I wonder what systems do you actually own or what games do you consider awesome (could be even old games) since I haven' t really seen your opinion on anything.
It' s gonna be a long post
]GaNgStA[ I' m hardcore Sega really... In order of what I got at the age of realising:
Sega Saturn: NiGHTS
MK Trilogy
Sonic Jam (No Panzer cos I didn' t know about it- and now there as hard to find as Osama.)
PS1: Soul Blade CTR - Which I find better than Mario Kart.
Tomb Raider. FFVI
FFIX (NONE of which I played, I just own them, because I like watching FF, I feel the
fight system doesn' t change enough in each, and the story isn' t continuous: New
game, New Characters, New worlds... Same battle system, it' s like point and click!)
N64: Zelda: OOT Yet to be surpassed by any Zelda!
Jet Force Gemini (Didn' t complete but loved it, was waaay too much fun!)
Smash Bros. (Didn' t have money, so spent like 12 hours in stores hooked on it!!!)
(Didn' t like FPS back then, wasn' t involving enough so did not have my own
experience of PDZ and GoldenEYE... However, played multiplayer of GE- GREAT
Dreamcast: Money period!!!! Nothing was left to chance.
Shenmue 1 and 2: Gobsmacked! The first image I saw was a Sprite Can in
his hand.
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2: Number one great, the first game I played that
didn' t start off with a level.... but a boss!! Number 2 was silky smooth 60fps...
That' s about it.
Skies of Arcadia: I hate turn-based, but the ship battles helped even this
out and they didn' t jump back to the same position, they were always actively
moving, so it didn' t really get boring, and the story was... AAAAARRGGHHH!!!
ChuChu Rocket Space Channel 5 JSR: This and Shenmue was when I started to fall in love with art direction
and slowly games became less about the graphics..
Rez:Just WOW..
Power Stone 1 and 2 Best gaming period of my LIFE... Then the depression and dejection period.
I was homeless, but found myself in:
X-box camp: Halo: First FPS I actively played, the pad suited it and I wasn' t thrown by
the keyboard and mouse complications of the PC. I thought the graphics were
shoddy and wondered why everyone was making noise about it, but it had....
JSRF confirmed for it, and I was back with Sega, also Shenmue II was about
to roll out, so I felt at home.
At ths point, I had LOADS of money! So I splashed on EVERYTHING!!!
Ninja Gaiden: This game cemented my place by the campfire in the X-box
community I loved it!! One of my fav games ever!
Otogi 1 and 2: The art direction made this game a cut above a lot of games, and
backgrounds were like completely destructible. I levelled every level (

I played!!!!!
Jade Empire Panzer Dragoon: It was Sega I had to!
Erm.. I' ll have an interval.. and continue later.
Next on Kikizo: Why Tiz bought a Gamecube, tried to avoid PS2 and Gearing up
for the 7th Gen of videogames!!!