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Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 16, 2006 03:39
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 16, 2006 04:04
Um, not to sound racist or anything, but WTF?! Is Master Chief black? I have a memory (only vague tough) of that they let you see part of Master Chiefs neck in the second instalment, and that it was a light coloured skin. I could very well be wrong though. In that case… What the heck, he could do it well, and it would be fun to see him moving around in that suit… If they don’t 3D it, as they always do nowadays… *sigh* …Star Wars… * sigh* …
< Message edited by dionysius -- 15 Jul 06 20:11:05 >
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 16, 2006 04:16
I wouldn' t look too deeply into this one guys. There' s no real quotes, from anyone having any part in the Halo movie... at all. they source IMDB which, in most cases, is usually a bad idea. (they' re known for posting rumours such as this, as fact). I won' t call it credible untill we get confirmation from someone in the industry. I mean, he' s a phenominal actor, don' t get me wrong, and he' d do a great job. But for now, I' m not getting my hopes up.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 16, 2006 04:33
No, you dont see MC' s neck in the 2nd game. However, in Halo: the Flood, he is described as not only being white, but extrememly pale.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 16, 2006 04:35
I really like Denzel as an actor of course, he' s a top notch charactor, like when he portay as a villan in ' ' Training Days' ' he was tight, the other day I watch ' ' Inside Man' ' and he got a tight role. I don' t really care who play as MC, because he/she will be wearing that green armor suite and helmet anyway for the rest of the movie, and MC voice will be voice over from another voice talent(think of Dark Vador) no actor/actress has officially has the role of MC yet, so all we will see is MC suite doing all the work and the person thats get the part is just doing all the movement.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 16, 2006 06:08
I also post in other game websites and i found the most curious thing, people who got sick about SONY´s ads (the ones whit the white chick grabbing the black chick by the jaw) because they found them racist seems to react in quite a diferent way to this rumors, i guess for those people the white and black men must have equal rigths as long as those rigths dont get in their regular life. So i hope he will be Master Chief, i wonder if Denzel will be up to it, if they are true to the game, tne spartan is never to reveal his face, will he still play the part even when no one wiil know??? i hope he does
< Message edited by fernandino -- 15 Jul 06 22:09:45 >
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 16, 2006 07:48
are you fucking retarded? You' re calling me racist because I said it would be odd for a black guy to play a white guy in a movie? I am as far from racist as anyone can be. Also think of the situation in reverse, wouldnt it be odd for a white man to play Martin Luther King Jr. in a movie? You bet it would, and not just odd, it would be wrong and outragous. I would never compare Master Chief to MLK Jr., but what Im trying to say is he is an established character and they should stick to the character. If the book had said MC was black, I wouldnt be saying this, because I think Denzel is a great actor who can play any part and deserves the highest respect not only for his acting ability but his humanitarian views and generousity. Oh, and I for one think the Sony ad was not racist, but the executives in charge should have known it may have been percieved as such, so it was therefore insensitive.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 16, 2006 09:42
ORIGINAL: immortaldanmx are you fucking retarded? You' re calling me racist because I said it would be odd for a black guy to play a white guy in a movie? I am as far from racist as anyone can be. Also think of the situation in reverse, wouldnt it be odd for a white man to play Martin Luther King Jr. in a movie? You bet it would, and not just odd, it would be wrong and outragous. I would never compare Master Chief to MLK Jr., but what Im trying to say is he is an established character and they should stick to the character. If the book had said MC was black, I wouldnt be saying this, because I think Denzel is a great actor who can play any part and deserves the highest respect not only for his acting ability but his humanitarian views and generousity. Oh, and I for one think the Sony ad was not racist, but the executives in charge should have known it may have been percieved as such, so it was therefore insensitive. I am talking about the other websites where i post mate, like gamespot for instance, please read the entire post whit attention before you go bananas on me.
< Message edited by fernandino -- 16 Jul 06 1:47:34 >
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 16, 2006 15:02
well, it would seem an apology is in order. I read the entire post, but I misinterpreted it as you were including me in the catagory of the people being racist against black actors. So sorry mate, welcome to kikizo. I swear everyone else is much more polite than I. Ok, except for Joe.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 17, 2006 03:39
not to worry mate, it was an honest mistake so its ok, thanks for the welcome.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 17, 2006 04:27
I always thought MC would look like George Clooney based on his voice. It must get really uncomfortable sleeping in that suit though. Or is that just what MC looks like naked?
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 17, 2006 04:32
According to the books MC is about 7 ft tall, extremely pale and has dark hair. So they' ll probably have someone who is really tall play MC. They can always add some height with the costume and special effects. I suppose if you never actually get to see MC out of his suite (like in the games) it could be played by just about anyone. The other spartans had a wide range of looks but they were all really tall and strong, we may get to see other spartans in the movie too.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 17, 2006 04:44
According to the books MC is about 7 ft tall, extremely pale and has dark hair. Someone more like George Muresan then, heh. 
< Message edited by choupolo -- 16 Jul 06 20:54:03 >
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 17, 2006 10:55
Well, at least if the rumor is true, and they are approaching Denzel Washington that bodes well for the production. They' re approaching real, Oscar caliber actors. That' s a good thing. It means they' re taking this project seriously. We may just get a quality movie out of this one.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 17, 2006 11:52
I read in my newspaper that Peter Jackson approached him himself. Then again, THIS is the guy who got Jack Black to act in King Kong. He was alright in the role, but definitely not fantastic =/ Anyway, if MC has to be black, I would' ve thought someone older, like Samuel L. Jackson XD ' 7 ft tall, extremely pale and has dark hair.' That sounds like Yao Ming  MC as an Asian X3!!!
Mass X
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 17, 2006 16:49
They' re approaching real, Oscar caliber actors. That' s a good thing. It means they' re taking this project seriously. We may just get a quality movie out of this one. Ben Kingsley was in Bloodrayne and well ya .... Anyways didnt Denzal Washington approach Jackson cause he wanted Jacksons cgi studio to do the effects in his upcoming film he directing? Ah here' s the link: AP
< Message edited by Mass X -- 17 Jul 06 8:57:56 >
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 17, 2006 20:02
Anyways didnt Denzal Washington approach Jackson cause he wanted Jacksons cgi studio to do the effects in his upcoming film he directing? Yes. It was nothing to do with Halo.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 17, 2006 20:27
Fuck it - it could be marlon brando cause he' s not taking taht helmet off ..or is he? :)
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 17, 2006 21:57
I' m hoping Master Chief isn' t going to be in the film at all, or at least only has a cameo appearance. I want to see the story from a group of soldiers point of view, much like in Aliens or Starship Troopers or even Platoon. Get me?
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 17, 2006 22:23
I wouldn' t mind having him as the main character as long as it' s all based on the books (espcially 1st and 3rd)
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 17, 2006 23:58
I want to see the story from a group of soldiers point of view, much like in Aliens or Starship Troopers or even Platoon. Y' know, i never though about that, but it would be interesting to see things from a normal persons perspective. Granted, it' s not likely. Look at how well MGS 2 was taken because of a suprise lead change. I think bungie fanboys would take to arms the night of the launch if they found out that Master Chief wouldn' t be the lead.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 18, 2006 00:18
ORIGINAL: Mass X Ben Kingsley was in Bloodrayne and well ya .... Uwe Boll is a mutant. He has the power to make any movie stink to high heaven, no matter what actor, no matter what source material. Denzel doesn' t automatically mean a good flick either. I' m just saying I' m glad they' re making a real effort.
Chee Saw
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 18, 2006 03:05
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on I' m hoping Master Chief isn' t going to be in the film at all, or at least only has a cameo appearance. I want to see the story from a group of soldiers point of view, much like in Aliens or Starship Troopers or even Platoon. Get me? You' re kidding, right? Halo without MC is like Batman Begins without,... well, Batman! You guys have to remember that the books, although officially licensed, are not from Bungie. They could use the ideas that are in the books, or not.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 18, 2006 03:24
You' re kidding, right? Halo without MC is like Batman Begins without,... well, Batman! The focus has to be about the HALO rings, not Master Chief. The 3 games and numerous books tell his story, there' s not a lot or room for scope in the film for character development if it' s going to be about him. The way i see it is that Bungie have said that the third game will conclude Master Chiefs story (in which he' ll likely die), but there may be games set in the same universe (game world). The film would be an idea way to introduce new characters and a new storyline. Shit, we don' t even know if the film will be set in the same timeline as the games. The HALO rings are ancient. I seriously do not want to see Master Chief running about in his green motocross gear saving the world. That would be a complete waste as i can' t relate to a genetically engineered cyber soldier.
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 17 Jul 06 19:25:24 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 18, 2006 03:32
I seriously do not want to see Master Chief running about in his green motocross gear saving the world. That would be a complete waste as i can' t relate to a genetically engineered cyber soldier. They should do it probably, Master Chief and all! If they dont, it' ll just be another SciFi movie, this time with the Halo franchise slapped on it for larger sales!
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 18, 2006 04:12
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical They should do it probably, Master Chief and all! If they dont, it' ll just be another SciFi movie, this time with the Halo franchise slapped on it for larger sales! I' m with Magik on this one. It would be cool to see MC in the film, but a film with MC as the main character is going to be very limited in scope. I' m terrified they would do a " Judge Dredd" and have him take his helmet off so we can " relate" . I' ll never forgive Sly for that! It' s been a good while since there' s been a decent spacewar movie probaly the first Matrix movie. The sequels were too convoluted, T3 was appaling, and didn' t have enough future war in it. Alien Vs Predator was better than I thought it would be, but not too hot. Serenity was pretty good but had a tight budget. The Star Wars prequel trilogy had its moments. Doom was pants. Let' s just hope they can give Halo a sensible storyline without cramming it in and dumbing down to the lowest common denominator. Even in a 2 and a half hour film that' s going to be tough.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 18, 2006 04:17
What the Halo movie needs is Spartans appearing in alomost cameo roles. Seen or heard about without being directly about them. Remember in Halo 2 where you fought alongside the special forces squad (the guys in black), ...well it' d be nice to see the story from that kind of perspective without it being all gung-ho superhero rubbish.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 18, 2006 07:24
Without Master Chief, it would be like a Terminator movie without Terminators, or Aliens without aliens. MC is the Halo franchise, not including him would spell doom for the movie!
Boss Hogg
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 18, 2006 09:48
Without Master Chief, it would be like a Terminator movie without Terminators, or Aliens without aliens. MC is the Halo franchise, not including him would spell doom for the movie! Fuck yea! I agree wit you 100 percent Vx.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 18, 2006 11:48
If Denzel does play Master Chief, after he blows away a bunch of enemies are we going to hear him say, " King Kong ain' t got nothing on me!" 
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 18, 2006 16:04
You guys have to remember that the books, although officially licensed, are not from Bungie. They could use the ideas that are in the books, or not. they definitely should - halo has such a shallow story comparing to this huge world and amazing characters surrounding MC in those books... Actually books have both solutions you talk about - there are large parts where spartans are viewed by regular soldiers and from their perspective and then there are SPARTAN parts where they complete some mission and so on. There' s a new story on ign - that script that' s been written lately has been thrown away.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 18, 2006 19:27
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ they definitely should - halo has such a shallow story comparing to this huge world and amazing characters surrounding MC in those books... That' s the point, though. Sure, they could base the movie on the books. Sure, they could also base it on the games, but most likely (and intelligently) they will have a completely original concept for a story based around the Halo universe. I tell you what, if a big name actor (like Denzel) does play Master Chief, you can rest assured that he WILL NOT wear the helmet through the whole movie (if it' s even centered around him).
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 18, 2006 19:29
...y' know during halo 2, i always had this feeling that MC and the Arbiter were somehow the same person... . ..that MC is not actually human...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 20 Jul 06 19:44:09 >
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 18, 2006 20:45
I think there' s actually earthworm jim beneath this helmet :)
Mass X
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 19, 2006 05:56
Well if Del Toro does become the director then why dont they just use Ron Pearlman, as he has been in several of Del Toro' s movies already. He not one to care about his image so I doubt hed care being under the helmet all the time. He has the Appropriate voice and somtimes depending on the movie the physique.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 19, 2006 06:32
ORIGINAL: Mass X Well if Del Toro does become the director then why dont they just use Ron Pearlman, as he has been in several of Del Toro' s movies already. He not one to care about his image so I doubt hed care being under the helmet all the time. He has the Appropriate voice and somtimes depending on the movie the physique. Hmmm. Not a bad idea. I like Ron Pearlman, and I think he' d make a good choice. Of course, this is the video gamer in me saying this. The marketing guy in me says Denzel all the way. Box office draw; you know.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 19, 2006 06:48
Del Toro WAS linked to Halo but ultimately declined because he' s doing Hellboy 2.
Mass X
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 19, 2006 07:06
Is that official finally? Last I heard he said he wanted to get Hellboy finished first but never said he wouldnt do Halo. And now since the Halo script has been scrapped for another and more time alloted could it still be a possibility?
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 20, 2006 08:18
Mr. Washington is not built enough for MC. Because the master chief is over 6 foot tall, and denzel is about 5' 9. But like someone said, it doesn' t matter who' s playing him because it' s just going to be a stunt man in a suit. And seeing as the 3rd and final game and the movies will come out in similar time spans, he will look how the game portrays him to look. Most likey, he' s white.
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RE: Denzel Washington Rumored to play Master Cheif
Jul 20, 2006 08:22
They should put Bill Gates or J Allard as MC if they want to have some fun  . If they' re boring they' ll put Guvernor Arnold or Mr. Stallone as MC [:' (]. But the obvious choice, since they need someone big, powerful and cool, is Adam Doree  .
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 20 Jul 06 0:23:35 >