Graphics Or Gameplay

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Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 03:21 is Graphics argument: Graphics make EVERYTHING look better. the hair, the food, the fur, and your guy/girl. And the grass. Why grass? why don' t those guys work on the storyline or the gameplay instead of ONE little blade of grass? I had a game that had the BEST visuals better... but it only took me half a day to beat it. And the controls?? LOL. Use L1 and R1 to take out your equipped weapon. X to shoot. I couldnt take ONE measly guy down. Then the story whcih didn' t make sense[:' (] IDK why but the guy was a girl at the end of the game. The gun was actually a sprit, and the Boss was yourself...He didn' t even look like the main dudette.

Storyline and Gameplay: They make what the game is. They make the game longer. They are the veins of the game. The gamecube might have some cheap graphics but the games try to keep it alive. Do you see mario sweat when he' s trying to take down bowser? No. Do you see lins' s earring fall when he fights Ganon? No. anyway if it did then it would make the game realistic. But do ALL games have to be about real life? No. if president Bush sneezes do they make a game that makes you wipe his nose? No. I mean.. the war games are fine cause they have action. but i reaaly need to see my guy' s hair move when im trying to lock on unto a guy? No.

If you agree, Write SOMETHING
If not: then kill me
Whats better? A)Grachics but the game only has about 7 hours or B)Gameplay and Storlyine?

Terry Bogard
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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 03:35
GAMEPLAY, always!

I like Pong more than a lot of the crap I' ve played during the current generation and some of the next-generation stuff
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 03:42
next-gen doesn' t look nex-gen. looks like crap. dont start shelling out bucks for games that just LOOK good. wait for it! or ask a freind how it is

Vx Chemical
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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 04:11

next-gen doesn' t look nex-gen. looks like crap. dont start shelling out bucks for games that just LOOK good. wait for it! or ask a freind how it is


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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 04:25
just wait until a GOOD review of the game comes out then you can start shelling out $$$

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 04:49
Gameplay always comes first.
I don' t know if you mean the over-all visuals or simply the technical progress when you say " graphics" .
Because I feel that the visual presentation is very important in order to creat the right atmosphere and immersion in games. Art direction is extremely important to me. Will Zelda Twilight Princess be the same without it' s graphics? Would Shenmue, Ocarina of Time or FFVII have been the same? Not really. So even though gameplay is the core of gaming, the visuals are very important, especially the art direction.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 22 Jul 06 20:52:50 >

Joe Redifer
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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 05:50
What the hell is gameplay? I' ve heard of it, but I don' t think it exists.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 06:30
its how the game goes. ginjoiur u got a point but we dont need grachis for EVERY little thing in games do we?

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 06:41
Why do i care what i look like when i leave my flat?!

Why did i chose to date a pretty girl?!

Why do people buy new cars?!

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 06:43
I guess it depends on the genre but to make a truly memorable game you need to have both gameplay and story.

gameplay will be the most important if it´s a action game.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 07:32
Both. If developers took time tightening up their games, most of the crappy ones that leave shelves in weeks, could be bestsellers. Granted they may not have the money for the most " advanced" visuals, but they can at least make a game look good. Think about it. Zelda Windwaker did' nt have that much going for it in terms of amazing textures, or realistic particle effects, but the graphics were visually pleasing because the developers took their time to make what they had look clean, and original.

If you look at most games with quality graphics, and poor gameplay, they have suffered an eternity in the bottom of the bargain bin. Some games with average to subpar graphics but great gameplay do really well for themselves. So from the consumers point of view, I think gameplay is more important. Me, i think both are equal, so I won' t settle untill I have amazing and innovative gameplay, and bleeding edge visuals all in one game. I' m just picky that way.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 17:04
Pretty visuals are a nice bonus and do help make some games more fun, but like women I do like games with more to them than just simple beauty. I like the whole damn package, great errm...gameplay and gorgeous looks for both Women and games are the best!

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 20:07
I dont like to answere that :P

Ofc graphic means much,and ofc gameplay means much.

In tetris,or puzzle game who cares about the graphic?
But look at Gears of war,make that game with so-so graphic and i doubt it would get a lot of attention.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 21:36
I think gameplay will always win with visuals as long as you compare two games of which one is great looking and terrible in gameplay (you can' t play this shit) and the other is crappy looking whle sporting amazingly fun gameplay.

In reality we don' t have situations that clear - I expect my games to be great in all areas - and don' t forget the sound.

The best example for gameplay over graphics is Mario Kart DS Vs Ridge Racers ( or even better wipeout for psp - since it' s got weapons too).

Anyway , downplaying the role visuals have is wrong too.Also viusals are not only textures and 3d models - the interaction on screen and so on - it all counts

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 21:59
Graphics mean nothing if the game isn' t very enjoyable. So I, unlike any and all chavs, muuuch prefer the gameplay of a game to how realistic the fur looks.

As the saying goes: " Don' t judge a book by it' s cover"

If it was between gameplay and music though...

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 23, 2006 23:23
Bullshit. What about Metal Gear Solid?!

The gameplay sucks mostly as the controls are messy and the camera gets dodgy (indoors). The FPS mechanic is retarded and you can' t move while shooting when in first person.

The reason the games are so successful is because of their look, style and to a lesser extent their story.

The original was genius but the gameplay formula hasn' t matured and it' s been improved upon and outdone by other games since it' s release on Playstation.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 00:52
Actually gameplay is one of the strongest points of any MGS games and when I was playing it I had no camera problems.

The FPS mechanic is retarded and you can' t move while shooting when in first person.

maybe cause it' s not an FPS game?

FPP view serves it well if you ask me.

I consider MGS to be getting worse with each iteration , but they always are avery good games with great gameplay and outstanding presentation.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 01:01
I hate this stupid debate.

graphics or gameplay, graphics or gameplay

You want my answer?

If a game fails on either front, it' s disappointing.

Looks like crap, plays great... that makes it AVERAGE when it should have been stellar.

Looks great, plays like crap...same difference. AVERAGE.

Great games have both, and there are very few games I consider great. If I have to sacrifice on either, the game isn' t AAA.

That said, both qualities are subjective anyway. What one person likes may be complete crap to another person.

For instance, I hate final Fantasy games. To me, playing a FF game is like sitting in a theater and watching a really pretty, really cheesy movie. Then, every once in a while some guy jumps up and challenges me to a " random battle" .
So, I don' t play them. Famitsu can kiss my ass.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 03:51
ok heres an example of gameplay and some music.... man i 4got to add music to this category.... well don' t blame the words just look at the vid and listen to the song and TELL ME THOSE TWO DONT MATCH!!JUST TELL ME!!!! GO LOOK

Music' s rebuttal:

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 04:04
the last music isn´t actually matching the action but the game is amazing

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 04:30
it matches to me the moveents the action the.......action

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 05:37
if its a good game its fine, i prefer to have great graphics but if it doesnt but it plays good whos cares? its better than having a game with great graphics with sucky gameplay.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 06:01
what if for some strange glitch u find makes the game unbearable? like if u want to fight the boss, and u havfta stab it in the head u cant cause theres ALWAYS blockin you.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 06:26
I didnt read any of the previous posts, so i might be a little off topic [or on topic ]


Its would be foolish to pick Graphics over Gameplay, but it would also be foolish to dismiss it all together, the great graphics of resi 4 showed us that both can be easily done, if the game is well thought out and looks nice. Thats why resi 5 is one of my ' most looked forward too' next gen game.

I dont want to pick, I want both!
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

Game Junkie
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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 14:11
Gameplay is the reason we play, graphics are the reason we pay. I don' t need the best graphics to enjoy the experience. At the same time though I like a game to look as good as it can. If its a computer game I don' t want to turn down the graphic detail because I know the game was intended for better.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 16:26
You need both gameplay and graphics in order to have a successful game.

Can' t make a good sandwich with just bread (graphics). I guess you could try but it' d be very boring.

Can' t make a good sandwich with just the tomato,lettuce,ham,etc (gameplay) either. You could try but it wouldn' t be very accessible/appealing.

One relies on the other.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 17:36
I’d say both, plus more.

Videogames are one (probably “THE ONE”) of the vastest forms of entertainment media. It is about what you see, and what you hear, what you feel (I’m referring to vibrating controllers), the story, as well as interaction. Now if we only could ad smell and taste to games, then we would stimulate all 5 senses and more. I think game producers should stop choosing one or two of the ingredients that makes up a game and aim to make those ones stand out. Instead they should think of all parts equally and make all parts stand out and aim to be “The Best” in every angle. I know this might be greedy, and that greed is a sin, but what the heck… As a wise man once said: “In Heaven all the interesting people are missing.”

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 17:40
Majik, why do you think people still play games like Final Fantasy 7 to this day? Certainly not because of the graphics(although, I do still love the old Super Smash Bros' blocky style graphics, to be honest). They play them because of the battles, the experimenting and the experience as a whole. To me, good graphics are simply a nice bonus.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 20:16
I wouldn' t be playing FFVII today if it weren' t for the excellent art direction, cool character designs and the way they brought the FF universe to life though the graphics.
I would even go so far as to say that battles are quite boring (never been a fan of turn-based battles) and the quests are just simple RPG standard.
Story, music and graphics are the most important things in FFVII. Gameplay actually comes second in that game.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 20:17
Yes,but limit system and magic works a lot better in FF7 then in any other FF game i played.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 21:16
It' s not " excellent" when compared to today' s standards. Yet, I still find myself playing the game. I don' t mind Final Fantasy VII' s battle system, as it requires you to make quick judgements(ATB) as well as managing to maintain the whole strategic thinking idea(most of the time, anway). If you know what I mean...

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 21:20
I like limit system and use limits,and i like the materia system,and developing some high level magic stuff with some characters,i also like the weapon system with some weapons doing more dmg but have fewer slots for materia and its growth in terms of exp after each battle.

A lot of cool thing in FF7.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 21:23
The art direction in FFVII is still excellent and it' s better than what you find in most games today.
FFVII is NOT about gameplay. You wouldn' t be playing it if it weren' t for the cool characters, the beautiful environments, the wonderful music and the touching story.
If you replace the characters and the FFVII world with something else it wouldn' t be as enjoyable as it is. Battles wouldn' t be as enjoyable without the cool character designs and attacks. It' s all eye-candy to create the right atmosphere and make the experience more immersive. Graphics isn' t only textures and shaders. It' s more than that.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 21:43
I would like the battle system either way. It' s the magic/summon and attacks, leveling up, etc. that keeps me interested. Besides, I could' ve easily mentioned better examples than FFVII, but that was the first title to pop up in my head. Like I said, I only think of graphics as a bonus(just so you know, I never said there is anything wrong with a bonus).

By the way, I love the characters and story factors as well, but this thread is about graphics and gameplay.
< Message edited by Marink -- 24 Jul 06 13:45:30 >

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 21:45
I think FF12 is the only game that looks like having a fun battle system.

Well the fun thing in FF games expect ff8 was to know that you characters was getting better and bosses would be easier,the more you fight,so a system that worked was importent.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 21:48
The reason I love the ATB system is because the characters could attack whever they wanted after their bar filled up.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 21:51
Yes,and casting haste on cloud is never wrong
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 23:38
Gameplay... That' s how I can keep playing games like ChuChu Rocket
and Otogi 2 which I am going through again.

Games like Rez, that have graphics that make no sense, are fun because
the gameplay is just mind-blowing.

How do you think we can keep playing 2-D games? They don' t have " state-of-the
-art graphics"

And anyone and everyone buying the Wii should definitely be in favour
of gameplay over graphics because that is what Wii think Wii is.. sorry.
There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 23:44

And anyone and everyone buying the Wii should definitely be in favour
of gameplay over graphics because that is what Wii think Wii is.. sorry.

Where is a wiifanboy when you need him,Gangsta!!! there?
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Graphics Or Gameplay - Jul 24, 2006 23:56
just to know- we are straying off topic

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