Box Sets?

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Box Sets? - May 10, 2004 03:42
What series of movies have box sets and which series do not but will in the future?

For example, will there be a matrix box set?

Mass X
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RE: Box Sets? - May 10, 2004 04:33
The Alien Quadrilogy 9 disc boxset.
Oriogional Star Wars Boxset coming out soon I think
Very likly there will be a Matrix boxset.

Im wondering, if after the Alien V Predator movie comes out if there will be an extremly massive boxset...

Spider-Man years form now probably will.

Im not entirly sure what you meant by this question tho.....

Just went and foudn a complete boxset list of movies a nice 370 matches worth

Box Sets

I went thru most of it, and most are anime seires. Its not a very good list btw...
< Message edited by Mass X -- 5/10/2004 4:41:35 AM >

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RE: Box Sets? - May 10, 2004 04:44
yeah the Staw Wars trilogy is being released right away, and Indiana Jones was just released last year. Back to the Future too. I am waiting until I get my hands on the Rocky box set... here I come!

as for what i speculate:
Harry Potter will eventualy come out with something, I wonder if Lord of the Rings will have anything. I can only assume that the new Star Wars movies (1-3) will come out, or will the pair them up with the originals and make a huge boxed set - that' d be worth the mega money. Since this seems to be the age of sequels, prequels and three-peats, I imagine there will be many more boxed sets to come.

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RE: Box Sets? - May 10, 2004 11:47
Do you think it' s worth getting the box sets or just being the individual DVDs is just as good?

Mass X
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RE: Box Sets? - May 10, 2004 13:38
boxsets usually get you more for yer money. they often contain a few more extras, and it also helps keep things organized for me . And usually its the special additions included neways.

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RE: Box Sets? - May 10, 2004 23:06
I have to agree with MassX, the boxsets seem to be worth the bit extra. Sometimes, (such as with rereleases) yuo cannot buy the individual Dvd' s. And, if you are like me, and aesthetics matter, boxed sets look

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RE: Box Sets? - May 11, 2004 01:20
I am also into aesthetics but I am not patient haha
I don;t want to end up buying a individual copy and then have a box set come out

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RE: Box Sets? - May 11, 2004 04:08
yet another quandry. It isn' t so bad for rereleases (such as Star Wars and Indianna Jones) that had not been previously released on Dvd. It was like waiting for the Special Edition of LOTR, it is hard, but atleast a release date was in sight, for most of these, it is just specualtive.

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RE: Box Sets? - May 11, 2004 15:27
Yea I don' t mind if a box set has a scheduled release
I just would hate to buy the individual DVD without knowing a box set is coming out and then it does with even more features

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RE: Box Sets? - May 11, 2004 17:14
Ye box sets are better to get.

But what i did with the MATRIX is that i couldnt wait till the box set and just bought all the DVD' s The MATRIX(about 2 years after i seen it in theaters) ,RELOADED (first day),ANIMATRIX(first day),REVOLUTIONS(first day).

But when the box set comes out ill be the first in line for that.
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RE: Box Sets? - May 13, 2004 11:28
Lord of the rings has a box set coming out
But it has only 6 DVDs which means it is a box set of the non-extended versions
(It' s coming out on May 25th)
Do you think they will come out with an extended version box set when the Return of the King comes out as an extended version?

Mass X
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RE: Box Sets? - May 13, 2004 18:14
This is sort of like the gameboy. each one after has somthing the first one didnt have(Gameboy advanced - Gameboy SP. This in turns makes ppl buy the updated one. Its a big marketing tool basically.

Chances are theyll has som major set once Return of the King comes out.

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RE: Box Sets? - May 13, 2004 18:30
Robotech. Ever last episode.
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RE: Box Sets? - May 13, 2004 19:43
Return of the King and the box set are coming out on May 25th
But it is not an extended return of the king