Gangsta bddy, have you noticed this yourself? I' m slightly worried now as i know you love the Lite...
No not myself - I' ve just orderd Enamel Navy from Lik sang (yeah!!) - it seems that this problem is mostly european - guys at IGN reviewing black DS lite (at the end of this review) say that it' s got fucked up D-pad.
I was very worried when I heard this just before I was supposed to get DS LITE, but I guess I' ll get it anyway and maybe mine will be fine since it' s japanese.
one thing is for sure - not all of them are bad, this issue appeared among european DS Lite mostly but even euromodels can be good or bad.
You don' t need to worry majik since you got yours at retail and can replace it if something is wrong.
I hope my enamel won' t have bad pixels (my fisrt pure white DS from japan had 3,I exchanged it for another one and it had 1 but it was located in a corner so I could live with that)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 6 Jul 06 14:56:27 >