ORIGINAL: Dionysius
Original by: Tiz
A lot has happened whilst you been gone. Everyone is conforming to the 360 way..
How was Japan?
Ah! Almost didn’t recognize you Tiz, with you’re new avatar (it is new, right?
). So Sony’s been up to funny more funny buisness, huh? Well that’s nice (not really) but do know that whilst my trip to Japan (which was GRRReat!
) I have confirmed with my own 3 eyes that X is practically nowhere to be seen in Japan. I went to a couple of HUGE technology stores as my friend wanted to by an iPOD (like he couldn’t do that in Sweden), and in many of them they didn’t sell either of the X machines or games and those who did only had a limited selection of games, smaller than those of small gaming boutiques in Sweden… And to my surprise, mostly sports games! X-box aside, Japan has crazy big gaming stores, I felt afraid of I might get lost in them.
Also, please do fill me in on what’s been going on.
Original by: QuezcatoL
And delete all my 100Gb HENTAI.
Quez... I have a friend like you. I think you two would get along.
And as for weapons, another goodie is the Stick from Ico… Reminds me of my sweet, innocent youth.
Well... Here' s a summary of what has happened:
We have developed
" Team Kikizo" courtesy of Majik, at the moment we
are very disorganised, but the aim of this sect is to rule X-box live, which means
Dionysius, you
NEED to develop a Live account soon, and sponsor poor M$.
We have 2 " real" new people, Gaiden BLACK and MikayD, both Sony fanboys that
need to have the blinds removed from their eyes.
Ginjirou and ]GaNgStA[ are pro Wii, and like to make comments on second hand
info regarding the X-box 360, and are also very knit-picky about their consoles. To
them, Nintendo is the be all and end all. To see the argument about Nintendo Wii
between me and Ginjirou, have a looksie here:
Once level headed people become fanboys who rear their ugly heads Read, and tell me your verdict.
As usual, Sony have been overflowing with bullsh*t, so not everything has changed.
360 has seen a lot of new IP coming it' s way. Wii is fabulous, and PS3 is meh.
That about sums up all I can think of.
Oh, and I am undecided on an Avatar, but temporarily hibernating in a Spider-Man
one until I can upload 3 custom avatars.