PS3 AND the never ending list of great things………….

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Gaiden BLACK
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PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 18:15
ive BEEN trying to decide on what next GEN console to buy as i have a bit of cash and i saw the features for PS3 and thought to myself HOW could someone decide to buy the XBOX 360.

i swear the pS3 has far more features, better games and the UNSTOPPABLE FAN base.

but im still undecided HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

oh yeh and BLU RAY rocks.......

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 18:52
Get Ed...
There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

Gaiden BLACK
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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 18:59

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 19:28


Sorry just replied to bullsh*t with bullsh*t...

Already you sound like you are pretty decided:

i saw the features for PS3 and thought to myself HOW could someone decide to buy the XBOX 360.

What you will more or less get from this forum is each to their own, and if you run
in here with statements like the above, someone will tear you to shreds..

Firstly, what FEATURES are you talking about that you know will benefit?

You can' t just say " I swear it has" without naming the benefits. Yes, Sony has
an unstoppable fanbase, but they are all running round with blindfolds on in the
middle of what they see is a giant Sony park.

oh yeh and BLU RAY rocks.......

I will go easy on you because the last time someone ran in here exclaiming things
like that for no reason he got ripped apart (R.I.P Cetra).

I' m gonna go out on a little whim here (just a little), and assume that you have
experienced Blu-Ray? Enlighten us all please, because some of us (even industry
insiders) still have only heard the benefits, but never experienced it ike you

What was it like?

You' re lucky I am the only person awake at this time,
with a thread name like that and an opening post to die for, I will just wait for
the cavalry to catch a whiff of this; and then let them decide.

i swear the pS3 has far more features, better games and the UNSTOPPABLE FAN base.

I' m not at liberty to say which will have the better games in the long run, but at
the moment the 360 has a better line-up, whilst PS3 has the potential better
support. The reason being because they have support from major developers...

360 is cheaper, and will have more killer apps by the time PS3 comes out.

99 Nights.

Gears of war.

Bullet Witch, among others..

PS3 has blu-ray (atm hasn' t proved itself against HD-DVD which is cheaper)..

Please list the Ps3 games that you have seen gameplay from that you know will
be good..

If it has BETTER games.. I mean you can obviously speculate that it will have
better games because of the reputation of the developers, but then again, that
is on of the reasons why the game may suck as well..
There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 20:44
**throws Tiz a forbidden fruit milkshake**

Kojimas has already said that he expects 360 to have more titles all together because of PS3' s development prices. He called it a DVD or something wierd.

I can' t find the quote but i' ll post it when i do.

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 20:46
Well if you have money right now and are wishing to get a console, you want help... well right now there is only one choice, x360 so it depends on if you wanna wait.

But with the waiting comes the concern, wait for a ps3, but be sure of getting what? I too would probably chose ps3 over 360 some time ago... but im taking a wait and see approach now. Sony just aren' t doing many things right, and being industry leaders, they should be.
I like the idea of the blu-ray drive, though it sure comes at a cost, and that cost is way too steep. To warrent that price tag i would expect one hell of an amazing console, with nothing but praise heard about it. And it should certainly outshine the 360 in every department, which it doesn' t.

I would, in your situation to either buy a 360, or wait maybe a year to see how things are going for each system, then just buy the Wii.
NiGHTS into Dreamcast

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 20:47
You should buy yourself a great cell phone .

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 20:51
To save you some effort Majik

You may recall a while back Hideo Kojima (the Metal Gear Solid franchise) compared the next-generation consoles to steak dinners. Kojima has once again spoken, this time using more tech-oriented metaphors. Let' s see how his opinion has changed:

PlayStation 3

* Then: " If the game creators and the users want to have a great steak for their anniversary, they go maybe to PS3."
* Now: " The PlayStation 3 is like a movie theater for people who want to see this movie on the big screen with THX and 5.1 audio, even if they have to pay a high price."

Xbox 360

* Then: " If they want great dinner, great steak with their family, a little bit more casual during the weekends, they might select Xbox 360."
* Now: " The Xbox 360 is DVD. Basically, you don' t know what movie you want to see, so you go to the store and see if you can pick up a good one."

Nintendo Wii

* Then: " Why not have a great steak at your house everyday, they might choose Revolution."
* Now: " The Wii is like a TV for when you' re home and you don' t know what you want to watch but you [want to] have that variety"
NiGHTS into Dreamcast

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 20:56
When did kojima become the guy to listen to when it comes down to speccs and power?

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 21:02
If it wasn' t for Kojimas great MGS games I' d call him a f*cking retard!

Gaiden BLACK
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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 21:02
Yeah sorry I am not trying to come across as a fanboy it’s just, I read the features the PS3 would have like:
Wi-Fi connectivity
Flash memory card reader
Blu-ray drive
Upgradeable hard drive 60 GB

That’s just a few of the great features. The games I don’t think are gonna be good on release.

But what one do you think I should to get?

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 21:05
We need to know more about your preferences.
What do you want from a console?
Do you own or intend to purchase an HDTV in the nearest future?
What kind of games do you like?
What previous consoles do you own?
How important is HD for you?
Tell us. It' s kind of hard to know what you should buy since it' s very much about personal taste.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 21 Jun 06 13:05:48 >

Gaiden BLACK
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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 21:19
i have a GAMECUBE and my DAD has a HD TV but i want a ps3 for the better graphics.

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 21:37
Ok, you' re a graphics person so I guess the Wii is not a priority.
Many people believe that the 360 has better graphics than the PS3 so I wouldn' t blindly go for the PS3 if I wanted that.
If you liked your Gamecube then you should definitely get a Wii since you' ll see many great Nintendo franchises on it. Actually, you should get it anyway.
If you want the console with the best graphics then wait a while to see how it turns out. If you have lots of cash you should buy a PC since you can upgrade later when the 360 or the PS3 gets dated.
But what you should really do is to look beyond the graphics.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 21 Jun 06 13:39:45 >

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 21:37


but i want a ps3 for the better graphics.

There' s no end to it is there?
< Message edited by UnluckyOne -- 21 Jun 06 13:38:06 >

Gaiden BLACK
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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 21:46
Yeh your right ginjirou the Wii might be best but i do like xbox games like Jade empire but i think there weak in the rpg side so ps3 would be better.

Its not just about graphics its just some of those trailers ive seen look awesome.

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 22:00

Its not just about graphics its just some of those trailers ive seen look awesome.

Oh dear!

Forget anything that wasnt realtime or ingame. Forget anything from last year' s E3 and TGS. The only awesome looking PS3 game from this years E3 was Heavenly Sword.

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 22:16

but i think there weak in the rpg side so ps3 would be better.

It looks like the 360 is actually getting lots of japanese RPG' s and with the non-japanese RPG' s the 360' s RPG library should be pretty solid. The PS3 will without a doubt get more RPG' s but most of them will be the usuall japanese RPG' s we' ve seen throughout history.

Its not just about graphics its just some of those trailers ive seen look awesome.

Lots of 360 trailers are awesome. And a trailer is just a trailer. Do you want to play your games, or watch your games?

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 22:25
the japs hate the 360, so it will never have a solid rpg collection.

Damn Japs are just too proud to buy forgein hardware. Bastards.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 22:35
But the japanese companies/developers doesn' t give a damn about the japanese anymore. They want money. Look at all the japanese developers who are starting to support the 360. Some titles are even exclusives. That says alot. Right now it' s really hard to tell how the 360 will do against the PS3 but if the 360 keeps showing good sales after the PS3 is released then I expect more japanese developers to support it.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 21 Jun 06 14:36:12 >

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 22:43
360 will never be popular in Japan. Even in Business it is frowned apon to work with distant forginers, who once, where the enemies to said country an odd 60 years ago.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 21 Jun 06 14:44:15 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine.

Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 22:50
It won' t but it will be in the rest of the world and since the japanese aren' t buying as much software as the americans the japanese developers will definitely turn to the 360 if it keeps up the good sales.
The fact that the japanese are looking forward to the Wii more than they are looking forward to the PS3 also says a lot.
With Wii being strong in Japan and stealing most of the software sales the 360 is something the japanese developers will have to support from an economic point of view. If not then the japanese developers will have dug their own graves.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 21 Jun 06 15:00:12 >

Terry Bogard
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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 21, 2006 22:58

When did kojima become the guy to listen to when it comes down to speccs and power?

Forget that, when did Kojima become the authority on Steak dinners?
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Gaiden BLACK
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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 00:00
Generally the PS3 is better isnt it the xbox may have alot of rpgs on the way but ps3 rep with rpgs is better.

All xbox have going for them is LIVE and FPS nothing else, maybe it would be better to go for a Wii.

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 00:06
The Wii s a good idea. And if you get bored you can buy a PS3 or 360 later on when we know more about those and they have shown what kind of killer titles they have.

Terry Bogard
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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 00:14

Generally the PS3 is better isnt it the xbox may have alot of rpgs on the way but ps3 rep with rpgs is better.

All xbox have going for them is LIVE and FPS nothing else, maybe it would be better to go for a Wii.

OK, what on Earth, Venus, and Mars are you talking about lad??? ;)

The PS3 hasn' t even been released yet, and with developers freaking out over the price and development costs on that thing noone is certain that it' ll have better RPGs. Microsoft is actually zeroing in on that genre with the 360 so you can definitely expect a healthy offering of both Japanese and Western RPGs on the 360.

While the PS3 is struggling to find its footing during its freshmen year on the market with first-generation games the 360 will be starting its sophomore year with 2nd generation offerings.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 21 Jun 06 16:14:49 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

Gaiden BLACK
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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 01:21
But the 360 will never be able to give us a FINAL FANTASY or LEGEND OF ZELDA.

I must admit Jade Empire and KOTOR 1 (NOT 2) were an example of MS trying to break into this genre BUT lets be honest there attention is to shooters.

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 01:29
Bioware made those two games you mentioned,also they signed up for 3 games to 360,they gonna do a epic sci-fi trilogy with the first game,mass effect coming this winter.

ABout lack of rpg' s,Oblivion is already here,Fable2 is on its way,blue dragon,lost odyssey,bioshock and tri-ace new rpg is also comin...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Gaiden BLACK
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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 01:34
Dnt get me started on Obilivion, but the others sound good ill check them out


Terry Bogard
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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 01:37

But the 360 will never be able to give us a FINAL FANTASY or LEGEND OF ZELDA.

Final Fantasy XI is currently out on store shelves for the 360. As for future games from the series, we' ll just have to wait and see.. As for Legend of Zelda, the only place you' re getting that at is Nintendo, not even the almighty PS3 will give you Zelda
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 01:39
Don' t get me started on oblivion?

A rpg that sells millions and get some of the highest score ever,why would i not adv that game as a rpg for 360?
Gamers on the PC talk as its the best rpg ever >_<
But if you dont like a RPG that its that opended and medival mixed with fantasy i get that...

But then again look at FF13,doesnt look like Final Fantasy any more
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 01:51
I hate the fact that people buy the Sony' s consoles for Final Fantasy, Nintendo' s consoles for Zelda or Microsoft' s consoles for Halo. How the hell can a single franchise mean that much? I love the games, they' re great but I just can' t buy a console because of a single title.
Shenmue 3 would make me very tempted to buy whichever console it lands on though... but still.

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 01:54
funny thing,peter moore told on gamingsteves blog that a guard at a airport said to him,i dont need to check you,i know who you are-you' re the asshole who stopped shenmue.

Peter Moore said it got a lot of hard core fans who bought it, but it never sold to a big audience as they was hoping for.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

Gaiden BLACK
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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 02:05
Thats the way it is every console has a game that makes you want to buy it for just that.

But obilivon tried to put too much " free" and not enough story, graphics was nice but the combat dosent even come close to that of Final Fantasy.

Gaiden BLACK
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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 02:09
True Final Fantasy is looking like something new, that is making me interested in Ps3, BUT then again HALO 3 is looking tasty.

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 02:22
Hey, I' m hooked on Oblivion at the moment so this may be a " fanboy" post, but the story seems pretty good (I have' t done that much of it, because I' ve just been running round the world leveling up).

Levelling up is awesome! It' s one of the most original systems I' ve seen, it seems so obvious now, although it hasn' t been done before where on anything I' ve played.

Also I' m not sure why you would say KOTOR2 on xbox was not a RPG?

I loved FFX, loved Zelda although usually got bored before the end, but I' ve been playing tabletop RPG' s since I was a kid, habe travelled into uber-geekdom of LARP, and I understand Msoft havn' t been the best at RPG' s but Fable2 should be good an they have announced exclusive rights to a Marvel universe City of Heroes style RPG? You can count me in

Gaiden BLACK
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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 02:33
KOTOR 2 is rpg I WAS jus talking about good ones. But with obilivon it started good but i just wanted to be told sumthing now and again if you know wat i mean.

Vx Chemical
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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 02:54

KOTOR 2 is rpg I WAS jus talking about good ones. But with obilivon it started good but i just wanted to be told sumthing now and again if you know wat i mean.

mmmm i dont know what you mean. Final Fantasy combat is dull in comparison! Might not be in the latest as they changed it, but even FF fanboi Quez agrees its boring!

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 02:55

graphics was nice but the combat dosent even come close to that of Final Fantasy.

Now correct me if I' m wrong, because I' ve played little of those series since the ninties. (I stopped at FF7 and Elder Scrolls: Arena) But don' t those have different battle systems?
All the gameplay I' ve seen in Oblivion is dependent on how many times you hit a certain button. And although it' s better than strictly round by round, back & forth action. Final Fantasy XI still has a structured combat system, your character is allowed to attack at certain times (technically real time) that are controlled by their stats.

Is it really that fair to compare something that drastically different?
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 21 Jun 06 19:01:59 >

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RE: PS3 AND the never ending list of great things…………. - Jun 22, 2006 03:11
To be honest i think that right now i would buy either a wii or a 360 if i were you

why? because so far PS3 is the most expensive ( a lot more), harder to program ( which means that developers may not get the best of the hardware), and lives of old sequels.

I love final fantasy 7 and i enjoyed 8... i was rocked by metal gear 1 but metal gear 2 made me vomit...rpgs? yeah sure...ps3 is the japanese rpg machine but 360 is getting good rpgs soon and japanese ones.

Kojima should just wear a SOny employe badge...isn´t obvious that he loves them?

But hey...maybe ps3 will turn out great but so far nothing has taken away the possibility of PS3 sucking big time and 360 has shown great things...not perfect but good.

To be honest i hope to have them all

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