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Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 11, 2006 07:52
Just say, I got a copy of the brand new spanking game, " Generic Fps 21" , Hyped for gods knows how long, published by Ea and got it for my brand new Ps3, I pop it in, go on online, you know, to met my victims. Anyway, Wouldnt it be nice if people on the other side on the 360 land with the same game, play with us? I mean a Live and Ps3 Online Link up Service. Its unlikely that M$ and Sony would work together like that, but it would double our online players. But one can allways dream...
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 11, 2006 07:54
No it wouldn' t- I can just imagien all the fanboys getting togetyher
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 11, 2006 08:19
Cross platform?! 360 owners will be able to play PC gamers in certain games when Vista is released (Shadowrun likely being the first title to properly utilize the capability). It' s possible for 360/PS3 online compatability but unlikely. I guess it' s going to be down to the developers and whoever runs the games servers.
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 11, 2006 08:57
That' d be pretty cool. Other than gaming with friends who are too cheap to buy both consoles though, I don' t see much point. I could go have a fragfest with Sony or Microsoft fanboys, I don' t really care which.
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 11, 2006 09:07
Shadowrun is gonna be a experiment,if it works good they might implant it unto other games,like perhaps forza2. But if it wont work good,and people doesnt like playing against PC-gamers they gonna skip it. Also they gonna be more generous to the people who play shadowrun on their 360,amking it' s easier to get HS and to hit targets,while on the pc,not. Seeing how the mouse give you advantage.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 11, 2006 10:15
yeah, it would take fanboy wars to a whole new level. Hey, that would be sort of fun....
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Tim Strickland
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 11, 2006 12:28
Haha I could see it now. PS3 Player: " Haha, I totally killed you ' cause I have the totally better system. My HDMI capability helped me see you better, meaning, I killed you." 360 Player: " Your system looks like a toaster, and we took all of your exclusives. And oh yeah, looks like I just killed you." PS3 Player: " Riiiiiiiiiiiidge Racer!!!!!!!" *Quits Game Right Before End* Oh, the sweet Fanboy Wars FPS will be out in Fall 2007. Be ready.....
Chee Saw
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 12, 2006 04:01
First multi-platform game is ALREADY OUT! Just, nobody here was paying attention! FFXI Like Majik said, it' s up to the developers to implement this on their servers.
< Message edited by Chee Saw -- 11 Jul 06 20:02:48 >
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 12, 2006 04:17
yeah...cross platform online gaming would be great but just imagine if Wii came along PS3 and 360´s online games: Ps3 guy: " hey shall we play a game?" 360 guy: " sure...what game?" Wii guy: " hey, i am in too" Ps3 guy: " ok...then we ...Pong?"
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 12, 2006 09:36
FFXI isnt a game, Its an MMO. There is a diffreance.
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 12, 2006 11:24
the best part about pso was once sega said they would have cross platform playing. But then a few things changed, the ngc version got some new stuff and it fell apart. Too bad.
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 12, 2006 20:42
Dreamcast had free online play.
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 12, 2006 20:44
Yeah anyone remember pod2?.
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 12, 2006 20:48
ORIGINAL: dasher232 Yeah anyone remember pod2?.    Loved it to bits. I just fired up ChuChu Rocket, and MAN! that game is GREAT! Nintendo aren' t the only guys that make quirky puzzle games.
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 12, 2006 21:56
Need for Speed Underground was cross-platform between PC and PS2. Was a nice idea, but it didn' t work very well since the differences between the platforms (no official pad for PC, less power for PS2) meant compromises all round! Hence they took it out again for NFSU2. 360 and PC should be more interesting as the 360 pad works with PC and they should be capable of similar games, but there are still some big differences so it would still mean some compromises (like the m+k vs pad with auto-aim thing). Imo, too much multi-platform cross-compatibility isn' t a great thing.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 12 Jul 06 14:00:14 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 12, 2006 22:00
Actually isnt MS hosting all servers for XBL?
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 13, 2006 10:05
fps would be unfair cross platform, with pc players having an obvious advantage, but racing games would work well
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Chee Saw
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 13, 2006 21:17
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Actually isnt MS hosting all servers for XBL? Not really. If you play an EA game over live (i.e. BF2, Burnout) then it' s on EAs servers.
Jessica Spencer
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RE: Multi-Console Online Play?
Jul 24, 2006 01:52
Nintendo Wii and the ds have Multi-Console Online Play.