Games that have made other games look bad

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Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 24, 2006 17:34
I recently played the marvellous Dragon Quest 8 through to its entirety and was amazed at the well written translation. Then I went back to Final Fantasy 7 and realized that in comparison the text was blandly written, making the story appear worse than it once did.

Have you had any such experiences: One that lowers the estimation of a game in your eyes, all because you played a superior (in any way) product.

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 24, 2006 18:05
Pretty often, when they release an updated version of a game similair to one, or direct sequel to one you once loved. On the top of my head I can think of Ocarina of Time (one of my favourite all time games) and Wind Waker by Nintendo. When I finished Wind Waker I felt a sudden urge to play Ocarina of Time once again, but when I started I couldn' t help but to compare the old classic with the my newset experience. That is when it is important to remember that times are chaninging and just as the bar of good games rises, so does the bar for standard and bad games. That is when we should cherish the memories we have, and BTW I still love Ocarina of Time.

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 24, 2006 19:45
For me the story doesnt get worser just because barret says things like- I outta off this train!
Or -whatta sayin,shaddaup!

These kind of retarded sentance shows up there and there in FF7,but it never destroyed the feeling of the game.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 25, 2006 00:21
Current generation Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle games.. It' s just incredibly funny how Konami included emulations of the classic arcade versions with those games just to show you how BAD the ' next-gen updates' turned out.
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 25, 2006 00:41

These kind of retarded sentance shows up there and there in FF7,but it never destroyed the feeling of the game.

Actually this was a briliant way to give that character a lot of personality with his slang talk - and they achieved it without voice acting.


DQ8 - yeah this game can do that to you :) - it makes most games look cheap (not only RPG' s) - Japanese high production values are amazing sometimes.

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 25, 2006 08:58
Halo 2 - You can see your own legs and shadow.
Every game where you can' t see your shadow and legs kinda takes away from the experience. So pretty much every game. Especially the ones that have real time shadows and there is a huge light source behind you and you see nothing in front of you. C' mon.

Other games did it before Halo 2 but they weren' t good games.
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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 25, 2006 09:00
Yes,FEAR and BIA3 has taken up on that.
IN fear/BIA3 they said the character feel more realistic if you can see arm/legs in some sequences.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 25, 2006 09:24
Play any Phantasy Star game (yes, even part 3). Now try to play any Phantasy Star Online game. BLEH! PSO can' t compare.

I think most Sonic cartridge games (on the Genesis) make Sonic CD look pretty bad. Sonic CD dropped frames all over the place (different than slowdown, dropped frames = stutter). But then again Sonic CD wasn' t done by Sonic Team, if I recall.

Play Space Harrier 2. Not bad, and a pretty fun game in it' s own right. Now play the original Space Harrier. You won' t be chomping at the bit to play part 2 again.

F-Zero GX on the Gamecube Nintendo (GCN because everybody' s gotta add the " N" at the end otherwise we won' t know what the hell is being referred to) makes F-Zero X on the N64 look horrible, but even SNES F-Zero does that.

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 25, 2006 09:59
I player FFVIII and FFIX first before I played FFVII. The thing was that it was so old by the time I got my Playstation that I couldn' t find it.

The story for FFVII impressed me better than the other FFs after it, but for two minutes, I didn' t know that the weird Lego-thing in front of my screen was Cloud and that I could control him XD

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 25, 2006 10:08
You' re one of those graphic biatches.

Even i could wipe a tear from FF5 and FF6 when i was 15 and ps2 was the new thing.

But im a cool swede,ya know?
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 25, 2006 14:54
You know, I loved playing the old FFs, but a 3D sprite didn' t make a lick of sense! If you had a more detailed character model for the in-battle sequences, did you REALLY have to chibify everyone and everything else?

That said, the Sephiroth 3D-sprite was somehow still sexy...

Back on the topic, We *heart* Katamari proved that all you need is a sticky ball to have fun XD

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 25, 2006 18:26
I also found it strange to see those LEGO-like characters in FF7, hbut I got used to it pretty quick :)

I don' t get it - I tried katamari and I didn' t fing it fun at all :(

FF7 makes FF8 look bad visually.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 25, 2006 23:21

I think most Sonic cartridge games (on the Genesis) make Sonic CD look pretty bad. Sonic CD dropped frames all over the place (different than slowdown, dropped frames = stutter). But then again Sonic CD wasn' t done by Sonic Team, if I recall.

Play Space Harrier 2. Not bad, and a pretty fun game in it' s own right. Now play the original Space Harrier. You won' t be chomping at the bit to play part 2 again.

LOL, I couldn' t have said it better. Sonic CD no doubt made its mark by being the first CD-based Sonic game, but for some odd reason some folks treat it like it' s the greatest Sonic game ever. Once the novelty of ' the first CD Sonic' wears off, you notice a lot of kinks in the game' s armor.. As for the original Space Harrier, that' s just one of the top 5 greatest games of all time to me, nuff said
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 25 Jul 06 15:22:16 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 26, 2006 01:38
Shenmue, has just about made every game mediocre in my eyes, they are just
games.... Not experiences.

The Shenmue story is the only reason I keep playing games, as soon as I can
drive a stale fortune cookie down Chang Long' s (Lan Di' s ) throat, I will
be happy!

Then games will look good again...
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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 26, 2006 11:11

FF7 makes FF8 look bad visually.

Yeah, the backgrounds and vistas had less...character. Everything was damn smooth and shiny! The character models had nice motions but their faces were indescribable mush! It was like I was controlling decaying zombies!

But, I did love the GF sequences, even if they' re a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong....wait.

Eden was stupidly killer XD

Terry Bogard
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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 26, 2006 13:06
Don' t know if it' s been mentioned yet but the original Altered Beast, even the Genesis, Master System and PCEngine versions make the GBA update and PS2 remake look REALLY REALLY bad.

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Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 27, 2006 02:19

I don' t get it - I tried katamari and I didn' t fing it fun at all :(

What didn' t you like? The Playstation graphics? The excessive handling of your sticky ball? The drunken king with questionable sexual orientation? What' s not to love?

Back on topic, I can' t go back to playing either of the original Doom games. Not after three. It' s the same with all the Resident Evil' s. After four, I just couldn' t go back.

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 27, 2006 05:37
I don' t know - I kind of didn' t like the gameplay :)

Shenmue, has just about made every game mediocre in my eyes, they are just
games.... Not experiences.

Damn right...

Byakko - I love FF series for this shit - Espers/GF/Summons or whatever they call them are the best thing about jRPGs

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 27, 2006 05:38
Come on,summon/GF/ESPERS sucks :P

Well sometimes they are cool
But in FF8 they was just retarded,when you had to re-watch every single Summon.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 28, 2006 06:55
You' d have to be retarded if you didn' t realise you can set them to be shorter :)

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 28, 2006 14:29
Not in the PS version. The PC one yes.

Anyway, you HAD to make them go longer so you could do the Boost command.

Eden at 250% PWNS ALL!

Ah, what else...

Pokemon XD XD XD

Oh come on. Sure it' s a licensing slut, but when it JUST came out and noone KNEW it would be such a hit, it WAS pretty fun. Good strategy too. It' s like Advance Wars. Cute, but deep.

Plus, w/o it the Gameboy could' ve gone bust ._.

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 29, 2006 07:54
Um, yeah, Play Oblivion or Dead Or Alive 4 on an HDTV at 1080i.

Your eyes will bleed when you go back to a ps2/xbox/gc game.

As for gameplay, I dont know, theres stil alot of old games that I love. I normally only like the best of the best games and they tend to age very well, you said FF7 seems crappy now, yet I disagree it' s still fantastic.

Well the only one I can think of right now is Goldeneye, that games was badass in the 90' s. Then when you play stuff like Half Life 2 and decide to play goldeneye for some nostalgia you realize its utter shit, it feels like something some amateurs coded, but that can be said for almost any old FPS, though I' d say old stuff like Quake 2 and Halif Life 1 are crappy now but theyre still decent, wheras goldeney is just unplayable now.

And I think DQ8 looks like crap... but thats because Im used to Xbox360 w/ HDTV, playing standard definition games is just ugly =/
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 29 Jul 06 2:27:26 >

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RE: Games that have made other games look bad - Jul 29, 2006 09:02

The drunken king with questionable sexual orientation? What' s not to love?

I love the King, He is great!

ha,ha so many memorys.
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