping out your next move. Personally, I love it to death. But I know it' s not for everyone...
Terry Bogard
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
May 28, 2004 16:42
Well from your description it sounds like a very interesting game! Definitely worth a rental at the very least. Unfortunately I can' t stand the Xbox controllers neither - although they' re not as bad as the Dual Shock IIs. So with that I' ll definitely have to look into the GameCube version Unless there' s some KICKASS adapter that lets you plug a GameCube controllers to an Xbox or PS2. I would be in gaming heaven if there was an adapter that allowed what I consider the greatest controllers of all time - the import Saturn controllers - to be plugged into every console!!
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 5/28/2004 4:44:59 PM >
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
May 28, 2004 16:50
I have to agree with yoshimitsu...the online was the best part of the game, so that would make the cube version the worst in my eyes. The single player campaign felt much shorter and easier than the first one, I breezed right through it. The online actually didn' t last very long for me either, but that was mainly because the ubisoft servers were so screwy...it took me forever to actually get into a game...this eventually made me lose interest, I hope they fixed this problem by now.
Russian Mobster
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
May 28, 2004 17:36
The XBOX Controller S is the best controller. I never got used to those gay PS1/PS2 controllers,and the Gamecube controller is wierd. Never Played it online. As for the game the offline is too short only 8 Levels  . The story is really good.Alot like second season of 24. The graphics are amazing,difficulty is perfect. Cant wait for Splinter Cell 3.
< Message edited by russian mobster -- 5/28/2004 5:36:44 PM >
XBL Gamertag:RUSSIAN mobster XBL Games:Splinter Cell:PT,PGR2,Mech Assault, Crimson Skies, MM3, DDR, Rainbow Six 3, Unreal Championship, NFL2k3, Moto GP, Tetris,RalliSport Challenge 2,HALO 2.
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
May 29, 2004 00:04
The XBOX Controller S is the best controller. I never got used to those gay PS1/PS2 controllers,and the Gamecube controller is wierd. I think it' s odd how some people have a heavy preference in a controller. I found it easy enough to adapt to all 3.
Adam Doree
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
May 29, 2004 03:21
Can' t beat Saturn' s JAP controller when it comes to 2D fighters though! Of this gen, Xbox S is most solid I think but DS2 is clearly the best overall, while Wavebird does indeed rule for its hassle free wireless fun, when you' re a lazy gamer nothing beats the ease of just picking up the controller without the big hassle of plugging in the cable! As for SC:PT - by all accounts, this game is a BUY, especially for you Bogard, you will love it. Disgracefully, I still need to get hold of it, but it shall be done.
< Message edited by Adam Doree -- 5/29/2004 3:22:29 AM >
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
May 30, 2004 20:34
The fanboy mentality is really interesting...not only is everything for their system of choice automatically " the best," but everything else is also automatically " gay." Idiocy at its best.
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
May 30, 2004 20:37
The fanboy mentality is really interesting...not only is everything for their system of choice automatically " the best," but everything else is also automatically " gay." Idiocy at its best. Yeah, companies don' t have to do much cuthroat campaigning or mudslinging at their opponents either.....their fans just do that for them
Russian Mobster
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Jun 02, 2004 17:22
The fanboy mentality is really interesting...not only is everything for their system of choice automatically " the best," but everything else is also automatically " gay." The Controller S for the XBOX is the best out of this generation.(not including the dreamcast) I didnt like the PS1 controller from the start.then they released PS2 with the same gay controller. Y not put triggers in the back.I could never play racing games on PS2 because there are no TRIGGERS.
< Message edited by russian mobster -- 6/2/2004 5:24:03 PM >
XBL Gamertag:RUSSIAN mobster XBL Games:Splinter Cell:PT,PGR2,Mech Assault, Crimson Skies, MM3, DDR, Rainbow Six 3, Unreal Championship, NFL2k3, Moto GP, Tetris,RalliSport Challenge 2,HALO 2.
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Jun 02, 2004 17:32
Triggers suck for racing. Give me pressure sensitive buttons any day. And I' m glad you moved past the " best" and " gay" descriptions.
Terry Bogard
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Jun 03, 2004 03:56
Triggers suck for racing. Give me pressure sensitive buttons any day. Just give me buttons, lol.. Old school control scheme. Press button, car goes. Release button, car stays. Simplicity at its best
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Jun 03, 2004 03:59
Terry: So long as it' s an arcade racer, that' s just fine by me.
Mass X
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Jun 03, 2004 05:06
I prefer using a analog/face button combo in racing games. More pressure upwards on the analog speeds ya up while pulling it back enables the brakes. And if I wanna use the E-brake I switch to the face buttons (ABXY), but quickly return to the analog. ...wait what was this thread origionally about? SC: PT, well I cant say much about it as I havent played it.
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Jun 14, 2004 02:06
I' ve only played the first Splinter Cell so far, and I loved it. You do need patience to play through it, though. Some of it felt like too much " trial and error" but it was still a great game. I' m really looking forward to the PS2 release-- but please spare me the " xbox has better graphix so automatically is better" comments. I played SC1 on both xbox and ps2 and while the xbox version was better, the difference was so minimal to me I would take it on either system
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Jun 14, 2004 22:39
this is all i can say, the first oen sucked the second oe prob will too, as will the 3rd(onlien does look kinda fun though) this game was just lik POP (price of Persia) to me, was all hyped and got great reveiws but when i played it...........man it just sucked :P[:' (]
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Jun 16, 2004 08:33
I' m kinda pissed after reading reviews of the PS2 version of Splinter Cell. I didn' t expect it to be an exact replica of the xbox version, but after reading that this version was being designed for the ps2 and not just ported, I got excited. Then, once again, I was bummed by another crappy ps2 version of a ubisoft game. I really wanted to play this one too, the online modes sounded very interesting. Maybe my cheap ass is going to have to shell out some bucks for an xbox(I wanna play riddick too)
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RE: I need to be SOLD on Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
Jun 16, 2004 16:12
PS2Poodoo: That' s just the way things are. Ubisoft was primarily a PC developer for the longest time, and they are simply best suited to develop for the Xbox. Regardless of whether or not it was a port, I knew the Xbox version would still be superior. You are right about what you said before, in that most multi-console games have very minimal differences across all three platforms (some of EA' s games, like NFS: HP 2 and MoH: Frontline, are actually best-played on the PS2), but SC is one of those series that you just have to play on Xbox.