its always the same when a new consol launches, yat the PS3 does have some advantages, the hardware itself is more than worth the 500/600 dlls, imean the 600 dlls version has 3 time the storages capabilityes of the 360, its a bluray player, and comes whit Linux and the online service, i really wouldnt mind playing Fatal Inertia nov. 17 for free, or Resistance whit 40 players online matches, or Motor Storm, im so getting it first day.
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ Mark Rein said that PS3 is in much better state than 360 was before launch - they say final devkits have been delivered sooner (comparing to 360) and that Sony did a great job with it.It' s the first positive thing I' ve heard about ps3 and it came from Gears of War producer. We' ll have to wait to judge those games , but to be honest , nothing really interests me on PS3 except MGS4 and VF5 (those 2 aren' t launch titles , but I would get a PS3 for them if it' s price was 300$)
Sorry to skip back to heavenly sword for a bit but didn' t some devs from sony once claim that some calculations of the game are only possible on the ps3?.
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Just found enough money to secure myself a Wii!! My mother in law decided (unwillingly) to give her kids and me, around 2000$ so
How long do you think you can run from the police VX, before they find her body stashed in your basement?
ORIGINAL: Mass X Yes that stuff is good and all, but somthing not being factored in yet til the final product is the quality. Will Blu-ray be all it can be? That extra space worth it or how big do files range on avg, The files could be big and take up large chunks? Is the online service decent? Will 40 players run smoothly? Is the Linux section full blown or just a cut-down useless add-on? Hell, will the system survive the first week?
Ha, Mark had to say that because of the ass load of money Sony gave them for not announcing UT2007 for the 360. I haven' t heard one other developers honestly say they were pleased with the devkits.
Mark rein is also famous for sayin a lot of crap,like wii looks like a gimmick tool.
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ Ha, Mark had to say that because of the ass load of money Sony gave them for not announcing UT2007 for the 360. I haven' t heard one other developers honestly say they were pleased with the devkits. I guess they make Gears of War an Xbox exclusive for pure fun - no money involved, huh? He also DID NOT say anything good about PS3 devkits - just that many devs got final units way sooner than 360 devs last year.He also said that PS3 games don' t need that " you know - it' s just an early version on a pre alpha devkit" excuse (Wathawk and others). It was shocking to me that HE actually said that - I thought he' s a huge MS supporter.And at the same time he was the first to say good things about PS3.
ORIGINAL: Rampage99 Well no sh*t Gears made Epic an assload of money from MS. That' s a given. I' m just making the point that after the amount of money they got from Sony they aren' t going to say crap about the PS3. It' s the same for the 360. Anyone that has gotten paid off for something exclusive (even if it' s like UT2007 were they are just holding off the 360 announcement) are going to obvously keep their mouths shut about any faults.
Well that explains why he chose to only say bad stuff about Nintendo' s product then. Because they don' t make games for Nintendo do they?
ORIGINAL: I_AscendancY_I A link for Huxley My name is Sam Fisher, and I am a double Agent What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas Finish the Fight 2007 Er..... F.E.A.R? I' m ready to kick some ASS!
Always happy to lend a helping hand, by the way, the grass animals are mine.
ORIGINAL: Mass X Always happy to lend a helping hand, by the way, the grass animals are mine. Ya about remember the gold fish right? Well they made the beanbag I stuffed them into smell soooo I decided to trim the lil grass dudes for better stuffing...