ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on
Hey, i didn' t slate the game and i didn' t compare it to the E305 CG! Aren' t i doing well!!!!
C' mon, everyone here knows you' re dying to.
I hate that in-engine stuff, because everytime I see Gran Turismo games, they
scare me because of how real they look (scare as in " how is this achievable?" )
Then, when I actually play the game, I am like ey?

Where are those sexy
graphics... Then after the race it gives me the option to press " Replay" ....
There they are! The graphics are in the replay!
Cack, cack, cack... That' s all I say, then I turn the game off..
Motorstorm is doing the SAME thing as Gran Turismo does... Not impressed.
Bring on Forza 2!
Edit: Downloading the trailer now... I am so glad that this game appeals to
idiots, the more idiots that are downloading it, the faster I receive it. Hehe.
Wow... 20 seconds?!
< Message edited by Tiz -- 22 Jul 06 12:25:18 >