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Blu-Ray gets owned by HD-DVD
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RE: Blu-Ray gets owned by HD-DVD
Aug 04, 2006 18:43
Personally I' m rooting for Blue-Ray, only because I find the idea of a " Blue" laser so very awesome! Erm, ...they BOTH use blue lasers.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Blu-Ray gets owned by HD-DVD
Aug 04, 2006 19:00
Thats what I thought aswell....
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Blu-Ray gets owned by HD-DVD
Aug 04, 2006 21:01
Erm, ...they BOTH use blue lasers. Man, am I ever so embarressed.  I actually had no idea. But does anybody know then, what it is that makes it impossible to read an HD-DVD on a Blue-Ray player and vice versa? Like I said, I actually don' t know much about these things, so please pardon my stupidity, I haven' t really been keeping up on new tech, the last couple of years. Edit: ...Still think Blue-Ray sounds cooler though.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 4 Aug 06 13:01:53 >
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Blu-Ray gets owned by HD-DVD
Aug 04, 2006 21:17
I don' t know much about it either but I would guess that a huge part of it would be down to the way they use the laser technology. To be honest I think i' m kinda sold on hd-dvd already for one thing it' s dvd compatible already. And the direction blu-ray is approching be it different and new it' s more complicated than needs be in my opinion and it' s just to avoid paying royalties to the proven and tested means that makes dvd and hd-dvd what they are. In all honesty I was more on the blu-ray fence because it' s new and fresh but with the arrival of their first player they look really shaky and uncontrolled if the reviews are anything to go by. Yea I like the name and the logo for blu-ray.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 4 Aug 06 13:18:07 >
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RE: Blu-Ray gets owned by HD-DVD
Aug 05, 2006 01:35
Except that 360 upscales DVD' s already. Only if you' re using VGA cables though as it' s against dvd licensing agreements to output upscaled comercial DVD' s over " unprotected" component outputs. Still, if you' re using the VGA cables your DVD' s will display in whatever resolution you have the 360 set to. You mean they can' t upscale DVD' s to 720p via component? Why? They are encoded in 480p so what would it hurt them that some guy watches them in higher res? I thought DVD players do that? Upscalling only means that the pixels that the 360 outputs fits into the pixels of the screen. You' re still not outputting as much information (quality) as HD-DVD or Blu-Ray. Yeah , but with good upscalling capabilities DVD' s look great - they actually look amazingly good while 480p DVDs on a native 720p HD TV look bad. And since DVD is the most popular format right now... There' s no denying that DVD playback on 360 is bad - ofcourse I' ve only read about it , haven' t seen DVD' s on 360 myself. HDDVD drive won' t do more than just read those discs and stream them over USB port - I don' t think it will change anything that 360 does with movies. Anyway I' m using a stand alone DVD player , but it would be nice if Sony did that right from the start.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 4 Aug 06 17:39:58 >
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RE: Blu-Ray gets owned by HD-DVD
Aug 05, 2006 01:37
I actually think the DVD player on the 360 is outstanding. They upgraded it recently to improve it even more through a Live update. Personally I say screw both formats. DVD is fine.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Blu-Ray gets owned by HD-DVD
Aug 05, 2006 01:37
I play dvd' s on the 360 sometimes and I really don' t think it' s bad gangsta....but again maybe it' s just my one.
Jessica Spencer
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- Joined: Jul 24, 2006
RE: Blu-Ray gets owned by HD-DVD
Aug 07, 2006 22:45
I play my dvds on my ps2, laptop, computer and dvd player.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Blu-Ray gets owned by HD-DVD
Aug 07, 2006 23:42
I play dvd' s on the 360 sometimes and I really don' t think it' s bad gangsta....but again maybe it' s just my one. In that case ignore my previous comment - since it must have been some sick videophile who said bad things about it. What the fuck is LEVEL 5 ?
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 7 Aug 06 15:42:40 >
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Blu-Ray gets owned by HD-DVD
Aug 07, 2006 23:50
Probably means the lower levels like myself have to go through your secretaries to talk to you guys.....life at the top . Nah I dunno ...
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