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Saints Row Demo on Market place. Dead Rising in next 48 hours?
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Vx Chemical
Winner! DEC 2005
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RE: Saints Row Demo on Market place. Dead Rising in next 48 hours?
Aug 02, 2006 18:52
I read if you drive up to the red wall, and open your car door, you sometimes pass through it
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: Saints Row Demo on Market place. Dead Rising in next 48 hours?
Aug 02, 2006 19:27
that wouldnt surprise me as when i hit a red wall at speed in the short time i was playing it and shot through the floor at 100mph! My car dissapeared completely and I came to rest below the game itself!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Saints Row Demo on Market place. Dead Rising in next 48 hours?
Aug 02, 2006 20:04
This isn' t the E3 demo at all. This is the same demo that they released in gamestores in the US for $10 a couple of weeks ago and was in/will be in OXM. Xboxyde have a preview build of the game but it still has bugs and framerate problems. Why BlimBlims character had a green afro i' ll never know. Shit, even he noted that in the preview buil the technical issues are still present but he did say that THQ had said the framerate would be better in the retail release. They would though.
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RE: Saints Row Demo on Market place. Dead Rising in next 48 hours?
Aug 02, 2006 22:45
I' d love to hear some impressions from dead rising - it looks kind of mediocre , but maybe plays great.
Vx Chemical
Winner! DEC 2005
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Saints Row Demo on Market place. Dead Rising in next 48 hours?
Aug 02, 2006 22:55
I' d love to hear some impressions from dead rising - it looks kind of mediocre , but maybe plays great. its capcom,. arent they japaneese, which = great games :P
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RE: Saints Row Demo on Market place. Dead Rising in next 48 hours?
Aug 02, 2006 23:03
I don' t think American-influenced games count -_- <------------ Hideo Kojima???
Gaiden BLACK
Ninja Dog
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RE: Saints Row Demo on Market place. Dead Rising in next 48 hours?
Aug 02, 2006 23:21
Mass X
Winner! APR 2004
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RE: Saints Row Demo on Market place. Dead Rising in next 48 hours?
Aug 02, 2006 23:26
One glitch I found in Saints Row was when I was bashing a corpse for a bit I managed to slam the dude thru the ground and he went into a non-stop seizure fo shorts. A really fucked up one at that. He wa slike exploding and imploding at the same time well flying around the room. However, the cool thing was he still had a the physics working within him as he was knocking shit off the walls andramming containers. I may still get this because the online seems like itd be a good time. Plus during bad days I like to pick these kinds of games up and just go insane for a bit. This is why I' ll be picking up Crackdown, Just Cause, and Mercenaries 2. Few other enjoyabel things I like about this game is the physics and car deformation. The first time i flew through my car window, it was instant Flatout memories :) Repeatadly throwing myself into traffic was fun, but would be easier if they allowed you access to the one button instant rag-doll. Hold ups wewre pretty neat. And the very customizable characters and hopfully cars. The big negatives are the framerate and bugs abound. And he looks like and ass walking with the pistol. Plus the pipebombs werent as satisfying as they could be. With a physics system like this explosions need to be as over the top as the game. I most likly will buy it, but may hold off depending on what else comes out in the month or 2 following.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
Dead Rising
Aug 03, 2006 11:59
Why use a gun... ...when you can use a hockey stick... ...?!
Jessica Spencer
Ninja Dog
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- Joined: Jul 24, 2006
RE: Saints Row Demo on Market place. Dead Rising in next 48 hours?
Aug 08, 2006 00:02
Using a hockey stick isnt illeagal is it???
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