Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!!

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Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 15, 2006 08:14

If it weren' t for diablo , bioguys would never make baldurs gate.Diablo started it all.

MMmmmm no!

Those games are not at all alike, RPG' s in the style of Baldurs Gate existed long before diablo, there was one which is called Wasteland, which is the predessor of Fallout (which is the true predessor to Baldur' s Gate) So it was Black Isle that started that type of RPG. And Black Isle and Bioware long worked together, Black Isle was incharge of BGII, and they are the guy working at Obsidian now, and some of them was at Troika before it shut down!

and mmorpg arent true rpg' s
< Message edited by VX CHEMICAL -- 15 Jul 06 0:16:20 >

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 15, 2006 15:09

Baldurs Gate 1 is their bigest hit to date - the one game that really made difference.I know you think that no game can match KOTOR or Jade

Just saw this (didnt read the more than the first 2 paragraphs last night, i was a bit tired)

I wasnt the biggest fan of Jade Empire, it was a good game in my eyes, nice story and characters, but not the best combat system as i prefer how it works in say Kotor.

But really, Mercenaries werent that good, it was quite boring actually, and i didnt even finish it, because i got bored. Now Full Spectrum Warrior was a good game, and i enjoyed every second of it, but it still had its issues! Like the grenade launcher on the gun being a rocket launcher instead! I think that Bioware' s over the time game ratings, will be slightly higher than Pandemics. But good things have come of their merger, im really looking forward to seeing how combat works in Mass Effect!

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 15, 2006 18:55

Those games are not at all alike

Well the view,interface and most things are alike and look like evolved diablo with focus on the story side of RPG.I think you' re just making bioware bigger then they are :)

MMORPG' s have RPG in their name for a reason.

I' m pretty amazed that they decided to go with action style battle system this time again.It' s nothing bad , it' s just a strange departure from what they' ve always done.

Mercenaries werent that good

First of all I' ve never said it was perfect , but comparing to other games with THAT freedom it was way better.This game was awesome - great gameplay and responsive controls and all those things console gaming gives you.

Like the grenade launcher on the gun being a rocket launcher instead!

When I played it , it was a granade launcher so I don' t know about that :)

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 15, 2006 19:48
" A million lives are at stake here, I' m not gonna let some piss ant bartender
slow me down!"

" You make it seem like I' ve been lying to you commander..."

^^^Love that line^^^

" But you haven' t told me everything...."

The dialogue.. is amazing.. " Piss ant bartender" ...

J Allard:

" A million lives are at stake here, I' m not gonna let some piss ant bartender
slow me down!"

At an xbox360 conference, in response to winning over people for the x-box.

Sony being the piss-ant bartender....

< Message edited by Tiz -- 15 Jul 06 11:49:46 >
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Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 15, 2006 20:14
You obviously dont know what your talking about! You cant compare Diablo and Baldurs Gate anymore than you can compare Zelda and Baldurs Gate, Zelda at an over the top view before Diablo had it?

They arent a like at all, Diablo isnt a real RPG, people seem to think that the only thing that makes an RPG is leveling up, but its not! Its about interaction, affecting the enviroment you play it, advancing story through dialog! And Diablo only had the stats and level ups!

Baldurs Gate was in production before Diablo was announced.

And if you compare MMORPG with standard CRPG' s, someone should really screw your head on right!

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 15, 2006 21:10
Relax Vx you' re taking it to seriously now...

Zelda at an over the top view before Diablo had it?

isometric pseudo-3d view of diablo was copied by every PC RPG after it, same with interface.That' s what I meant.Diablo is a so called Action RPG and I know it' s not like BG.

Baldurs Gate was in production before Diablo was announced.

- it has been influenced during it' s production then.

And if you compare MMORPG with standard CRPG' s, someone should really screw your head on right!

I don' t remember comparing them - I remember however, saying that Blizzard makes great RPGs and WoW is one of them wether you like it or not, it is an RPG game even if it has MMO before RPG part.

My dislike for BioWare comes from KOTOR and Jade Empire alone (I' ve tried Baldurs Gate after we talked so much about PC RPGs before and it seemed very good so I' m not saying anything about this one) - and not because these games were crap , but becasue they were limited by stupid things.

I enjoyed KOTOR a lot, but it was annoying very often (especially when you played as a female jedi and everyone kept talking about raven as if he was a man - that plot twist turned out pretty silly for me).

They definitely have the potential to create something totally extraordinary but didn' t (eith games I played) and that' s why I think Pandemic will help to solve silly issues to help their games become " complete" .
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 15 Jul 06 13:14:57 >

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 16, 2006 00:55
I cant see how you can compare the way its designed not at all! Baldurs gate offers a completely different style of graphics. It' s plain silly to say its influenced by it, when its a game that shows things from a top perspective.

If you want to compare things that way, nothing is original except Pong.

Okay you didnt like Kotor, but 90% of the rpg playing world did, get the picture?

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 16, 2006 03:27
Vx your anger blinds you and you sound retarded:

Okay you didnt like Kotor, but 90% of the rpg playing world did, get the picture?

As far as I can tell I said I liked it a lot so I don' t know what' s wrong with you.

I cant see how you can compare the way its designed not at all! Baldurs gate offers a completely different style of graphics.

Diablo started entire era of similiar looking RPG' s with isometric view and special potions interface and so on.If you don' t get it - don' t fight it.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 16, 2006 04:09
Im not angry, im annoyed.

Okay i missread yoúr Kotor statement.

You have these silly notions a lot, and you cant be nudged even in the slighest direction! Im telling you, Baldur' s Gate is nothing like diablo. And it didnt influence it! Just because the GUI is at the bottom of the screen in both games, it doesnt mean that the other is a copy!

See this is the forerunner for BG and Diablo, i mentioned it before Wasteland

Just because it isnt isometric of Psyedo 3d, doesnt mean it wasnt the first. If you dispute that, you will be saying that Bethesda is the father of all 3d First Person shooters with their release of SkyNet.

Ahh well. Neither are japaneese console games, so why do i bother

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 16, 2006 07:47
I know what you' re saying , but the thing is, Diablo started something - after this game there were so many games with precisely that view nad interface that it seems like either it influenced them or brought back what wasteland started.

I remember cause I played Diablo a lot and then there suddenly appeared so many games looking like it.

I' m not going to pretend to know PC RPG history - what I' m saying is what I saw at that time when I was playing games on PC as much as on consoles.

And you keep saying stuff about me and Japanese games while you yourself haven' t really played them - I' ve tried your PC RPGs from the past to know what you' re talking about and I agreed that Baldurs gate seems very cool even today.
MAybe we' re not that different, maybe you simply haven' t played all those great titles that I have and maybe you' ll like those japanese games too.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 16, 2006 14:38

And you keep saying stuff about me and Japanese games while you yourself haven' t really played them - I' ve tried your PC RPGs from the past to know what you' re talking about and I agreed that Baldurs gate seems very cool even today.
MAybe we' re not that different, maybe you simply haven' t played all those great titles that I have and maybe you' ll like those japanese games too.

Well i have said that i was going to give Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon a chance. Iv always prefered western RPG' s because most of them allows you to create your own character making it seem more like your making your own story! Im not sure which Jap games does that for you!

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 16, 2006 19:36
That' s funny cause you experience a linear story with your character - that' s the only difference, the character.So at you' re right actually - it only seems like you' re making your own story if you really want to believe this :)

The biggest difference between western and Japanese RPGs (And I was talking about great J games in overall) is that western ones focus on developing your character while japanese focus on the story and interactions between your team members much more.

I honestly don' t care about making my own character - I like however, when all my equipment is visible on my 3D model - that' s nice.

When I play games like RE,Shenmue or any other I don' t mind seeing some character that I didn' t make.I think that the more story based game the better to have your character with personality - and games that let you make your character, make him/her shallow and silent with no life in him/her.

Mass Effect seems to be going that road with a new and uncustomisable character - and it will be good for the story.I' ve already noticed that this guy has some personality in him.

Iv always prefered western RPG' s because most of them allows you to create your own character making it seem more like your making your own story!

And you' ve played what? Final Fantasy? It' s obvious you prefer something you' ve tried over something you have no idea about.And FF is just a one loud title - I bet there is at least one Western RPG you don' t like right?
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 16 Jul 06 11:40:22 >

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 17, 2006 07:01
I have tried numerous other titles than FF, though all of them were on the PC, and i dont recall their names (a friend of mine is a big fan of that type of games)

I do think that Western RPG' s develop great story lines as well, and character interaction is at a maximum, i mean does FF give you the same amount of choices in dialogs as for say BG II or Torment?

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 17, 2006 20:16
FF is the only known to me jRPG available for PC - everything else you' ve tried , wasn' t even near those games I' m talking about.

mean does FF give you the same amount of choices in dialogs as for say BG II or Torment?

Thank god id doesn' t - I' d rather have a cool story unfold before my eyes in amazing CG footage than click,clik,clik dialog with some npc

KOTOR changed that - dialogs were pretty interesting, but in Jade Empire dialogs were simply boring and I couldn' t stand all that crap.

Mass effect is donig a great thing with dialogs as faras I can tell , but old RPG' s were worse than cool CG for story

I don' t have any problem with you prefering PO RPG , but I can' t stand you talking like jRPGs aren' t even worth comparing to western ones.

Both can be great if done right - western RPGs may be different but aren' t better or even much better - only different and suffer from strange bugs (it' s a common thing in RPG won' t you agree? BG had it' s share of this problem as far as I remember)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 17 Jul 06 12:22:30 >

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 17, 2006 20:34

Thank god id doesn' t - I' d rather have a cool story unfold before my eyes in amazing CG footage than click,clik,clik dialog with some npc

Id rather affect the story than just watch it! Or else id go to the Cinema!

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 17, 2006 20:43

Id rather affect the story than just watch it! Or else id go to the Cinema!

So you really believe that you are affecting the story? Good for you - I' m not naive enough to enjoy it, I guess.I' d rather have cinematic experience in my games , but that' s just me :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 17 Jul 06 12:44:03 >

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 18, 2006 00:26

I' m not naive enough to enjoy it, I guess

It' s got nothing to do with being naive, its got something to do with enjoying RPG' s, which is why japeenese RPG, will always be pawned by western RPG' s since they actually try to stay true to the name!

I guess having played loads of pen and paper RPG' s makes me want something a kin to that!

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 18, 2006 16:10

It' s got nothing to do with being naive, its got something to do with enjoying RPG' s

Not really - It' s not hard to notice that you have one story no matter what you' ll do - I don' t mind that , but if you' re telling me you live your own story in western RPG' s - that is naive.

I guess having played loads of pen and paper RPG' s makes me want something a kin to that!

Definitely - that' s what Western RPG' s build upon.I' ve always wanted to try pen and paper RPGs but never had the chance :(

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 18, 2006 20:03
Its also about selecting how much you want to know about the world you are exploring and how much you want to know about the different personas, either your followers or the NPC that populate the world!

Though some games, you do affect the story and how you expirience the game through dialog, Planescape Torment, was the first to really do that!

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 18, 2006 20:09
On PC ...maybe - on SNES Chrono Trigger was like that and I' m pretty sure it wasn' t the first game of that nature.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 18, 2006 21:49
I tried Chrono Trigger a bit ago! on an Emulator, it seemed okay for an old title. Not having played it before, i couldnt quite find the magic! And as most japeense titles it starts a young boy!

this is what heroes look like!

not like pretty boy here, who looks like he needs to be rescued ;)

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 19, 2006 00:36

And as most japeense titles it starts a young boy!


it' s not always the case but it' s way too often...

I like Squall but Tidus from ff10 is terrible.

But with your kind of hero it' s always this tough,testosterone filled macho tough guy - you' ve seen one of them, you' ve seen them all.

I like characters from lost oddysey since they seem to combine what' s best from japan and west
< Message edited by ]GANGSTA[ -- 18 Jul 06 16:37:05 >

Mass X
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 19, 2006 01:57
I think Japanese RPGs are a contradiction to the genre. Not saying they are bad games, just oppisite of what a RPG is. Arnt you role playing after all, being your own person whilst expanding on your own persona in exagerated and merely fantasy fueld ways.

jRPGs are linear and have all the chracters pre-determined. Sure not all western RPG have fully custom characters but they are a bit more open personality wise usually.

Fable, Biowares RPGs, and Elder Scrolls titles all have the ability to somewhat form the personalities to suit your own tastes, thus you are now truly playing into the role. Or Role Playing.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 18 Jul 06 18:00:37 >

Tim Strickland
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 19, 2006 02:40
Whoa, the mention of Chrono Trigger has called me to this discussion!

I feel sorrow for those that have never experienced the magic. I have played through that game more times than one can imagine. The 600 A.D. music has always stuck in my mind as some of the most beautifully simplistic, yet catchy song in videogame history!

If you did not like the game upon first trying it, I urge you to give it a second chance. Chrono Trigger is pure magic!

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 19, 2006 07:30
it is indeed :)

Chee Saw
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 19, 2006 09:15
In Japanese RPGs you ARE role playing as well. It' s a pre-defined role, but a role that you must play, none the less.

I enjoy both kinds, actually. Sometimes you just want to sit back, let the story unfold, watch the cinematics, and enjoy the characters interactions (Final Fantasy). Sometimes you want to kill innocents, pillage, plunder, and make people cower at your feet (Fable).

Just two different gameplay mechanics, that are just as valid in the video game world. It just boils down to taste, as to which you prefer.

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 19, 2006 17:00
I dunno I think jRPGs need to beput into a different genre. Role playing could be used to describe all games then. In essence role playing videogames is about putting your true self into the virtual character.

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 19, 2006 17:11
Wouldnt that be strictly the same with the boys from the Jap games? Each Macho type hero has a different story, if you read the personal bits about the different characters in GoW, and then compare them with say Duke Nukem, its nothing a like! There are loads of different archetypes for heroes, tormented heroes, reluclant heroes, Glory Riders, they are not all the same!

From what i know (limited yes) the jap boys being so young, have little or no background story (correct me if im wrong please :))

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 19, 2006 23:02

Wouldnt that be strictly the same with the boys from the Jap games? Each Macho type hero has a different story, if you read the personal bits about the different characters in GoW, and then compare them with say Duke Nukem, its nothing a like! There are loads of different archetypes for heroes, tormented heroes, reluclant heroes, Glory Riders, they are not all the same!

I guess you' re right :)

From what i know (limited yes) the jap boys being so young, have little or no background story (correct me if im wrong please :))


And Cheesaw fable isn' t your typical western RPG - it' s a very innovative game that' s more like combining zelda and diablo and then adding some story
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 19 Jul 06 15:03:16 >

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 20, 2006 00:23


Exampless please, and do include spoilers!

Fable was a bad game, and it should have had a few more years work before release, i hope he doesnt screw up on the second one!

Chee Saw
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 20, 2006 08:03

ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical

Fable was a bad game, and it should have had a few more years work before release, i hope he doesnt screw up on the second one!

What the...! Fable was a GREAT game! The combat, art-direction, graphics! Everything! I don' t see how anybody could' ve played that game and not liked it. Especially with that opening score! It gave me goosebumps when I heard it on the Fable 2 trailer!

Vx Chemical
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 21, 2006 07:01
I admit to having listened to much to Peter M preaching the second coming of christ with Fable and all the things i imagined it would be. I imagined a great roleplaying game with loads of options, but i got a game that lasted little over 10 hours with no real fun side quests! Yawn.

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 21, 2006 13:41

Exampless please, and do include spoilers!

Fable was a bad game, and it should have had a few more years work before release, i hope he doesnt screw up on the second one!

I agree - fable could' ve been an all time classic if they worked on it a bit longer.Game really felt unfinished.

As for examples - FF7 would be the easiest one - Cloud , Suikoden 2 is also a cool story of two guys who grew up together and ended on the opposite sides of a huge conflict - you play one of those guys ofc.

There definitely are examples, but jRPG games have a great title from time to time - normally market is flooded with mediocre titles these days.FF8 was the most story driven game I' ve ever played - I didn' t fight enemies cause I wanted to know what' s next (and then the boss pwnd me like a bitch) :)

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 21, 2006 17:34

As for examples - FF7 would be the easiest one - Cloud , Suikoden 2 is also a cool story of two guys who grew up together and ended on the opposite sides of a huge conflict - you play one of those guys ofc.

Sounds like Jet Li' s Twin Warriors...
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 22, 2006 00:44
I' m back bitches,gangsta i kikc your ass.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 22, 2006 00:45


That was the quickest 3 weeks ever. What kind of beaver steroids did they use on
your PC?
< Message edited by Tiz -- 21 Jul 06 16:46:07 >
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 22, 2006 00:48
They worked fast :)

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 22, 2006 01:30
What was actually wrong with your PC?

And before I go nuts.....


< Message edited by Tiz -- 21 Jul 06 17:30:35 >
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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 22, 2006 01:32
the fan on the 3rd card was broken and the whole 3d card became trash.

So they putted a new one,sadly they had more of the same 3d cards at their company so i got the same but a new one
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Mass Effect Video on Marketplace!! - Jul 22, 2006 08:04
bring it on viking-wannabe :)

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