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Where' s the Prey demo??
Jun 29, 2006 09:24
I was wondering where the 360 Prey demo got to, since the PC demo was out last week. 1up had an article up: Apparently, the whole MS approval thing takes a while, but chances are we' ll see it soon. Has anyone played the PC demo though, it' s pretty funky. Looks like the D3 engine of course but plays completely different. And the demo is a huge 4 or 5 levels and seems to go on for ages, heh. I' m definitely getting the full game when it comes out in a couple of weeks.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 29 Jun 06 1:25:02 >
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RE: Where' s the Prey demo??
Jun 29, 2006 09:29
Yeah it should be out now ffs
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: Where' s the Prey demo??
Jun 29, 2006 09:58
The PC demo is awesome and my 360 seriously outperforms my desktop. The demo is the first couple of levels but isn' t as big as people have made it sound. A couple of weapons and enemies are shwon off along with the now infamous portals and the glowing walk-on-the-roof walkways. The Doom 3 engine is certainly living up to my expectations and the lighting/shadowing is superb. The online is cool on PC but on 360 it' ll be limited to 8 players which is a shame. Anyway, the 360 deo was delayed by Microsoft so it wouldn' t take the limelight away from the GRAW download pack which hit the day the Prey demo was due. It should be on by the weekend (i' ll be suprised if it isn' t because the game has now gone gold) with any luck. I don' t know what date it' s out in the US but the 14th July can' t come quickly enough!
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RE: Where' s the Prey demo??
Jun 29, 2006 10:10
i played prey with 1027*768 everything high with a decent framerate: the graphics are superb but it is dark again, gloomy in a way the gun battles are not as good as fear, it' s not the same feeling, FEAR sensations are really unique , they don' t exist in any other doomlike, i mean in fear you feel the weight of a gun , even the sound is superb... prey is more like quake 4 It is very confusing, and the result is that i didn' t finish the demo, seriously, well it is a very long demo... but i didn' t finish it !! which is hmmm a bad sign i guess.
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RE: Where' s the Prey demo??
Jun 29, 2006 11:03
Your mother has it. Ha. [:' (]
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Terry Bogard
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RE: Where' s the Prey demo??
Jun 29, 2006 11:11
Your mother has it. Ha. I just called her and she said nothing arrived in the mail
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Where' s the Prey demo??
Jun 29, 2006 22:26
Where' s the Prey demo?? It was sucked into a giant alien ship! Some Indian bloke nammed Tommy is out to rescue it
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RE: Where' s the Prey demo??
Jun 29, 2006 23:01
Is there something going on today that I don' t know about? Because the posts have been trickling in like a dried out tap in the middle of a barren (or baron) wasteland.  What' s going on?
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Vx Chemical
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RE: Where' s the Prey demo??
Jun 29, 2006 23:11
chromehounds demo is out? Roskilde Festival started today? People having sex?
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RE: Where' s the Prey demo??
Jun 29, 2006 23:15
chromehounds demo is out? Roskilde Festival started today? People having sex? Lord Jesu.... Where have I been? Oh... at work.. I' m gonna give the Chromehounds demo a d/l as soon as I get in yay for ChromeHounds! So that' s where everyone is... What are you doing Vx?
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RE: Where' s the Prey demo??
Jun 29, 2006 23:41
Sorry, I was bored, and found this... HAHAHA!!
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RE: Where' s the Prey demo??
Jun 30, 2006 07:07
So why give us CrapHounds when we want Prey Dammit?  I don' t get M$ sometimes..
There are two rules to success: 1. Never tell all you know.