Sony dont give a shit about GTA ??

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Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 22, 2006 17:58
Ok so the title might have been a bit exagerated but apparently sony thinks loosing GTA launch exclusiity isnt goin to hurt the ps3 ..Wat do u guys think ??

Here' s the link -- >

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 22, 2006 19:10
I think that GTA3, Vice City and San Andreas each sold millions of PS2' s. I think that Sony ARE bothered by the fact that it will be available on 360 before PS3 (if only just before) and that they have lost the exclusivity rights.

In the previous generation, Sony had a lot of exclusivity deals and even used their inluence to affect other' s exclusivity deals (read Killer 7 and Resident Evil 4). Now they are losing that.

If PS3 is successful then they will no doubt regain that influence and GTA5 would very likely be a Sony exclisive.

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 22, 2006 22:38
GTAs have been ps2s big sellers. There are 3 GTAs in the top 20 selling games.

With a total just under 40 million units sold for 3 GTA games - very impressive.

gran turismo, the only other sony exclusive title with some real numbers moved just over 25 million for 2 titles. No where near GTA.

Wheres final fantasy? Dead last (of the top 20) with less the 10 million units sold, and thats a ps1 title.
Wheres MGS? Not even there

who are they kidding,?? Losing GTA exclusivity IS GOING TO HURT. Add that massive (DAMAGE) price tag, poor launch titles etc etc this is possibly another nail in ps3 coffin. GTA DOES move consoles (whether i think its a good game is another matter), people do buy a console to get the latest GTA. Numbers (seem to) prove it.
< Message edited by Terrak -- 22 Jun 06 14:41:17 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 22, 2006 22:53
I' d love to see them all lose their exclusivity deals
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 22, 2006 22:56

I' d love to see them all lose their exclusivity deals

Wouldn' t we all? Everybody wins! Especially the X360 crowd...
< Message edited by ferrarimanf355 -- 22 Jun 06 14:57:40 >
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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 22, 2006 22:58
Well actually the sony fanboys woudl loose, but who gives a fuck about them, they are insane as it is!

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 22, 2006 23:02
I don' t give a sh*t about GTA, whats your point?lol.
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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 22, 2006 23:08
They have Getaway. Who needs GTA when you have that?

Terry Bogard
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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 01:25

Wouldn' t we all?

Nope.. A lot of other people love the idea of 3rd party exclusive games, I never did and never will.. I' ve hated the idea of 3rd party exclusive games since the 8-bit era and continue to do so...

I guess for some it' s bragging rights for their console of choice, but I' ve always been of the belief that if you' re a 3rd party developer and have the resources then port that sumbitch over to other viable platforms.

Everybody wins!

I agree. With multiplatform releases, everyone wins cause you won' t have some poor fella feeling left out cause his/her console of choice missed out on some great 3rd party titles.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 22 Jun 06 17:30:16 >
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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 01:34

I guess for some it' s bragging rights for their console of choice, but I' ve always been of the belief that if you' re a 3rd party developer and have the resources then port that sumbitch over to other viable platforms.

That sumbitch part is really funny.
< Message edited by Tiz -- 22 Jun 06 17:34:35 >
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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 04:49
Imagine Mario on ps3. It will be a cold day in hell when that happens.

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< Message edited by silentbomber -- 22 Jun 06 20:49:50 >
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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 07:14
More bullcrap from Sony and it' s really putting me off ever getting a PS3. How much more crap are they going to talk. Saying GTA didn' t help the PS2 is utter rubbish. It' s the main reason I got a PS2 over an X-Box after the demise of the Dreamcast. As already stated, I' m sure millions of people got a PS2 with a GTA title as their first game.

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 07:17
Sony can talk as much shit as they want,im more intrested in the price/games.
Where has the focus been on that for SONY?
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 07:43
Sony is shifting their business from electronics to waders.
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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 08:01
I mean when gamers scream its to expensive what does sony do then?

They responde with that its to Cheap
What is wrong with them? seriously...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 08:30
now that you mention it...what would be sony without 3rd party exclusives?

" hey´s gran turismo just pay 600$ to play it..."

still sadens me to see sega games as 3rd party exclusives...they should be in every console

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 08:54
Up until recently (God of War and SotC), Sony' s first party games have sucked compared to the Nintendo and Microsoft heavyweights.

I think Sony will pay more attention to their first party games this gen because i don' t expect them to have the third party advantage they had last time around. It' ll be interesting to see what they do.

Terry Bogard
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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 13:17
One third-party I gotta give lots of credit to, even though I don' t want to, LOL, is Electronic Arts... While I' ve never been a fan of EA, I always have to give them credit for the way they whore their games out to every gaming platform on the market, making sure noone misses out..

Whenever EA releases a new game you can expect Game & Watch versions to follow shortly. They' ll port their games to anything with a screen and buttons ;)
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 23 Jun 06 5:19:10 >
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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 14:03

ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard

I always have to give them credit for the way they whore their games out to every gaming platform on the market, making sure noone misses out..

I guess that' s true NOW....since there' s no Sega console out there....

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 15:38
Alright back to the topic, in my opinion I think Sony don' t really give a $h!+ about RockStar next GTA title that will be release on the same date for both 360 and PS3, I guess their contract for exclusive release is past due already. Sony might have already known that the situation between M$ wanting to buy 3rd party developer and having some exclusive rights to produce some title that was aiming for PS3, Sony knows that they already have the top notch support from various developer and for RS to made a deal with M$ to also have the title and not first exclusive release for PS3 will not make any difference.
I don' t think this will be a problem since the title will be release for both next-gen console, everyone will buy a copy and I don' t think there will be any graphical difference, since the game will run useing the ' ' RAGE' ' engine. 360 will have more copy sold then the PS3 since there will be only 2-3 million PS3 and 5+million 360 already out.

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 16:50


ORIGINAL: Terry Bogard

I always have to give them credit for the way they whore their games out to every gaming platform on the market, making sure noone misses out..

I guess that' s true NOW....since there' s no Sega console out there....

unfortunatly when dreamcast was out many of my friends wouldn´t buy it because there was no fifa game in it....i know...that´s no reason to not owning a game console that has games like shenmue, skies or arcadia, jet set radio, etc....but that was the reality for those guys.

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 18:43

I guess that' s true NOW....since there' s no Sega console out there....

Hehe... Spot on.

Wasn' t it because EA didn' t like the fact that Sega had their own sports
development with Visual Concepts?
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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 19:21

ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on

Up until recently (God of War and SotC), Sony' s first party games have sucked compared to the Nintendo and Microsoft heavyweights.

Hey! They have other good titles too.
Maybe not as good as God of War or SotC but Nintendo/Microsoft have some bad moments too (Mario Sunshine).

Ico, God of War, SotC, Ape Escape, Buzz, EyeToy, Ratchet and Clank, Singstar, Socom U.S. Navy seals, Ever Quest, GranTurismo, Naughty Dog titles, Key of Heaven (Kingdom of paradise), Syphon Filter, Talkman, Wipeout Pure, ATV offroad fury, LocoRoco and Twisted Metal are all pretty much 1st party titles. And pretty good ones too.

Compared to Sony' s 1st party titles Microsoft sucks.
Nintendo is better than Sony though.

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 20:36

Ico, God of War, SotC, Ape Escape, Buzz, EyeToy, Ratchet and Clank, Singstar, Socom U.S. Navy seals, Ever Quest, GranTurismo, Naughty Dog titles, Key of Heaven (Kingdom of paradise), Syphon Filter, Talkman, Wipeout Pure, ATV offroad fury, LocoRoco and Twisted Metal are all pretty much 1st party titles. And pretty good ones too.

The Ape Escape, Eye Toy, Singstar, Syphon Filter, ATV and Twisted Metal games are all BAD.

Syphon Filter went way down hill after the 2nd game (the first two i loved). It, like Twisted Metal (again, i loved the first two) is a series that has refused to grow up (read evolve with the rest of the industry).

Ape Escape COULD be enjoyable but the series is marred by bad controls.

Eye Toy and Singstar are rubbish. While i understand and see the importance of Eye Toy and believe that it could be truly awesome this generation if done right, the games so far have been awful. I' m not going to comment on Singstar.

GranTurismo is undoubtedly a popular series and has undeniable build quality, but again it' s being left behind. I despise the series but i see why people love it. Games like GTR and the Proect Gothem series walk all over GT as far as i' m concerned. With the sheer amount of amazing looking next gen driving games (TDU for example), Sony need to go all out on GT, add car damage and realistic physics and make the game more fun (if only by adding a non-sim mode).

The Ratchet and Clank games have been 1up' d by the Jak & Daxter series at every turn. I don' t like them but again i see why people do. Both Super Mario Sunshine and Conker: Live & Reloaded are far superior in every aspect.

Ever Quest? Lets' s see Sony make that work on PlayStation 3. Sony' s PlayStation userbase won' t go for it.

The Ico/SotC, God of War, Socom U.S. Navy seals and Wipeout games are the Sony heavyweights. These are the games that need next gen updates early in PS3' s life.

God of War is Sony' s Ninja Gaiden. It needs to be MUCH harder though and they need to open up the game world so that even if they only do a GoW trilogy they can continue the series through another character.

The SoCom games if done right could rival the Clancy range. Unfortunately, so far they' ve been only average. I' m REALLY looking forward to their next-gen incarnation though as the series has massive potential.

Wipeout Fusion was dire, but Pure was a god send. I want a PS3 version of Pure at launch. That would sell me and it would show me that Sony are serious about PS3 being a games machine. 2097 is still the best console entry in the series and that' s what Sony need to go back to, just like they have done with Pure. They DO NOT need to make it work with the stupid motion sensing controller as they' d have to change the games mechanic to make it work properly.

Lastly, the ICO/SotC games could, somewhere down the line be bigger than Zelda. I don' t want a 3rd game, instead i want PS3 remakes of both PS2 titles.

Compared to Sony' s 1st party titles Microsoft sucks.

You' re serious? Microsoft have some seriously cool first party games and IP' s.

Crimzon Skies
Forza Motorsport
Project Gotham
RalliSport Challenge
Perfect Dark
Age of Empires
Killer Instinct
Black & White

Sony' s problem is that it' s first party titles are often overshadowed by their third party games. The way i see it, both Microsoft and Nintendo especially have the better first party franchises.

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 23:02

Wasn' t it because EA didn' t like the fact that Sega had their own sports
development with Visual Concepts?

Actually, one supposed reason was because EA still had a bug up their ass over what happened with the Saturn. Their games were miserable failures on the Saturn, costing them a bit of money, so rather than rush to jump on the Dreamcast gravy train they decided to sit it out and wait for the PS2..

I don' t remember if Bernie Stolar was another reason EA stayed away but the entire industry knows for damn sure Stolar is the reason why Working Designs initially stayed away.

Going back to the subject of " GTA" , If I know Sony well enough I don' t think the PS3 is going to get the same exact game as the Xbox 360. I think the PS3 is going to get something along the lines of a Grand Theft Auto 4.5 or something like that with exclusive content. They' re not going to want a hand me down, they' re likely going to want to be able to say, " Hey, we have the definitive version of Grand Theft Auto 4 with additional content that can only be experienced on the PlayStation 3" .
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 23 Jun 06 15:16:30 >
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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 23, 2006 23:30

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 24, 2006 03:00

The Ape Escape, Eye Toy, Singstar, Syphon Filter, ATV and Twisted Metal games are all BAD.

I was going to make a long post here but why care. We simply like different games. The Sony games I mentioned are all great fun IMO. Really worth buying.
Of the mentioned MS games I only like Halo, Age of Empires, and the RARE games. But the only good Rare games mentioned are the ones who was on Nintendo' s consoles. Kameo is nice but PDZ... even you hate it.
Halo is overestimated and there are RTS games that are much more fun than Age of Empires. Black and White sucks IMO.

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 24, 2006 03:04

PDZ... even you hate it.

I loathe it.

Halo is overestimated and there are RTS games that are much more fun than Age of Empires. Black and White sucks IMO.

Halo kicks ass. The online specifically is amazing!

Black & White was great, but the 2nd game was a let down. Lionhead also have BC and Fable though!

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 24, 2006 03:15
Please-no more halo is overhyped,we have diffrent taste...
I love HALO and Halo2.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 24, 2006 03:27
Ok. But don' t get me wrong, I love the Halo games too. They' re really fun to play but they just don' t reach my elite group. I' d rate it 8/10.

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 24, 2006 03:41

ORIGINAL: ginjirou

Ok. But don' t get me wrong, I love the Halo games too. They' re really fun to play but they just don' t reach my elite group. I' d rate it 8/10.

Erm... are The Ape Escape, Eye Toy, Singstar, Syphon Filter, ATV and Twisted Metal games all in your " elite" group?

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 24, 2006 03:51
Nope, I never said they were.
But they are proof that Sony is a good 1st party developer, and imo, better than Microsoft.
Ape Escape and Twisted Metal comes very close to belong to my elite group.
Ico, God of War (I hate that you can' t write GoW since it looks like Gears of War) and SotC are Sony' s top class games. Gran Turismo would definitely be there if I liked simulators. But now I don' t.
I honestly don' t remember what games they made for the PS1 more than the ones I mentioned so there might be more gems there. But I doubt it.
It' s to bad that Sony doesn' t makes their titles more polished because that' s what keeps them from becoming true AAA titles. Twisted Metal, Socom, Ape Escape and the others really has potential.
But just for the record, sometimes I' ve got pretty twisted taste when it comes to videogames .
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 23 Jun 06 19:55:53 >

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 24, 2006 04:08
I have a belly button!

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 24, 2006 04:10
Come to think of it, I do to!
You think we are related?

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 24, 2006 04:14
Do you have Jewish blood?!

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 24, 2006 04:15
I can' t find any gold around my neck no matter how much I look so I guess not.
But maybe I' m irish? I should check if any of my relatives might be a lepricon or whatever you called it.

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RE: Sony dont give a shit about GTA ?? - Jun 24, 2006 04:27