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New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 11:10
Evil Man
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 11:45
I wish there was more than just snow environments =/
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 11:48
Your avatar isn' t showing.
Evil Man
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 16:17
My avatar is one of the default ones on this website' s server, its not my fault if it doesnt show.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 29 Jul 06 8:17:38 >
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 17:54
My interest in this game is growing, soon the 360 will have not so few games that I like, rather a lot of ' em. BTW I' m a sucker for post-apocalyptic... Especially those with snowy scenery.
Evil Man
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 19:30
I hope theres more than just snow environments or it' ll end up like prey, yeah the alien space station is cool and all at first, but not for the whole fucking game, it gets stale.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 29 Jul 06 11:31:16 >
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 19:56
Have you even played any of these games that you keep being so critical about. Anyhow dmc4 is set in a snowy plain but I doubt anone will complain about that (where a game is set is so trivial).
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 29 Jul 06 11:57:43 >
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 21:01
Since it' s set on a frozen planet, there' ll probably be quite a bit of snow and ice... This is refreshing AND clever. Capcom get so show off some really cool grapgical touches and partical effects with the wind and snow, footprints and explosions, ...but it also allows for them to work in cool game mechanics like having to dig for weapons, health etc and your body gradually getting colder the longer you stay outside. I have a feeling that this gen will see a lot more urban environments in games and Lost Planet is looking like a winter wonderland (  ) filled with BIG fucking alien mofos and BIG guns with which to cap alien mofo ass!
Evil Man
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 21:40
(where a game is set is so trivial). You are retarded.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 29 Jul 06 13:46:39 >
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 21:44
ORIGINAL: Evil Man (where a game is set is so trivial). You are retarded. Hahahahahahaha, ...I DOUBT YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT " TRIVIAL" MEANS!!!
Evil Man
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 21:45
Inconsequential, of no meaning or importance, etc. Halo would' ve been just as good if the whole game took place in the space ship from the 1st level, Mario 64 would' ve been better if it all took place in the first level as well, Zelda OT would have been MUCH better if it all took place inside the Deku Tree dungeon. Variety in levels doesn' t matter. Because you are a fucking retard and you say so. Whatever.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 29 Jul 06 13:46:24 >
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 21:50
Variety is good, i' m not disputing that, but you' re going to have one less forum to post in if you don' t stop being offensive
Evil Man
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 21:53
Then shut the fuck up about it, I know variety is important, no fucking shit, anyone with half a fucking brain knows that, so stop being a fucking retard and arguing against it. It' s like you have Capcom' s dick up your ass and refuse to accept that playing a game for 10 hours on snow levels is going to get stale.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 29 Jul 06 13:54:36 >
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 22:09
You know you don' t HAVE to buy it don' t you?!
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 22:13
ORIGINAL: Evil Man Then shut the fuck up about it, I know variety is important, no fucking shit, anyone with half a fucking brain knows that, so stop being a fucking retard and arguing against it. It' s like you have Capcom' s dick up your ass and refuse to accept that playing a game for 10 hours on snow levels is going to get stale. im sorry majik but you got pwned....................
Rest in PEACE Cetra and GANGSTA you guys will be missed..........
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 22:15
Didn' t i just tell you NOT to spur this goon on?
Gaiden BLACK
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 22:30
sorry boss
Rest in PEACE Cetra and GANGSTA you guys will be missed..........
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 22:33
You know i like you, but this guy is doing exactly what he needs to do to get banned. Oh, and you' ve changed you avatar to another girl?!
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 29, 2006 23:18
My avatar is one of the default ones on this website' s server, its not my fault if it doesnt show. ...far be it for me to sate the obvious, but this site has changed a lot since 2004... ... The more i see of Lost Planet, the more it reminds me of early Metal Gear.... ....this and GOW are my 360 most wanted by about a mile... EDIT: ...oh yeah, the environments won' t all be snow based... ..there will be underground environments, indoor, research facilities, caves and probably much more... .... this is a Capcom title we' re talking about...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 29 Jul 06 15:39:40 >
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 30, 2006 02:48
It' s like you have Capcom' s dick up your ass and refuse to accept that playing a game for 10 hours on snow levels is going to get stale. 10 hours on a snowy plain wont matter, if it' s a game made to be fun playing 10 h in a snowy plain.
< Message edited by dionysius -- 29 Jul 06 18:57:07 >
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 31, 2006 09:58
After playing the demo, I do believe it is pretty apparent that Lost Planet is bringing variety along with awesome gameplay. I remember, there was a space pirate base, outside (snow), underground garage, underground alien hive, and of course the cliffs that you have to climb. I love these new screens, thanks Majik.
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 31, 2006 20:37
No worries dude, it' s good to see you back agian!
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 31, 2006 21:24
some games can be very entertaining without much variety - it all depends on the game , but Lost Planet , while being a good game, is nowhere near the AAA status. The demo was ok, controlling your MECH-like weapon was ok (with problems , but that' s a demo) - at times with explosions and shit comin at you, it even looked like some cool movie scene, but this game will not be a system seller -I' d rate it 8/10 at best - at least that' s what I think after the demo.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 31 Jul 06 13:25:19 >
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 31, 2006 21:26
Yea i' d say 8/10 would be fair.
Evil Man
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 31, 2006 21:30
6/10 IMO
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 31, 2006 21:36
The demo kicked ass. The environments loom awesome as do most of the enemies. The nly problems i have with it and the only things i really want changing are: -the main characters run cycle -the uncomfortable aiming camera which should be more like RE4' s -the AI routines of the small bugs -the mech controls Other than that, and it IS a demo an the game isn' t going to be released until next year,' s all good. Graphically it' s FAR nicer than most of what either console has shown so far.
Evil Man
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 31, 2006 21:42
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on The demo kicked ass. The environments loom awesome as do most of the enemies. The nly problems i have with it and the only things i really want changing are: -the main characters run cycle -the uncomfortable aiming camera which should be more like RE4' s -the AI routines of the small bugs -the mech controls Other than that, and it IS a demo an the game isn' t going to be released until next year,' s all good. Graphically it' s FAR nicer than most of what either console has shown so far. In other words they need to redo the whole game.
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 31, 2006 21:43
You really live up to your name. Evil.
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 31, 2006 21:54
ORIGINAL: Evil Man ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on The demo kicked ass. The environments loom awesome as do most of the enemies. The nly problems i have with it and the only things i really want changing are: -the main characters run cycle -the uncomfortable aiming camera which should be more like RE4' s -the AI routines of the small bugs -the mech controls Other than that, and it IS a demo an the game isn' t going to be released until next year,' s all good. Graphically it' s FAR nicer than most of what either console has shown so far. In other words they need to redo the whole game. Hahahaha... I actually like this guy. The demo itself is very impressive seeing how early in the development cycle it was put out. The close aiming mechanism is very wrong. Shooting while your running works perfectly and looks cool to boot, but stopping and using the ' close aim' which for those that haven' t played it is the equivlent of aiming in RE4 or ' close aiming' in GRAW on 360 where you go into the over the shoulder perspective, just looks and feels out of place. The characters run cycle really gets on my nerves but it only looks stupid when yout running forwards (wierd eh?), Running to the side (which seems to be how most of the screenshots are framed) looks awesome, and i realise the guys is running through snow, but it just doesn' t look right. The AI routines of the human enemies (Snow Pirates) and the massive bugs and larger creatures is spot on, but the small stick to the wall bugs are numb and slow and barely attack you. The AI is obviously unfinished which is understandable, but i would have rather they left them out of the demo alltogether and put in 2 or 3 extra BIG enemies. The last thing was the mech controls which while cumbersome still OWNS (both graphically and controlwise) the mechs in Chrome Hounds. The mech controls i don' t have much of an issue with, they just need finetuning.
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Jul 31, 2006 22:51
what have we here hehe dominated majik bowing to his new master :)
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Aug 01, 2006 00:47
I was playing the demo the other day, and you know when that little thing happens in the demo that you never noticed before and it impresses you dramatically.. I now know this game is going to be brill...
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Aug 01, 2006 01:22
some games can be very entertaining without much variety - it all depends on the game , but Lost Planet , while being a good game, is nowhere near the AAA status. ...i haven' t played the demo, but i' m surprised you would think that.... ...given Capcom' s pedigree in constantly churning our fantastic IP' s on a regular basis, i' d say that there is a 90% chance that this game is gonna kick some major AAA a$$...' s still got a ways to go before it' s released too...
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Aug 01, 2006 02:39
Capcom don' t make bad games. Whereas SEGA have gone downhill of late (the past couple of years), Capcom have risen. The RE games on Gamecube were AMAZING (especially RE4 and especially the mercenaries mode), Killer 7 and the Viewtiful Joe games. DMC2 sucked but DMC3 was kickass and now Okam, Dead Rising and God Hand (which looks awesome). What would make Lost Planet any different?! Oh that right, it' s on Xbox 360 only. The demo is superb especially considering it has been released a full 12 months before the game is due to ship. I only want things tweaking slightly.
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Aug 01, 2006 06:46
Capcom is great but they also make some bad games like that game with dinossaurs in space...i believe it was Dino Crisis 3. It had great FMVs but gameplay was bad. Anyway, 1 bad game in 10 is not bad, actually it´s great.
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RE: New Lost Planet Screens
Aug 01, 2006 07:24
Capcom sure is a great dev (not always great games , but mostly) - what makes lost planet 8/10? well, my impressions from playing the demo make it fill just like that. Sure it' s still some time before it' s released and I' d definitely give Capcom the benefit of the doubt.They deserve it. So to finish this quickly - 8/10 is what I' d give that demo.I' d love for it to get much better - but still, I wouldn' t count on AAA quality in the final product.