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RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 05, 2006 23:30
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RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 05, 2006 23:32
Err.... You up for CoD2 tonight? Don' t change the subject!!!! Yeah, I' m up for CoD2, what time?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 05, 2006 23:36
Whenever you get in or have a couple of hours free. *runs to get a beer*
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 05, 2006 23:37
You fukkers,i saw cod2 online,looks very fun Count me in for COD3
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 02:28
Y' know, is it just me or does this seem to have a full background blur like PGR3 when you turn?! I see they seem to havve toned down the mud effects after making such a big deal about the technology. I don' t think it looks TOO bad though, even if the E3 video' s were DISGUSTING! Personally though i' m looking forward to Excite Truck more than this.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 02:46
Its a launch title people. Maybe by the end of 5 years we might have games that look something like that e3 trailer. What I am really dispointed about motorstorm is the fact that its courses are pre-defined, I thought, [after seeing the e3 05 triler] that you are told to go from point A to point B anyway you want, make your own path, but now that the visuals have gone down [not that bad though] and the real gameplay element that I thought was present dosent even excisit. I dont think I' ll buy it as a launch title, if it is one. Unless its very good.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 03:00
Its a launch title people. Maybe by the end of 5 years we might have games that look something like that e3 trailer. A genuine possibility. I even forgive Sony for their bullshit CG tactics last year, you have to give the company serious kudos. Thery KNOW how to get people worked up. What I am really dispointed about motorstorm is the fact that its courses are pre-defined, I thought, [after seeing the e3 05 triler] that you are told to go from point A to point B anyway you want, make your own path, but now that the visuals have gone down [not that bad though] and the real gameplay element that I thought was present dosent even excisit. I dont think I' ll buy it as a launch title, if it is one. Agreed! I was hoping for a free roaming-esque racing game too. I still have high hopes for Grand Road Offroad... ...and it' s supposedly going to be multi-platform so everybody wins. I just hope they can pull through with the open ended nature of the racing.
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 04:28
Like MotorStorm, the Killzone trailer was completely CG. The final product will likely have awesome art direction like the original Killzone but won' t look like the trailer from last year. there´s still time mate, almost 5 months so they may still make it, i mean not e3 trailer level but pretty damn close, i´ve been hearing rumors than PS3 wont launch until Dec. 6 japan and Dec. 12 worldwide, that would give them over 5 months to improve the visuals, so i wont say im disappointed... yet
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 04:56
You may not end up dissapointed,but if you expected anything even close or near that CGI 2005 that sony fanboys thought was real,then you gonna.
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 06:23
im NO FANBOY but i did believe that MOTORSTORM trailer Please be GENTLE
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 06:25
It’s Kind of Hard to say if the ps3 graphics are as great as the e3 trailers because I haven’t seen any Game play of killzone 2 (or what ever) or that Motorstorm game. I can’t just go off a screen shot. I want to see it in action That’s like saying the 2008 mustang isn’t as fast as the 2007 mustang just by looking off a screen Shot of the car in motion. I can’t Say Anything until the Game and the Console Are Released. Ill Shut up if any of you have played Motorstorm Or Killzone And Can Prove it Or can prove that the game has is Complete Hell like I said we will just have to wait and see want we
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 06:29
yeh THATS what ive been thinking but i keep hearing that THE killzone trailer isnt real or watever. I BELIEVE IF WE DNT HAVE FAITH what do we have
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 06:36
I BELIEVE IF WE DNT HAVE FAITH what do we have Thats the Kind of talk I like to hear But really i havent seen anything eles but the killzone trailer so until they show something eles of killzone in a form of gameplay or what ever. Then hell who am i to Say that It is not in realtime.. I like those in your face type of facts. But We Will See Want We ........Sometime in November ( lol Thats What they Say )
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 06:40
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 06:41
yeh true THAT itz nice to SEE another fellow believer
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 06:43
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 06:48
finally sum links to MAjik' s comments like they say " believe half of what you SEE and none of what you HEAR     and if i remember correctly Tim Miller was sacked by SONY for leaking information about the ps2' s features. Links available on request
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 06:48
Faith... what a nice little word. But it tastes so... naive. Faith is for church. If you want to believe, go there. But this is real life were faith and superstition has the same value and we all go by logic and the scientific methods.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 5 Jul 06 22:49:25 >
Gaiden BLACK
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 06:50
i take it ur NOT much of a holy man are ya ginjirou
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Remember Motorstorm?
Jul 06, 2006 06:50
Haven' t these two SEEN the MotorStorm footage that the rest of us have?
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