So gamedaily did a reviw of BMFE2 and complained that there was no tutorial in the game,well there is one and he missed it...TT
Well,when some gamers checked his gamertag it showed that he only played 1 mission in the camapign and unlocked 5 gamerpoints.
And he did the review.
Is that taken his job seriously?
Doing a 5 min review,is this common in the industry?
If so then perhaps its back to ask close friends that youy share gaming taste with...
Damn gamedaily,they need to burn,are ya with me?

A follow up,Brian has responded--
(I wrote the GameDaily review)
For any of those wondering, I have been playing the game in some form for a while now. However, I only had the weekend with the final retail version. In all honestly, I already knew the control schemes, but I was more looking for a tutorial level upon entering the single player mode.
While I was incorrect in the complete lack of a tutorial mode, my complaint still stands that I feel the game should' ve had something as soon as you start the single player mode. Nevertheless, it didn' t affect the final score of the title and I listed the other two sources for the controls (which I was already very familiar with).
This was most definitely not a case of playing the game for 5 minutes and reviewing it. I' ve been waiting for builds of this game since E3 demoed it for me before E3. The review will be corrected though, and our apologies for the misleading comment.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 7 Jul 06 1:12:16 >