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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 31, 2006 22:55
it will be in HD on PS3 (if kutaragi wasn' t lying again) I hope that you' re speculating Majik and you haven' t actually played it. I wouldn' t be surprised - while I don' t have a 360 , at least I say that my impressions are based on trailer or short playtime. Go and play some nintend wii with gangsta noob I don' t have one and I' m not getting one untill I' m done with PS2, to close my current gen plan. I' ll get Wii after I' m finished with PS2 and it' s games that are coming out soon like OKAMI (whitch will most likely be worth 3 times more than any PS3 or 360 title so far) and FF12 - I' m a gamer and I can' t imagine leaving that kind of titles behind.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 31 Jul 06 14:58:57 >
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 31, 2006 22:57
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ it will be in HD on PS3 (if kutaragi wasn' t lying again) I hope that you' re speculating Majik and you haven' t actually played it. I wouldn' t be surprised - while I don' t have a 360 , at least I say that my impressions are based on trailer or short playtime. So... what say you of this G-Man?
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 31, 2006 23:01
Enchanted arm? hard to say - I' m affraid it' s another mediocre jRPG - they' ve been all over the industry lately I' d love to be wrong though.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 31, 2006 23:10
ORIGINAL: Tiz I hope that you' re speculating Majik and you haven' t actually played it. I wouldn' t be surprised - while I don' t have a 360 , at least I say that my impressions are based on trailer or short playtime. Gangsta knows i' ve played it. He knows i imported it upon it' s release and that i binned it because it was garbage and i could understand it. It was also the only game to crash my console so far. Enchanted arm? hard to say - I' m affraid it' s another mediocre jRPG - they' ve been all over the industry lately I' d love to be wrong though. He' s talking about your admission that you a) don' t have a 360, and that you b) state your impressions on trailers and " short" playtime (what like in the game store?)
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 31 Jul 06 15:11:25 >
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 31, 2006 23:12
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ Enchanted arm? hard to say - I' m affraid it' s another mediocre jRPG - they' ve been all over the industry lately I' d love to be wrong though. Too right it is.. But even typical JRPGS are cool, I just like the art direction in the 40 or so minutes I have seen of it, but in truth, I am just gearing up for Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon... I' ll be picking this and FFXII up though..
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 31, 2006 23:18
I think it looks great and am looking forward to it.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 31, 2006 23:32
Gangsta knows i' ve played it. He knows i imported it upon it' s release and that i binned it because it was garbage and i could understand it. Was that the english version you played then? Edit: Or rather did it have an option for english subtitles?
< Message edited by Tiz -- 31 Jul 06 15:33:10 >
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 31, 2006 23:41
It was Japanese audio but i couldn' t see any subtitles. The option for English subs was probably there like in Most Xbox/360 Japanese games, but i didn' t see it. Saying that, i did get it from Lik-Sang so it could have been the Chinese version. The audio was definately Japanese.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 31, 2006 23:43
The asia version has japanese voice but with english text. The japanese version has japanese voice+japanese text. The EU/US version will have both english voices and english text.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 31, 2006 23:44
I would rather the original japanese with english sub.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 31, 2006 23:47
I would rather not. Its get tiresome after a while to hear the japanese voices,but yes in anime like Naruto i alwatys use Japanese voices.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 31, 2006 23:49
Yea I see your point but i' d rather that than some of the cheesy dialogue that dubs come up with at least with japanese I can pretend it' s something else.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 31, 2006 23:54
The nightmare is when people use english girls to make voice for small boys...yes they do that in japan also sometimes but still... It really pisses me off when they have kids at age 8-10 talking instead of older people...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Jul 31, 2006 23:58
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL The nightmare is when people use english girls to make voice for small boys...yes they do that in japan also sometimes but still... It really pisses me off when they have kids at age 8-10 talking instead of older people... Accch I detest it' s weird because it seems to work in every other language except english.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 01, 2006 00:00
Yes,for ex naruto,i thought it was aboy when i heard it,but was a grown up women,WTF?! :P But in some english games i hear its a girl ffs...and naruto on english,first time i heard it i was like,THIS HAS TO BE A GIRL TALKING FOR NARUTO. And yes it was. And if people can hear that,then its wrong,you shouldn' t be able to hear that its a girl talking for guys...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 01, 2006 00:28
Well, EnArm is a " filler" RPG: annoying, welcome, and easy consumption until the next best thing comes along.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 01, 2006 00:40
It was Japanese audio but i couldn' t see any subtitles. The option for English subs was probably there like in Most Xbox/360 Japanese games, but i didn' t see it. Yeah that' s definitely the smartest move you' ve ever made - importing a japanese version of an RPG...
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 01, 2006 00:47
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ It was Japanese audio but i couldn' t see any subtitles. The option for English subs was probably there like in Most Xbox/360 Japanese games, but i didn' t see it. Yeah that' s definitely the smartest move you' ve ever made - importing a japanese version of an RPG... Many Japanese games on Xbox and Xbox 360 have English subtitles. Most actually.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 01, 2006 07:13
Yeah , but think about it - RPG' s are mostly text based (not all lines of dialoge have voice acting - just some special ones) , so it' s the last genre you should import from Japan :) Hmm maybe Blue Ray RPGs will have full voice overs instead of text all over the screen...
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 01, 2006 08:02
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ Yeah , but think about it - RPG' s are mostly text based (not all lines of dialoge have voice acting - just some special ones) , so it' s the last genre you should import from Japan :) Hmm maybe Blue Ray RPGs will have full voice overs instead of text all over the screen... That would be an ideal use for the additional space.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 01, 2006 09:26
RPG is all about numbers winning fights,and creating/building a character. Yes even OB is about numbers,even though you might not thinkj about it when you fighting as a mage/warrior. So is Zelda a rpg? Well,seeing how you can gather heart pieces and upgrade weapons its kind of is,but its more an action-rpg. I' m sorry but... Do we really want 50 hours of voices in the story campaign? I think sometimes the music let us have the best moments. I see other great thing with blu-ay,as having all the voices/languages on the same disc.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 1 Aug 06 1:27:50 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 01, 2006 09:48
Accch I detest it' s weird because it seems to work in every other language except english. Isn' t Bart Simpson voiced by a woman  ?
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 01, 2006 09:53
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 01, 2006 10:18
Its a must buy as far as I' m concerned who cares about turn based. Games advanced past the need for turn based, but I' ve enjoyed turn based rpgs in the past mainly ff7 and so I don' t see the problem with enjoying another one. To me ff7 is a game that never gets old. Its always an enjoyable experience. Well getting all voices and languages on the same disc could potentially cause some problems. The extra voice acting you' d have to do it could drastically lengthen the process, but who knows for sure I' m sure devs could work out a way where its as little hassle as possible.
< Message edited by dyack -- 1 Aug 06 2:19:58 >
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 01, 2006 10:28 dragon is coming this winter in japan,but sometimes spring 2007 for europe. So ofc translations takes alot longer time for dev. good point Dyack.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 01, 2006 11:05
It would be interesting to have both Japanese and English multiple a DVD... Actually, maybe the Blu-Ray games could have them, since Sony wants to push for region-free as well. You' d think with all that extra space, some subtitle text files and additional audio could fit... Personally, I think I have the best of both worlds right here  I prefer Japanese audio in Jap games, and can understand the game through the English subs
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 01, 2006 11:12
Bishonen please don' t kid yourself this rpg may not be showing off the 360' s capabilities, but it looks far better than any rpg before it graphically. Although they sort' ve take advantage of that fact and don' t do too much as far as production values go, but its a solid rpg and a great start for jrpgs on the 360.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 01, 2006 11:20
I would beg to differ on the graphics thing. It' s not about how shiny/textured things are only, the entire aesthetic has to be brought in. After playing the game, I still say it' s too...empty, with rather campy style. But sufficient. Anyway, it can' t be said that if MS managed (I know it was impossible but a big IF here) to launch the 360 back when with Blue Dragon...even those over there in Japan may succumb to the urge of gettinga next-gen JRPG. As it is, launching Blue Dragon so close to Sony (even w/o FFXIII as launch) would give the Japan market some hope of their fav JRPGs arriving on the PS3, while still whetting their appetite on the PS2. Just a thought really. I don' t think any of the game journalists there could resist reviewing the ONLY next-gen JRPG even if it were on the 360, and since it' s most likely brilliant and very Japanese-friendly, it prolly would have been reviewed favourably, and the 360 could have sneaked into a couple of households. *sigh* But that' s wishful thinking. I' m really rooting for MS to break in at least a little more into the Japanese market, but facing facts, they might as well give up (although the rest of the world appreciates the effort)
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 02, 2006 08:06
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Vx Chemical
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 02, 2006 16:32
first link when you search for nub eye test here
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 02, 2006 17:26
the funny thing is - you' ve actually searched for it :)
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 03, 2006 03:03
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Evil Man
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 03, 2006 07:18
FF12 looks like sh*t.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 03, 2006 15:58
Sure does.
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 03, 2006 21:33
...compared to what exactly?.... Bisohon that is BS i can pull out a lot better looking Enchanted arm pics like these... ....did anyone else notice how my pictures are the most recent images available for both Enchantment Arm and Final Fantasy XII?... ....and how that these images are the first you will see when you look in the their respective image galleries when you visit sites like IGN and 1UP?... ...did anyone else also notice how kikizo' s leading f*ck-wit fanboy spent the last 24 hours searching the entire net for oldest and worst FFXII pictures available?.... ....i also really like how you can make out small details in his impressively large Enchantment Arm images...
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Jessica Spencer
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 03, 2006 21:50
Heya Bishonen!!!
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 03, 2006 21:55
ORIGINAL: Jessica Spencer Heya Bishonen!!! Are you his mother?!
Jessica Spencer
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 03, 2006 22:02
No but I am Bishonen`s friend!!!
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 03, 2006 22:05
Are you 14 too?
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RE: Enchanted Arm
Aug 03, 2006 22:27
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on ORIGINAL: Jessica Spencer Heya Bishonen!!! Are you his mother?! Heehee...
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