I wouldn' t compare it to DMC3 - it' s a different kind of game.
You explore here (and while for some this could sound boring - it actually rocks) a lot and fight some monsters , but combat isn' t that important as in DMC3.
The moody atmosphere here with amazing music (incredible) and fantastic style makes it all amazing.
I' ve never completed any 2D castlevania (I will on DS) and I treat it as a standalone game without comparing it to other C titles.
IT kicks ass.
It has some minor flaws like camera sometimes , but it' s like Ninja Gaiden - you won' t notice it after a while.
I always go through lots of crappy and forgotten titles just to find something like that - and then it makes it all worth it.
I wish Vx could play it - Vx, you' d love this game no matter how much you dislike jgames (and this one has very strong RPG elements) :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 1 Aug 06 15:41:16 >