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the glory days of old
Jun 27, 2006 14:05
Hello everyone, Sorry to bring up stuff that' s probably already been brought up one million times, but I' ve been pretty busy for like the last year and haven' t really paid much attention to the new console war... and since things are soon going to heat up I thought I had better get some opinions. Let me say I am a console gamer to the core. Respect to all those PC gamers, its just I grew up sitting on the couch with mates playing goldeneye and I guess it just stays with you. I have only ever owned a ps1 and ps2 myself (just a warning if i' m a little biased sometimes - fond memories!) neway so obviousy ps3 looks good cos of the backwards capability... but then when I found out the price.. what the hell? I try not to be sucked in by graphics, but even if I was totally, the ps3 doesn' t seem to be doing nething that great. The whole generation as a whole doesn' t seem a formidable step. maybe i am being naive here.. please correct me if I am! anyway my favourite franchises have tradiitonally been playstation titile, such as metal gear and gran turismo, but nomatter how much everybody raves about mgs4 its really not looking anything that new or exciting... the 15 minute trailer is mostly just a bunch of cut-scenes... and actualyl maybe you guys are gonna crucify me, but i got bored with that friggen trailer so i turned it off. i can only watch raiden jumping around cutting off the legs of walking robots for so long. eesh. and gran turismo. gt3 was so good when i got it! gt4 should have been so good... but i got the feeling I' d already played the same thing 5 times... (which i had I guess) and this new GT HD... meh... just gt4.. and i am aware it is just gt4 running in hd, but why dont they wait to show us something new than expect us to be impressed by HD versions of old games... the only game on ps3 that gets me excited so far is ' getaway' . but inside i am well aware how the first the getaway promised so much and delieverd so little so long ago... ok, so this has turned into a bash the ps3 email... its just playstation used to be my pride and joy... now all i see is a really REALLY expensive unit that does all these things i don' t give a damn about. its funny the way sony are saying its more like a PC. i seem to recall that when the first xbox was released sony criticised it for being too much like a pc and that that wasn' t what consumers wanted. just to get all this bitching out of the way, the other rpbolem I have with microsoft and sony is that these days they dont give s tuff about slipt screen... yeah online is great... but what happened to the good old mates IN THE SAME ROOM killing each other!!! i want more multiplayer games damnit! lol nehoo hopefully one of you will give me some hope!!! plzzzzzzzz
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RE: the glory days of old
Jun 27, 2006 15:40
Looks like you have it all figure out friend, no help needed here. And I completely agree with what you said about MGS4. I was sad to see kojima follow the trend of pretentious middle eastern setting with tragic stories of " Oh my god look at how poor we are as our countries are ravaged by war over oil. Who will save my murdered children? I am just a sad, oppresed arab woman" . On top of it you get wonderfully depressing music which all sounds like they just recorded someone souting the a and eh vowels in an extended two hour session. Despite what you may think about social boundaries etc..., there is simply such a thing as good and bad music. So please, I get enough of that depressing shit ( and I do mean excrement) in movies and hardly need any more from Kojima' s team. The entire thing just felt like Syriana with a horribly moustachioed, arthritic Snake thrown in for good measure; by which I mean it looked absolutely drop dead boring. And what the hell is with all the muted dark tones of gray and fucking brown they force down our throats in all the latest action and war titles? Are those the only colors on the palette? When' s the last time you remember seing a shit colored rainbow. Bring back the vibrant worlds god damnit! I played new SMB a few weeks ago and I saw the fucking light! STOP STEALING MY COLORS BASTARDS! Now as for your consoles question, go for ps3 if you love the franchises, for 360 if you like the graphics and none of ps3' s mainstays, or for Wii if you love innovation and, more importantly, your wallet. Yes ps3 is expensive, but the features are worth it, and so are the games (next game from the SOTC team anyone). Yes the xbox 360 has comparable graphics and is very fast, but you' re likely to go through a couple before finding one which likes you (one that won' t commit suicide) and it has nowhere near the colossal names that two generations of playstation helped establish. Although who knows, the may come up with wonderful new franchises which will be, at the very least, only slightly Master Chief related. Master Chief party anyone? And finally,the Wii is simply a great console to get if you love your gamecube cames, need you banana peeling experiences to be as thouroughly interactive as possible, or simply want to hang with mario while holding out to see which of the other two will win the war (answer: wouldn' t you like to know? Buy Wii!). The real winners: console gnomes; those little gnomes who creep into your house at night to steal vital hardware components, which they turn into profit. HAHA, yes Timmy, this will be an eventful christmas indeed.
< Message edited by papado -- 27 Jun 06 19:03:40 >
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: the glory days of old
Jun 29, 2006 03:20
I agree with you that in certain ways, this new generation of consoles does not seem like it' s as dramatic a step forward as previous generations have been. Graphically, there won' t be many more stunning advancements as photorealism has very nearly been attained... that is, until something comes about comparable to holographic imagery that is truly in three dimensional space (pure speculation on my part). So what we are looking for now are steps forward in aspects of gameplay other than graphics and sound. I consider myself a pretty well-rounded gamer with hardcore roots, beginning in the days of the Atari 2600 & Intellivision... moving on to Apple ][e and Commodore 64, then Amiga... then Sega Master System and NES, Genesis, SNES and TG-16... then my interests went elsewhere and I pretty much skipped the generation of PS2, Sega Saturn and N64. I resumed with PC games in the late 90s and got a Dreamcast, which was an incredibly fun time because so much had advanced in the four or five years that I wasn' t paying much attention to games. In recent years I' ve had an Xbox, and that has caused a fundamental change in what I look for in videogames... specifically Xbox Live. It is a solid online system and it has been really great for keeping in touch with my friends in different cities. I keep pretty busy with school and work and relationships, and don' t have as much time to devote to single player games anymore. But it is very worthwhile to get together with good friends on Live and chat about what' s going on with our lives, and then relentlessly attack each other! :) So the natural progression for me in that regard is going to be Xbox 360, because the Live system is so well-implemented and is making a smooth transition with increased functionality (video camera coming soon should add extra laughs to the equation). As a lifelong gamer from almost the beginning of the whole industry, Wii is very intriguing to me as someone looking for a few new twists in the experience of interacting with the games. I also happen to appreciate Nintendo' s stance of not being concerned with having the most horsepower, but working on creating more immersive and fun experiences. Also as a longtime gamer who has seen the bizarre creativity of the games industry watered down by endless sequels and dumb movie licenses, Wii looks like the system to go with for games that are very strange and creative. As for the PS3, I don' t have as much interest in this system but there are key franchises (Virtua Fighter) and developers (Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Insomniac) that interest me. It' s far too expensive for me to even consider prior to at least a couple of price drops. Just my 2 cents.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: the glory days of old
Jun 29, 2006 05:02
damn this the long post thread?
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: the glory days of old
Jun 29, 2006 05:05
Thats what I was thinking ....was a little worried i' d break the trend by posting to short of the previous.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: the glory days of old
Jun 29, 2006 10:53
damn this the long post thread? yes.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: the glory days of old
Jun 29, 2006 11:24
And now this is the part of the thread where the so-called " n00b" informs the " intermediate" users that if you don' t have anything to contribute to a thread, take it elsewhere. Did you even read what the messages say? If you think these are long messages, how do you ever make it through an article on this site?
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- Joined: Jun 27, 2006
RE: the glory days of old
Jun 29, 2006 11:57
yeah go zoy! lol... was a bit long i was in a rage of passion at the time:D
Chee Saw
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RE: the glory days of old
Jun 30, 2006 00:13
OMG!! THE NOOBS ARE REVOLTING!! BAR THE GATES AND FIRE UP THE TAR!! As far as the question at hand, I don' t think you' ll be dissapointed with any of the systems. They all have their strengths, and will all have a good amount of representation as far as the different genres go. I, personally, am a fan of the Wii60 combo, but if you enjoy the PS exclusives that much then that might be a better option for you.