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Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 13, 2006 22:29
Rumor has it Microsoft has its eyes set on Take-Two' s Rockstar. The details and the events taking place at present are leading us to believe that this may be true to some extent. Because of the " Hot Coffee" incident, T2 is under scrutiny by both the ESRB and the government. There' s also the news that the company' s being investigated by the Securities and Exchange Commission because of the stock option grants given to employees starting 1997. ESRB also gave the company' s game Oblivion an M rating instead of the T they were hoping for because of the player-created nude mod in the PC version of this game. You might also recall the fire that broke out and destroyed T2' s New York Studio, causing them to lose important records, software and hardware. These events almost pushed the game company to file for bankruptcy. Come to think of it, Rockstar had a big hand in T2' s streak of bad luck. And it' s no wonder T2 will be opting to sell Rockstar. Events in Rockstar on the other hand, were also indicative of the game company' s own bad (or good) luck. Massive firing of over half of its employees (including the co-founder) implies that Rockstar may be making room for some more people - preferably those that will come from another company that will be buying them out. Yup, you heard that one right. Expecting a buyout of Rockstar is supported by the facts relayed. Also, take into consideration Peter Moore' s announcement regarding the famous Rockstar game. Microsoft' s Moore proudly announced that GTA IV will be exclusive to the Xbox 360, and that Rockstar were smart businessmen. He must have been implying something with those statements, right? Sony had admitted to letting go of the GTA franchise even though it' s one of the games that " made" Sony' s consoles. May I reiterate, these are mere speculation; neither Microsoft Corp. nor Rockstar has addressed this rumor. But it would really be interesting to know what exactly will happen to the controversial game company Rockstar...if only to be ensured that the GTA franchise has a future. Original Article After Microsoft aquisition of Rare nothing would suprise me. They certainly want their BIG games exclusive to their console (Fable 2 had to have something to do with them buying Lionhead).
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 13, 2006 22:31
After seeing that GTA was the second biggest selling title on PS2, this would sink people' s expectations of the PS3 hook, line and sinker. Of course, I am taking this article with a table full of gritty, nasty salt![:' (]
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 13, 2006 22:33
well,i dont wanna piss people of who gonna buy a ps3 and want GTA4,but if they buy rockstar,i fail to see why i should buy a ps3? MS is paying japanese people to make rpgs nonstop and now Mass effect looked like the best rpg ever. Okay FF7 is that,but the second best rpg ever.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 14, 2006 01:43
hmm... I think this is going to be a great business move by MS. GTA and Madden(which will be on all consoles) would cover all the casual gamers, while games like GoW, Halo 3, Lost Oddisy(sp? Im in a hurry), Mass Effect, and Fable 2 should cater to their hardcore and original Xbox markets. I cant say I like GTA, mostly due to hampered creativity, but that may have just been the limitations of last gen machines. Lets just hope this doesnt turn out to be another Rare, who after being purchased, have yet to make a good game.
I dont want to celebrate, I want to sell you hate.
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 14, 2006 02:39
don' t forget ninja gaiden 2   hi everyone! adam, i finally got my halo 2 and mp map pack. 10000 years later, but still good, thanx!
-= S + A + I + M + I + R =-
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 14, 2006 03:04
Well the purchase certainly isn' t concrete. Take 2 HAVE made cutbacks and some Rockstar employees HAVE left for unknown reasons. The purchase is very viable and would certainly hurt Sony but as i said, it' s all speculation right now.
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 14, 2006 03:08
Majik, send me a Msg when your playing Codfish2. More Graw! More Graw!lol
< Message edited by Tiz -- 13 Jul 06 19:09:23 >
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 14, 2006 03:10
You want to play again now?
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 14, 2006 03:13
Naw... Later on, when you' re playing Cod2, send me a msg and I' ll join, Im signed on listening to music... I' ts bloody easy to listen to music and manage it on your 360. I have my ipod, SONY Eriksson W810i, Laptop (wireless) and USB MP3 all plugged into my 360... Do you know how great it is to have all these things streaming on one playlist through your 360?!  Chuffed, I am!
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 14, 2006 03:20
That' s what some people don' t get, that the dashboard and Live are functional. They always work and they' re not complicated. As for CoD2, i' ll do as you ask and send you a message! GRAW kicked ass didn' t it! Even though i' m just as good, Quez is the official GRAW team leader. You and i need to get some practice in together at Battlefield 2 and CoD2. I' m not sure if they' ve fixed the mic problem for Battlefield yet. I can never hear anybody!
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 14, 2006 04:07
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on That' s what some people don' t get, that the dashboard and Live are functional. They always work and they' re not complicated. As for CoD2, i' ll do as you ask and send you a message! GRAW kicked ass didn' t it! Even though i' m just as good, Quez is the official GRAW team leader. You and i need to get some practice in together at Battlefield 2 and CoD2. I' m not sure if they' ve fixed the mic problem for Battlefield yet. I can never hear anybody! I usually hear people when I am in the same vehicle as them, or they are breathing down my neck. So the start of Team Kikizo begins. Quez is leader of GRAW, so we' ll listen to him, even if the Gamecube' s a girls pad. lol. That was too funny. On topic... If M$ bought R*, that' s a kick in Sony' s 2 front teeth.
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 14, 2006 04:14
Yeah, if we lose we can blame Quez! I kicked f**king ass today. I seriously can' t get enough of Dry Dock and out " unit" (you, me, Quez and WarBoy) worked perfectly together. We need to get it on again soon! EDIT: Quez, get WarBoy to post here so he can be OFFICIALLY in the team...
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 13 Jul 06 20:15:39 >
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 14, 2006 04:22
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on Yeah, if we lose we can blame Quez! I kicked f**king ass today. I seriously can' t get enough of Dry Dock and out " unit" (you, me, Quez and WarBoy) worked perfectly together. We need to get it on again soon! EDIT: Quez, get WarBoy to post here so he can be OFFICIALLY in the team... Yes Quez, use your persuasive skills...  To convince him. Now everybody else: Your Forum needs YOU! (That' s Dionysius, industrocyberbot23, dasher232, CheeSaw, Locopuyo, MikayD    and anyone else that has a 360) Latecomers/ non-conformists a.k.a Nintendo " I love my innovation" fanboys: Ginj and Gangsta, I strongly consider at least borrowing a 360 to get some Team Kikizo action... We all love the Wii, but we know that 360 is going to be the best for online play! CONFORM you B@stards!!  
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 14, 2006 04:28
Personally i want VX and Mass involved.   Oh, Tiz, are you getting Prey tomorrow?! I know VX will be getting it (already has it?!) soon as i recieved my game from Adam this morning (THANKS ADAM!), so hopefully VX will be getting in on some team deathmatch action!
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 14, 2006 04:31
I dunno about Prey... I might borrow it and see whether, I like it, I played the demo and that was good. But I need to really get into the game. I forgot about Vx and Mass! You guys get in too... And Terry needs to stop signing in at 3am and downloading content, and then being away for 8 hours, I swear, he' s done it for like 3 days straight!
< Message edited by Tiz -- 13 Jul 06 20:33:31 >
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 14, 2006 04:59
Yeah,shame that my close friend Martin o Sanna is offline,we dont know why... He just dissapeared for 3 weeks ago,he use router via his neighbour and has a daughter. And kick ass at graw but is very friendly. Btw dont forget that they coming at 12pm or 13 pm tomorrow and get my comp and send it to repair shop. And i gaved away my 2nd comp to my uncle who sufferes from MS and moved out to the country side now. So i will be offline as long as the comp is away. Ofc i will go online over XBL so if you se eme there we can talk or play ;) But i cant write over kikizo for awhile.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 13 Jul 06 21:02:54 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 14, 2006 09:49
It wouldn' t suprise me. Microsoft has made some smart moves like this before (Lionsgate), and while I' m taking this with a grain of salt, It' s not looking too good for Sony no matter which way you turn. Of course, they don' t think it looks bad for them, because they don' t really care about market share, or exclusivity, or sucess, now do they.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 14 Jul 06 1:49:51 >
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 14, 2006 18:38
hhhmmmnn... interesting, any other articles backing this speculation up?
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 15, 2006 04:46
If this turns out to be true, this would be a pretty major coup for Microsoft, not to mention a fine weapon, with which to take on the might of the increasingly arrogant Sony in the forthcoming console war.
Mass X
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RE: Microsoft buying Rockstar?!
Jul 15, 2006 05:05
First off Personally i want VX and Mass involved.
will do I just gotta get GRAW again and the new pack. Dont ask why I traded it...anyow I do till have CoD2 so Im always ready for that. Thing is I see you guys on while I work. ( is so handy) But I work zero hours during the weekend and usually dont sleep much either so that works best. I' d love to see " the great Quez" at work...and maybe throw him around a bit. As for the thread topic. if such a thing is true then hell Sony is gonna go thru hell selling thier very pricey PS3 to casual gamers. But would MS purchase a rather controversal company as many a polotician seems to wanna hurt Rockstar as well as thier related and connected companies...then again with MS legal support...
< Message edited by Mass X -- 14 Jul 06 21:07:09 >