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Videogame Art
Aug 03, 2006 07:24
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 03, 2006 07:45
I agreed to the resemblance to MK´s characters. Those warriors with hats look a lot like Kung Lao. From the looks of Heavenly´s artwork it seems that did a great job at pre-production, and i always heard that a good pre-production work is half-way to a successful final product. I can´t really think of a specific game artwork right now because i find almost everyday new concept sketchs of video games. But i´ll try to find some of those to share with you guys.
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 03, 2006 08:44
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 03, 2006 09:46
Well, well... Heavenly sword, I recently whilst searching around on the heavenly sword forum happened accross the original trailer (didn;t download it as at 60mb the 2-5kb/s i was getting was too much hassle) but the screen caps and peoples details of it had it pegged somewhat differently. More japanese, different main character, not as good. However in regards to ' dropping the large battles' apparently the game will still feature parts with huge battles along the lines of the original e3 05 cg trailer, according the ninja theory. and also no interruptions of cg in the game and advanced ai. So, on topic, The art direction is nice and much better than the original version shown ages ago. I' m hoping based on the devs comments and the art direction that the game is something epic, something along the lines of SotC - epic wihtout the story as such (cut scenes)...
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 03, 2006 11:01
However in regards to ' dropping the large battles' apparently the game will still feature parts with huge battles along the lines of the original e3 05 cg trailer I don' t see it happening. They' ll have larger scale battles than the E3 demonstration but nothing on the scale of the CG they showed last year. Personally i would much prefer it to be like God of war or Prince of Persia and have them concentrate of the details rather than simply try to compete with N3. [image]I recently whilst searching around on the heavenly sword forum happened accross the original trailer... ...More japanese, different main character, not as good.[/image] Yeah, i saw that years ago before the game got shelved. The trailer was rubbish even back then. Fortunately the PS3 version and the new main character look FAR superior. Some people are saying that they should be aiming for 60fps instead of the 30 they want to cap it at but they know 30fps will allow them more room to work on effects and have more detailed evironments/characters. It' ll certainly be at TGS so we' ll get a better idea of how it' s progressing!
Chee Saw
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 03, 2006 12:30
It would be cool if they had different sections in the game, and maybe scale the graphics accordingly. Like have God of War sections, which would have much more detailed characters and environments, and have sections like N3, where the graphics are scaled back, but the sheer number of enemies is awesome. It would also break up the monotony of a game that focuses on one or the other (although I was totally enthraled with GoW, from beginning to end. I don' t think the same will happen with N3, though.)
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 03, 2006 22:04
Y' know, Ninja Theory initially went to Microsoft for financial support in return for an Xbox 360 exclusive but their proposal didn' t impress and Microsoft said no. Microsoft will be kicking themselves now that the game actually looks good.
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 03, 2006 22:25
Y' know, Ninja Theory initially went to Microsoft for financial support in return for an Xbox 360 exclusive but their proposal didn' t impress and Microsoft said no. Microsoft will be kicking themselves now that the game actually looks good. Hmm... I think M$ has the golden touch; they always turn down things that turn out to be big hitters! I really want to meet the man (or woman) who persuaded M$ to keep the Halo franchise - his balls must be squeaky clean!
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Chee Saw
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 03, 2006 22:59
ORIGINAL: Tiz Hmm... I think M$ has the golden touch; they always turn down things that turn out to be big hitters! Examples? Nothing springs to mind, other than Oddworld: Stranger' s Wrath, which, although an outstanding game, was not a blockbuster by any means.
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 03, 2006 23:21
Didn' t they turn down R* for an exclusivity deal on GTA?
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 03, 2006 23:24
I thought sony turned down an exclusivity deal and microsoft went for episodic content.......dunno.
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 04, 2006 00:05
ORIGINAL: Tiz Didn' t they turn down R* for an exclusivity deal on GTA? Erm no. It' s rumoured that Sony wouldn' t pay what Rockstar wanted for exclusivity so it was made a multi-platform game with 360 getting exclusive episodic content. Still, if Sony' s online service takes off too then Rockstar would be insane to pass on PS3 exclusive content.
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 04, 2006 00:12
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on ORIGINAL: Tiz Didn' t they turn down R* for an exclusivity deal on GTA? Erm no. It' s rumoured that Sony wouldn' t pay what Rockstar wanted for exclusivity so it was made a multi-platform game with 360 getting exclusive episodic content. Still, if Sony' s online service takes off too then Rockstar would be insane to pass on PS3 exclusive content. Well, that' s what I get for listening to the Tyco store rep... I' ll find the info myself next time. Bloody kindergarten department! 
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 04, 2006 00:15
Serves you right for eaves dropping on a kindergarteners conversation...
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 04, 2006 00:18
But they were wearing " San Andreas" T-shirts, and green bandanas... How was I supposed to know.. I' m gonna stop eavesdropping on conversations where I hear the slightest mention of a PS3.. Only if they' re hot ladies dressed in nothing but nightwear in a coffee shop for a Debenhams advert.
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 04, 2006 00:23
ORIGINAL: Tiz Only if they' re hot ladies dressed in nothing but nightwear in a coffee shop for a Debenhams advert. I wouldn' t trust a hot lady either...
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 04, 2006 00:27
ORIGINAL: dasher232 I wouldn' t trust a hot lady either... I' d trust her to resuscitate me, when I conveniently faint at their conversation. Just hope they don' t bring in the burly camera man called Smith to do it..
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 04, 2006 02:20
Vx Chemical
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 04, 2006 02:27
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 04, 2006 02:30
I didn' t look at your thread I was reading the too human blog and did thoses unless thats what your thread was about if so sorry....
Vx Chemical
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 04, 2006 02:33
Hey, no need to say sorry! lol! my link was to the Too Human blod, i was just you know, joking!
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 04, 2006 02:35
I know now
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 04, 2006 08:17
Well, that' s what I get for listening to the Tyco store rep... I' ll find the info myself next time.
' Tiz you were right actually - MS turned down GTA but not GTA4 -they didn' t want the first 3D GTA game - J.Allard that is :)
Jessica Spencer
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 07, 2006 23:34
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RE: Videogame Art
Aug 07, 2006 23:35
Well done you get a gold star........