ORIGINAL: mikayd2
lol There you Go shoting in the dark again
the PS3 has sharper graphics though
Who to say he his wrong i havent played the ps3 nor the sonic game
I dont think none of us have if so please show some Proof. we well just have to wait
And see Whats What later.
Oh wait, do you think he meant " sharper" as in 1080p sharp?!
Maybe he meant sharp as in PS3' s DUAL video output cuts down Microsoft' s lowly single display setup!
Maybe he' s just talking shit and listening to Sony' s " PS3 will be 2X as powerful as the SUN!!!!!" bollocks that everybody else here shrugged off as garbage...
Sonic will be a multi-platform game. We know that. We also know that developer after developer has said that multi-platform games will be near impossible to tell apart. We ALSO know that nothing shown running on PS3 so far has come anywhere near the visual quality of Gears of War, with the exception on Kojima' s cutscene.
PS3 no longer has DUAL video out, it won' t play games in 1080p (and if it does it won' t be a common thing to see) and... PS3 isn' t significantly more " powerful" than Xbox 360.
You need to ignore every websites understanding on the next gen hardware, ignore Sony, ignore Microsoft and just ask...
Game Junkie ...for his estimations.
(oh, and dont ask WHY if you don' t already know, and if you do then you won' t need to ask anyway!)

Sonic as a launch title?!