Thompson strikes again!

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 14, 2006 03:54
It was merely a matter of showing how not all censorship is evil - a claim you made. I know it' s a very sensitive subject and I wasn' t comfortable using it myself, however it does put a point across. (And I don' t consider films like Hostel " art" )

Looking over the posts, I' ve probably gotten a bit too carried away on the smaller matters and not made myslef clear enough on the major points I' ve been trying to make.
Firstly (and it may surprise you), I don' t agree with film or video game censorship. However, I DO believe that more thought should be given pre-production as to a game/films basic premise. If a film is made purely to sicken its audience - that' s wrong and (IMO) should not be allowed. It' s pointless and helps no one.

Actually... That' s more or less it. Common sense should prevail to say that 2 hours of watching someone get tortured isn' t entertainment.

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 14, 2006 04:05
Not showing decapitations have nothing to do with censorship.
It' s about respect. Very different.
Stuff that sickens people should not be forbidden as everything more or less can sicken someone. Besides, you not forced to watch sick stuff just as children aren' t forced to play videogames.
If children play videogames then the parents should take responsibility and make sure that it stays as a game.
And adults themselves should be smart enough not to be affected by entertainment.
Prohibiting parts of entertainment makes no one happy.

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 14, 2006 05:01

It was merely a matter of showing how not all censorship is evil - a claim you made. I know it' s a very sensitive subject and I wasn' t comfortable using it myself, however it does put a point across. (And I don' t consider films like Hostel " art" )

Well it is art! Artist here in denmark have shown stuffed puppies and blenders with gold fish in them, where the audience is free to decide the fishes fates.

You should listen to Ginjirou, he got the wording on what i meant right! its not censorship, its respect!

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 14, 2006 06:11
It' s sad to see parents who cant face they had a sick child,but has to blame it on something,like " games" .
Or mayby the parents see a opprtunity to sue a new industry who makes tons of billions for nothing that should be even considered legit.

I saw horror movies when i was 10-12 never changed me a thing,but perhaps i was more okay with seeing that,i dont belive in the GOV and their 15 year pass etc,it should be up to the parents to decie what their kids can see or not,they know their child best.

Anyway,if the cause of something horrible crime was done because of game,then that sick person' s brain would have been triggered sooner or later by movies,music or even someone speakin,we all know that,but this idiots like thompson cant get that,or else he knew it but just tryin to make a lots of money seeing how this new industry has become so rich,and he want some money fast before its to mainstream.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 14, 2006 08:22
Kicking someone in the balls as a child after watching king of the hill is understandable, if not acceptable. Kid' s are impressionable, and want to try new things to get new responses, and in laymans terms, learn. Now, when you' re an older teenager or an adult, this is where you start having issues, either they have a sick sense of humor, or like to see people being hurt. I don' t flinch when someone gets shot in the head in a movie, but you can' t make me watch those dumb websites where they try and make people getting hit by cars, and shooting each other funny.
Even though I' m young, my parents raised me to realise the difference between reality and fiction. Some people don' t learn that, and I' m not saying it' s the parents fault either, because most of what i' ve learned has come from life lessons.
This is one of those things
I don' t think many people could take a definative stance on, except shortsighted Thompson, because we have no clue how or why that behavior develops, even though we know how it' s triggered.

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 14, 2006 18:28
Being scared of problems and running away won' t solve anything.
I think that the only way to learn the difference between fiction and reality is by letting children see violence and then try it out themselves.
If you don' t let kids watch violent movies or play violent videogames then they' ll probably never learn the difference. And when they get older and finally watch some violent entertainment then they might copy it for real and badly hurt someone, or worse, kill someone.

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 15, 2006 09:30
I agree.

I think the problem with modern parents is that they thnk that their responsibility is to protect their offspring from the world, when the true task is preparation.

They are depending on legislation to provide some kind of sterile utopia that their kids can grow up and inherit, when they should be raising kids with values that prevent the problems we are having today.

I' m thankful I have the kind of parents I have, and that they raised me the way they did.

I was allowed to watch r-rated movies. I owed an air pistol. If violent videogames had existed, I would have been allowed to play them.

To date, I' ve never cmmited a violent act. I' ve never even been in a fist-fight. Why? Because my parents raised me better. They were ALWAYS watching me. If they saw me doing something wrong, I was corrected.

At the time, I thought that sucked. I thought I didn' t have the freedom I needed. I thought they were over-bearing and over-protective. I can' t count how many times I came home from school and my dad was in my room going through my things. And hell yes it pissed me off.

The truth is, they were doing exactly what they needed to do.

Now, when i see a kid in the grocery throwing a tantrum, I don' t feel sorry for the parent. I feel sorry for the kid. Because that lazy ass parent isn' t kicking his little ass and teaching him how to respect the rules of society.

And politicians like Thompson give these lazy ass parents an excuse.

" My kid' s screwed up because he plays GTA all the time" instead of " My kid' s screwed up because I' ve haven' t made any attempt to curb his/her behavior"

I' ll end my rant here, I' m starting to get a little more pissed than I should be.

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RE: Thompson strikes again! - Jun 20, 2006 22:32
When parents cant teach their kids right from left nethertheless right from wrong
they look to national problems to cope." Why blame myself when this game has sex"

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