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Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 09, 2006 09:34
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 09, 2006 09:47
Dam That looks Good to me its makes the 360 Dashboard look like crap well not crap but What ever. At leats they dont force spam on you as the 360 dose when your connected to xbox live ( i dont know that for sure but maybe sony will have spam as well but what ever We well have to see i hope the 360 dashboard gets an up date or something becasue i really hate they way it looks . Looks like a dam cartoon. Another thing i dident see is that it dosent have an delay when u scoll thorugh the menu. like the 360 dose when you press the green x on the controller kinda slow if you ask me. and sendinmg a message on the 360 suck takes forever i wish they would have made it like halo2 that would have been cool to me. but well see what happens but it dose look nice
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 09, 2006 09:50
what? The menu button puts up another dashboard in any game,its not the normal dashboard as you have when you start. And that strange dashboard might lagg if you put it up when a game is loading or if something happends in a game.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 09, 2006 09:54
And did you guys see that sexy tv yeah thats my baby i have the 60' in model at the house and let me tell you. This tv is the perfect tv for the ps3. sxrd is an good tv you guys should all get one Every man should have an huge tv once in there life
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 09, 2006 09:58
Well on my 360 happens all the dam time i mean all the time it happens when im on the 360 dashboard If they seed it up some then that would be cool hell try sending a message in a game while playing youll likey die as soon as you respawn before you send it .but hey its cool i dislike the the set up but hell they can always update it
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 09, 2006 10:07
This doenst make any sense. WHo force you to bring up the extra menu to send messages to friends and game invites under games?
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 09, 2006 10:13
I seen this ages ago, but it still looks nice. But did you know, Sony had this start up screen before scraping it and going they way they have? I really wish they went for that one, its so cool.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 09, 2006 11:09
WHo force you to bring up the extra menu to send messages to friends and game invites under games? Well how the hell els can i send a message to my friends hell madden 2006 that is the ony way to accept an game invite who foreced me you asked M$ did thats who but hell really i think all xbox live games should have the halo 2 set up hell that should be the standard for all games ps3 and wii its perfect to me
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 09, 2006 11:10
I seen this ages ago, but it still looks nice. But did you know, Sony had this start up screen before scraping it and going they way they have? I really wish they went for that one, its so cool. Thats not Funny
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 09, 2006 12:32
I like that´s minimalist and cool. I seen this ages ago, but it still looks nice. But did you know, Sony had this start up screen before scraping it and going they way they have? I really wish they went for that one, its so cool. Hillarious
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 09, 2006 19:08
it' s fantastic - simple , functional and it seems that it plays video with no delays and other stuff like 360 (I' ve seen it on MI2 trailer - frames dropping) - I love the web browser idea. It' s great. and that startup screen actually is hilarious :)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 9 Jul 06 11:14:31 >
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 09, 2006 20:34
Mikayd2 how do you think you should be able to send friends messages otherwise? I mean if you gonna write in text messages the extra menu cant be that small,also its not problem for me taking it up between balls in Table Tennis. And it only goes slow if you do something big. But thats the good thing with it,you can even pick it up when a game is loading,and send a message to friends or chat invite,now thats sweet-
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 10, 2006 00:36
I prefer the xbox dashboard, it nearly looks like shit. Its simply yeah, but also extremely boring.
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 10, 2006 01:40
It looks poor. It' s just straight from the PSP.
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 10, 2006 02:56
I doesn' t look right does it... For the PSP the menu is perfect as there' s limited display space available. The PSP' s menu is great and it works perfectly. However, considering Sony is pushing their high-end product towards people that can afford the very best technology, how will the menu look on say a 52" widescreen?! On a projector even?! If what they showed at E3 (this) is what they actually use, then there will be an awful lot of wasted space... ...unless... ...they' re planning to offset the cost of making online gaming free by using the rest of the space for advertisements!!!1!!! The horror!
Chee Saw
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 10, 2006 03:49
The 360 interface is better. It' s a REAL " GUI" . The sony one is boring. I mean, for $600 I' d expect something a little less... empty. It has a lot of good functions, though. And it' s minimalist design may make for a speedier interface. Fuck it. It' s all about the games and Blu-ray movies anyway, so who cares!
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 10, 2006 03:55
To me if you took two people off the street and told them that from what we are about to show one is from a 600 dollar machine and a 400 dollar machine which of the dash-boards looks the most thought out and expensive.....I would say the 360 and it' s only complicated for like 5 minutes....but this is coming from a person that likes options so..
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 9 Jul 06 19:56:07 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 10, 2006 04:03
I didnt find the 360 interface complicated at all, it was so intuativ, it might even be more simply to use than the PS3 one, it just looks way cooler!
Mass X
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 10, 2006 07:41
The coolest part is the web browser function. Seems like a pretty cool and smooth intrerface.
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 10, 2006 09:31
thats looks very cool indeed..seems liek theuser will have alot more control thanwe can with the 360 once.. also supporting M&K is good too.. IF Sony games will support M&K, PS3 would have one major advantage over 360 when it comes to FPS' s. We' ll see tho.
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 10, 2006 10:14
What if PS3 was made available in OSX flavour as well as Linux?!
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 10, 2006 11:13
It looks poor. It' s just straight from the PSP Did you ever consider that sony had plans to standardise their interface? It makes perfect sense, with all the intermingling that PSP and PS3 are supposed to have, that they should both look the same. And yes, I just said that something sony did made perfect sense. You' re all welcome to throw stones at me untill I cry. I wish they' d make the thumbnails a little larger though. It' d be easy to slide the other menu' s a little to the left or right, and zoom in on the one you' re accessing. (It' d look tons better too) Is it just me, or is their dvd player still a little clunky? the fast forward is still choppy, and it proves that it' s the hardware' s fault, because she said that " video right now is running through the hard-drive" . I' ve never seen DVD running on a 360 though, so I' ve got nothing to compare it with. Is the fast-forward just as irritating? (yeah, i know it' s a small detail, but it' s a pet peeve of mine)
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 10 Jul 06 3:14:39 >
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 10, 2006 12:53
look´s kinda cool, but yeah its a little empty, its this the final version or there´s still room for improvements???, if there is i guess they need to focus is in giving the hole picture a little more substance, some real time demos of the movies, or the pictures previews, would help alot, or maybe they want to leave us room to put whatever we want in the background, could be...
< Message edited by fernandino -- 10 Jul 06 4:54:31 >
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 10, 2006 20:03
I didn' t find it complicated and I love options too, but it' s annoying to scroll through all this shit just to get somewhere.I like to be able to configure lot, but keeping it simple is what consoles are all about. I don' t agree that 360 menu looks like it' s more sophisticated - quite the opposite.It looks nice, but more like a shallow OS than menu.Some will like it for that, others won' t, but all that space in PS3 can be used for you personal background and other features. I love it for being clean and for smart design mixed with simplicity - not to mention the web browser. Actually it' s the third (after VF5 and HDMI 1.3) cool thing about PS3 for me.It' s a very comforting thing after terribly disappointing confrontation with 360(I' ve checked it for the first time - all games) last week. I don' t care for 360 Vs PS3 battle that much since I' m getting PS3 no sooner than 3 years from launch.I' ll have some fun with Wii before that.
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 10, 2006 20:27
But the thing is which out of all of us spend more time looking at our dashboard more than gaming be it arcade or not to enjoy staring at the pictures on there. That said though I do like the way the pictures change as you scroll through the menu on the 360 but I don' t really spend much time looking at them as I did before when downloading (and that was compulsory).
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 11, 2006 00:06
But the thing is which out of all of us spend more time looking at our dashboard more than gaming be it arcade or not to enjoy staring at the pictures on there. That said though I do like the way the pictures change as you scroll through the menu on the 360 but I don' t really spend much time looking at them as I did before when downloading (and that was compulsory). you know dasher, the thing is that after you buy a PS3 you won´t have any money left so you´ll have to look at the dashboard for a looooonnng time so it better be a good dashboard
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 11, 2006 00:37
Lol that was funny I like that.
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 11, 2006 00:51
Seen some brat kids over at swedish forums like loading,who think they owned everyone cause they guessed that ps3 wont cost 7000 but 6000,and its a very nice price. ...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 11, 2006 03:55
Seen some brat kids over at swedish forums like loading,who think they owned everyone cause they guessed that ps3 wont cost 7000 but 6000,and its a very nice price.  ...and they (kids) are supposed to be our future?
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 11, 2006 04:03
When these kids at age 10-16 screams that ps3 gonna rule the world and 800 dollar for a console is very cheap...then something is wrong,i agree.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 11, 2006 08:48
Methinks they need to unplug from their monitor, and get in touch with reality, and the world economy. But yes... 6000 is a very affordable price when you mooch all your money from your parents. These are the guys who' s parents shell out massive amounts of cash, in the hopes that the games keep them away from drugs and lowlifes.  (I have to deal with too many of these guys that say they' ve got an xbox 540, with built in VR nipple-clamps, or something dumb like that) When these kids at age 10-16 screams that ps3 gonna rule the world and 800 dollar for a console is very cheap...then something is wrong,i agree. I' m glad we' re all not like that. I mean, I consider myself pretty intellegent for a gaming youth, partly because I don' t get squat from my parents for games. So I' m not spending 60 bucks on crap like the Constantine game. Or making dumb console purchases.
Game Junkie
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 11, 2006 09:15
I never cared about the interfaces. When MS showed off the 360 interface I had to ask myself, so what? Sure its much better then what we' re used to but I bought the thing for games. As long as it puts out the games I expect I' m happy. Asthetically I like the ps3 interface, has a more mature look then the 360 one, but the 360 still has a better functioning interface. The ps3 interface assuming it will be the same when released looks tedious. It has too much junk, too many options to wade through. The 360 interface on the other hand is great but it looks like a kiddy windows os, it needs style.
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 11, 2006 11:31
that' s the unfortunate thing microsoft doesn' t do. They don' t hire graphic designers to make their interfaces, and thus for programmers to do it.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 11, 2006 14:20
that' s the unfortunate thing microsoft doesn' t do. They don' t hire graphic designers to make their interfaces, and thus for programmers to do it. Your just speculating right? MS probably have more graphic designers than Sony does!
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 11, 2006 14:31
no, they don' t. The entire front end of xbox live was developed by it' s programmers. From design to the actual png files were photoshopped by various programmers. To my knowledge, no outside firms or full time graphic designers have been used for the xbox project. Though i have seen some interested in design, even some have great artistic skill. But unfortunatly, they don' t have a high priority on how it looks, but more on how it works.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 11, 2006 15:11
no, they don' t. The entire front end of xbox live was developed by it' s programmers. From design to the actual png files were photoshopped by various programmers. To my knowledge, no outside firms or full time graphic designers have been used for the xbox project. Though i have seen some interested in design, even some have great artistic skill. But unfortunatly, they don' t have a high priority on how it looks, but more on how it works. You dont think MS has a team of designers, already working at MS, for all their other projects?
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 11, 2006 15:28
they do, but not on the xbox team. However it' s been quite some time scense i' ve seen the xbox department. Most of the design crew work for the windows department. I did hear about a great deal of study time being put into the shape of the system, but microsoft has never placed aesthetics over function.
Chee Saw
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 11, 2006 16:41
ORIGINAL: whiteguysamurai ...but microsoft has never placed aesthetics over function. As it should be.
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 11, 2006 19:17
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RE: Ps3 interface taken from behind doors in E3!
Jul 11, 2006 20:13
ORIGINAL: whiteguysamurai that' s the unfortunate thing microsoft doesn' t do. They don' t hire graphic designers to make their interfaces, and thus for programmers to do it. Erm, yeah they do... The user experience team is responsible for the interaction and interface design for Xbox 360 and Xbox Live, including but not limited to the systems dashboard. I don' t know about the original Xbox, but an actual design team worked on the 360 dashboard which is openly apparant by just looking at the thinng and how it works.