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Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Sep 21, 2006 04:13
Ta-da! I knew i' d posted about NGB on PS3 before! Like i said months ago... Xbox had an NVIDIA card just as PS3 does, so porting the game would be very easy. ...and take advantage of the additional power RSX has over GeForce 3. I' d like to see some direct feed screens of the PS3 version. The Xbox version running in 720p looks better than most 360 games, the PS3 version will only look nicer and with new content might very well be worth purchasing again! I don' t like the idea of a playable Rachel though...[:' (]
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Sep 21, 2006 04:37
I read at kotaku.com that just because its just confirmed for ps3 don' t mean its not coming for xbox360,however i really don' t want a third remake of NG i want my Ng2 to 360,and i hoe Itagki don' t use much of his time doing a remake but instead make Ng2.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Sep 21, 2006 04:42
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL I read at kotaku.com that just because its just confirmed for ps3 don' t mean its not coming for xbox360,however i really don' t want a third remake of NG i want my Ng2 to 360,and i hoe Itagki don' t use much of his time doing a remake but instead make Ng2. I seriously doubt Team Ninja will actually do the port. After DOAX2 i fully expect he' ll move right onto Ninja Gaiden 2, which we know will hit 360 before any other console. The game might be worth picking up on PS3 though, especially if it has tons of new stuff!
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Sep 21, 2006 05:18
...just had another look at ]GaNgStA[' s post from IGN, and they seem to think that Sigma IS being developed buy Team Ninja... ....this is getting confusing...  ...
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Sep 21, 2006 05:54
ORIGINAL: Bishonen ...just had another look at ]GaNgStA[' s post from IGN, and they seem to think that Sigma IS being developed buy Team Ninja... ....this is getting confusing... ... I don' t know whether i want them to develop it or not. I' d rather have Ninja Gaiden 2 quicker. Maybe they' re just overseeing it?!
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Sep 21, 2006 07:59
NG2 will be 360 exclusive. The ps3 game is being used to increase the popularity of the game in the japanese market gain it a bigger fanbase in that territory and when they look for more their only place to look will be Xbox 360. If ng2 is coming to the ps3 don' t expect its existence to be known or announced till the 360 version has been out like 7 months prior. They are literally setting the 360 up to look better than the ps3 by giving the ps3 a port while building a fanbase for the game its a clever scheme and its going to work.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Sep 21, 2006 08:12
ORIGINAL: Dyack NG2 will be 360 exclusive. The ps3 game is being used to increase the popularity of the game in the japanese market gain it a bigger fanbase in that territory and when they look for more their only place to look will be Xbox 360. If ng2 is coming to the ps3 don' t expect its existence to be known or announced till the 360 version has been out like 7 months prior. They are literally setting the 360 up to look better than the ps3 by giving the ps3 a port while building a fanbase for the game its a clever scheme and its going to work. Yeah, i can see how releasing a game on a machine that costs $600 and then releasing the " true" sequel on another machine and expecting the people who bought a PS3 to suddenly fuck it off and buy a 360 so they can enjoy the " real" game would work... Are you fucking retarded?! At the very least this is Tecmo asking Team Ninja to release a " version" of Ninja Gaiden on PS3 to generate money, ...or, it' s Itakgi wanting Japanese gamers to play his games. At the other end it could be that either Code Chronus or Project Progressive is going to be a PS3 exclusive and Itakgi needs to set the story out. Or the more likely situation is that Ninja Gaiden 2 will be multi-format with timed 360 exclusivity.
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Sep 21, 2006 08:39
At the very least this is Tecmo asking Team Ninja to release a " version" of Ninja Gaiden on PS3 to generate money ...yeah mostly about the money, although Itagaki-san is also a power/graphics whore... ...Team Ninja' s reputation is sky-rocketing all the time, Sony are offering ever larger sums of cash for a ANY TN game, and Itagaki-san is intrigued with what can be done with the PS3 hardware.... ...the only way MS could stop Team Ninja' s likely to be increasing involvement with Sony is to buy Tecmo outright (if that' s possible)....
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Sep 21, 2006 09:19
According to Famitsu Itagaki isn' t the producer. They don' t say who is though...
Chee Saw
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RE: Ninja Gaiden Black on PS3???
Sep 23, 2006 07:41
TRAILER for Ninja Gaiden Sigma, on the PS3. Looks like they redesigned NG from the ground up to display the power of the PS3. Damn, Team Ninja has the BEST trailers!!
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