God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying!

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God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 24, 2006 22:37
I' ll start by saying I' ve never played God of War, but I was always interested to see what all the fuss was about. So I just checked out a vid of the E3 playable demo for GoW2 (not gears of war 2.. ), and geez that game looks painfully bad.


The gameplay looks repetitive and annoying. You go all the way round this level shouting, " Raa! Rrraa! Ugh! ooH! raAA!" for about 10 minutes, just to push off a cliff one heavy non-descript block thing you needed at the beginning, to chuck this roof into the lava, so you can get across and obtain a ' special' item that was just sitting there for no reason. Likelyhood is you' ll have to go through the same palaver just to use it.

The animations are pretty awful too. Some things just don' t look right at all.

No change in pace, no sense of accomplishment or context. You kill one thing, and another one comes along, you kill that and another two appear. Even the guy playing the demo seemed to get annoyed at some parts, trying to get the R1 icon to appear, randomly hitting walls out of frustration.

Seems like yet another game with great artistic design, but no sense of creativity in the gameplay whatsoever.

So does anyone know why David Jaffe ended up being such a hero? Was it just a graphics thing? Or is GoW2 just rubbish compared to the first one?...

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 24, 2006 22:46
the first god fo war was a very very good game, what you thought was annoying, people think is fun, i think is fun, it' s a la old school but with the new tech and stuff, i loved it, take basicaly castlevania, don' t you almost do the same thing, kill that then the same one arrive and oyu kill it and so on ... it' s almost the same thing, and people love those games cus it' s fun...

now i saw the trailer (gameplay) on gametrailers like 1 month ago and i was extremly impressed , i hope this sequel will live up to its expectations.

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 24, 2006 23:15
Sure the old 2d castlevanias and the like were loads of fun. The animations and gamplay were all top notch for a scrolling 2d platformer. A lot is left to the players imagination, so it works.

But when you want to create 3d worlds, I feel as though you have to step things up a notch, and need to put in a lot more work into animations, controls and game design etc just to make them seem relevant. Otherwise you really notice the repetitiveness and lack of context. At least I do.

As technology becomes more advanced, you tend to have to put in more work to achieve the same results. You know, it' s like how better resolution monitors or higher definition sound hardware can really bring out the lack of detail in textures and sounds of older media, however great they were in their day. So game mechanics and animations require better detail and context to keep up too. GoW2 just didn' t have that imho.

I dunno if any of that made sense, heh! I suppose I was just wondering if people felt the same way, but if people actually liked it, then I can' t really judge. I guess it' s just not for me.

(I did like Devil May Cry though, which seems like a similar type of thing..)
< Message edited by choupolo -- 24 Jun 06 15:29:28 >

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 24, 2006 23:21
This is just more of the same. The first game plays exactly the same way as this does, and the first game while highly regarded in many peoples eyes needed some improvements.

It looks to me, that the issues present in the first game haven' t been worked out for the sequel. It' s just another Sony game that hasn' t been given the attention it deserves so that they can get it out of the door as quickly as possible.

It' s graphically impressive, especially for a PS2 game, but in all honesty they should have saved it for the PS3' s launch and really put some serious effort into making it great.

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 24, 2006 23:43

ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on

It' s just another Sony game that hasn' t been given the attention it deserves so that they can get it out of the door as quickly as possible.

Maybe they want to finish it fast so they can get working on a PS3 game as soon as possible?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 24 Jun 06 18:01:58 >

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 25, 2006 01:58
they allready had a big expensive game ewngine made for the orginal god of war, It will come to ps3, no doubt, but Porting it so quickly would not be cost effective and that expensive engine would just go to waste. instead they are making a sequal on the ps2 with that engine. Yea, its more of the same with some nice new added gameplays things.

I suppose the True sequal is god of war 3. But Katros still kicks much ass.
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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 25, 2006 06:20

The gameplay looks repetitive and annoying.

Playing=believing as Nintendo people put it - watching someone playing tetris won' t give you any idea of the gameplay behind it.

GoW was an awesome game - truly awesome.

I haven' t played GoW2 ofc but I know they plan to make it an extension of first one - getting further with story and adding some slight touches.

IT will Rock , no doubt :)

Like everyone I' d love to see it on PS3 , but it would be stupid on their part not to use their PS2 tools and engine - and there are 80mln PS2 systems worldwide so ...you get the idea :)

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 25, 2006 09:16

GoW was an awesome game - truly awesome.

It WASN' T awesome at all. It was nice in that the art direction, cutscenes, boss fights etc were great, but the animations, number of available moves and control mechanics were horrible.

Sure, it crushed all but the DMC series (forgetting number 2 because it was awful!) on PS2, but comparing it cross platform with Ninja Gaiden/Black and it doesn' t fare very well at all.

There' s nothing completely wrong with God of War, it justwasn' t as polished as it could have been and it was waaaaaaaaaay too easy. The magic attacks were rubbish too. It definately doesn' t have any replay value.

The sequel looks like one of the most graphically impressive titles on PS2, and LOOKS more impressive graphically than most Gamecube and Xbox games. It also looks to be more of the same with very little new apart from the levels and maybe some new moves. That' s why i probably won' t buy it.

Perhaps they should let Ninja Theory make God of War 3?!

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 25, 2006 18:55
As a full gaming experience I put GoW above Ninja Gaiden for story, amazing locations and that feeling of awesome adventure with incredible beginning and even beter ending.

Ninja Gaiden is 10/10 when it comes to gameplay,it has cool graphics , but most places were boring to me and I didn' t get involved with the story or any other aspect than amazing gameplay.

It' s true that NG has much better fighting system and pure gameplay (and that' s why I play it years after finishing it) , but GoW was an awesome game (all those awards aren' t wrong - they' ve earned every single one of them).

I know some people who don' t like what GoW has to offer and I' m not forcing them to change their minds , but It' s hard to understand people who call it crap or something like that.

I liked DMC1 , didn' t play DMC2 and tried DMC3 after all the hype - I don' t know what people like about it.I didn' t feel a thing while playing - very poor gameplay imo.

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 25, 2006 20:34
DMC3 sucked in your opinion?!

The first game was awesome, the 2nd was complete rubbish and the third game was more like the first in that it rocked!

Some people couldn' t complete it, and others struggled to get past the first boss. Those are the guys who didn' t like it methinks!

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 25, 2006 21:00
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 25, 2006 22:09
DMC3 was very good, very deep and very hard.

Anybody who says the gameplay is poor obviously didnt very far in the game.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 25, 2006 22:33

As a full gaming experience I put GoW above Ninja Gaiden for story, amazing locations and that feeling of awesome adventure with incredible beginning and even beter ending.

I guess you' re right, none of that would come through watching that vid. I' ll just have to play it and see eventually (and believe!).

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 25, 2006 22:47
...whilst Ninja Gaiden obviously owns God of war, i' d be very surprised if most don' t find GOW fun to play.....

....if you didn' t like NG or DMC, then you probably won' t like GOW either...

...you might want to check you pulse also...
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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 25, 2006 23:46
Well I already said I loved DMC (1+3). But DMC had a huge variety of moves that were all animated in such a cool way. You kinda had fun doing the same hack and slash moves on hundreds of tough enemies, but being a bit creative as you' re going along.

I just found it funny how Kratos just runs around going Raa Raaaa all the time in the video. It was almost as basic and repetitive as some of the hack and slashing you have to do on some mmos and rpgs. But then maybe it was just the way the demoer was playing the game. I mean, are there any more moves?

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 26, 2006 04:49

Those are the guys who didn' t like it methinks!

maybe - I didn' t get into it more than a couple of fights - I just didn' t like it - not even a bit - the 1st one was great that' s for sure, but the story was dumb (still it' s not a story driven game)

I don' t know why, but I just didn' t enjoy it - especially since this game is in direct competition with ninja gaiden where it doesn' t stand a chance.

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 26, 2006 05:14

Some people couldn' t complete it, and others struggled to get past the first boss. Those are the guys who didn' t like it methinks!

Anybody who says the gameplay is poor obviously didnt very far in the game.

maybe - I didn' t get into it more than a couple of fights

It' s true. My brother couldn' t get past the first 3 headed boss (what' s the damn do with three heads called?) and gave up after 2 weeks. Since then he' s always said the game sucked ass.

The funny thing though is that the guy behind the series claimed in an interview that he met Team Ninja and after seeing how popular Ninja Gaiden was he decided to ramp up the difficulty for DMC3.

Personally i LOVE hard games. I thnk that' s one of the reasons why Ninja Gaiden is so cool. It' s not for girls!

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 26, 2006 05:17
i can' t play god of war

i feel that im being pulled out of the immersion that videogames provide everytime a ps2-button-icon pops up in the screen

besides, i' ll take the alphabetical order of the buttons, A-B-X-Y over the X-O-square-triangle any day of the week

it just doesn' t make sense, i have never known where are the damn buttons on that damn controller when a game requires me to push one of those shapes!

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 26, 2006 05:23

ORIGINAL: Xbox3iiSiiTii

besides, i' ll take the alphabetical order of the buttons, A-B-X-Y over the X-O-square-triangle any day of the week

it just doesn' t make sense, i have never known where are the damn buttons on that damn controller when a game requires me to push one of those shapes!

Well you know, the japanese have never been fans of the western alphabet.
They always use shapes when they try to write something but it always look stupid
I guess that' s why it' s so hard to read japanese.

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 26, 2006 05:28

They always use shapes when they try to write something but it always look stupid

It' s probably a good thing that we don' t have any Japanese regular posters!

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 26, 2006 09:16
man....shapes are just a pattern like any other else...it´s a matter of getting used to it

but it would be funny if there was a non-elemental shapes game pad like :

" press quickly the leonardo davinci button while holding eagle in tights button"

that would ruin gameplay

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 26, 2006 09:25
I never liked mexican food to be honest...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 26, 2006 09:33

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 26, 2006 22:03

i can' t play god of war

i feel that im being pulled out of the immersion that videogames provide everytime a ps2-button-icon pops up in the screen

...well most games pull you out of the immersion these days....

...y' know, those obligitary hold your hand training levels, which tell you what the buttons do and how to pull off moves and stuff...
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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 26, 2006 23:46

...well most games pull you out of the immersion these days....

...y' know, those obligitary hold your hand training levels, which tell you what the buttons do and how to pull off moves and stuff...

Like in MGS1 where the colonel is telling you to press the triangle button over the codec, hehe...
< Message edited by choupolo -- 26 Jun 06 15:47:03 >

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 27, 2006 00:53
Hey everyone! The main reason why GOW was critically lauded was not only because of it' s graphics or story (or incredible level design, as opposed to Ninja Gaiden), but also for it' s intuitive combo system, where you can pretty much link any moves together and continue any combo in a way that does not feel pre-determined. And by the way, has anyone ever noticed (or maybe it' s just me) how the best action games feel exactly like playing an anime, for example Ninja Gaiden or DMC? And it not only the gameplay or artistic direction, but even things like storyline or cutscene direction. On that note, another great action game which I feel has been left out of this discussion is ZOE2, one of my favorites to this day.

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 27, 2006 07:16

...next-gen sonic reminds me of anime too...

or incredible level design, as opposed to Ninja Gaiden),

..yea, Ninja Gaiden' s levels were far to liner..... ...and there really should of been NPC' s ingame too.... ....the whole story was pretty bereft of emotion also...

...don' t see much anime in GOW though....

On that note, another great action game which I feel has been left out of this discussion is ZOE2, one of my favorites to this day.

...did that come out recently?... ...i' ll need to look it up...
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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 27, 2006 07:40

..did that come out recently?... ...i' ll need to look it up...

You' re sh**ting me?!

Enders 2nd Runner was amazing and it came out like 2 1/2 years ago...
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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 27, 2006 20:39
What made GoW so great was because it was over-the-top in every way.

The extravagant graphics, the storyline and the insane combat.

I thought the controls were great as well, but having got into DMC after playing GoW, I' d say DMC has better combat (I' ve only played the first so far).

From the looks of that demo video, I' d say if you enjoyed the first one, then you' re going to enjoy the sequel.

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 27, 2006 21:56
I didn' t find DMC3 really hard at all - not as hard as NG on Hard , but I somehow did not enjoy it.I think I' ll give it some more time - all those kikizo members can' t be wrong :)

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 28, 2006 01:45
Yeah the first DMC game was really the best. The third came very very close to capturing the first one' s glory, but somehow never succeeded. I think it has to do with the environments and atmosphere of the first one. What always boggles my mind is how you can make a lesser sequel to any game when you get the formula right the first time?
< Message edited by papado -- 27 Jun 06 18:39:17 >

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 28, 2006 05:10
you heard that dante was actually made to the coolest character ever?(i can' t agree with that... snake is the sh*t 4 me^^)

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 28, 2006 07:17

You' re sh**ting me?!

Enders 2nd Runner was amazing and it came out like 2 1/2 years ago...

...i only recently re-acquired a new slim PS2 after a long hiatus.....

...so is it all jaggies and murky colours like DMC3?...
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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 28, 2006 07:20
It' s by Kojima' s studio but he didn' t direct it. It has a very Metal Gear look as far as the colour pallete is concerned and yeah there are jaggies but it' s not as bad as you maybe think. It' s definately worth checking out but i' ll warn you that it' s a little short and has zero replay value.

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 28, 2006 07:30

It' s by Kojima' s studio but he didn' t direct it

...duh! of course!!.. ...i remember the zoe cardboard boxes during sons of liberty....

....Kojima' s studio are one of the rare few who know how to make games look good on the ps2... ...i' ll definitely be checking it out...
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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 28, 2006 08:26
And there' s lots of cool 2d anime style cut-sequences, so it' ll definitely remind you of one.

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RE: God of War 2 - looks painfully annoying! - Jun 28, 2006 15:52
I don' t know about zero replay value. I mean you get to replay the game as naked Jehuty; that kicks some major ass! And the chance to play Vic viper vs. Jehuty vs. Anubis in multiplayer is reason enough to purchase this jem of a game.